Let me be the first to welcome you to Pasadena ISD, San Jacinto Intermediate, Bondy Intermediate, BonnetteJr. High, Jackson Intermediate, Queens Intermediate, Southmore Intermediate, Deer Park Junior High Keller Middle School and Phillips Field House. The San Jacinto Invitational was created in 2004 to provide an opportunity for local teams to participate in a competitive basketball tournament against out of district opponents. During its inaugural year, the tournament included 8 teams and 12 games over a two day period. As we set to tip off our 13th year of existence, we will have 166 teams from 48 schools in 19 school districts competing in 325 games over the weekends of December 8-9 and January 12-13. In order for our tournament to continue to be successful, I wanted to take an opportunity to share a few key points with our spectators.

  • Admission—We will be selling wristbands at each location that will allow you to enter any of the eight gyms. Friday admission will be $3.00 and Saturday admission will be $3.00. Each day will have a different color band and passes will not be accepted. Doors will open 30 minutes prior to the first scheduled game at each location. Please do not attempt to enter the gyms before those times.
  • Please help us keep our gyms clean and enjoy all food or drinks in the hallway area.
  • Please lead by example and show good sportsmanship toward the referees. We have contracted with one of the highest recommended groups in Houston to provide the best referees possible for our tournaments. We expect our coaches and players to respect the referees and ask all spectators to lead by example with their comments and actions toward the referees and tournament volunteers. Inappropriate spectators will be asked to leave.
  • We will be selling Tournament T-shirts at each locationfor $15. Each school will be represented on the back of the shirt.
  • Tournament website—Maps, results & schedules--
  • Gym Addresses—WE will be at Queens on Friday for both games, and the Saturday Morning Game

Queens Intermediate

1452 Queens St

Houston, TX 77017

Saturday possible sites only Jackson Intermediate Southmore IntermediatePhillips Field House

1020 East Thomas2000 Patricia Ln2920 Dabney

Pasadena, TX 77506 Pasadena, TX 77502Pasadena, TX 77502

We Play on Friday at 6pm and 8pm at Queens Intermediate Bus will leave the school at 4:30pm

Saturday we play at 11:30 at Queens Intermediate Bus will Leave the School at 10:15am

Saturdays Second will depend on the first three games

If we win all three we play at Philips Field house at 3:15pm for the championship

If we win two of the three we play at Jackson Intermediate at 3:15 for Third place Gym 1

If we win one of the three we play at 4:30 at Southmore Intermediate at 4:30pm Gym 1

If we lose all three we play at 4:30 at Southmore Intermediate at 4:30 Gym 2