I search
Hate crimes are things like vandalism, arson, assault or murder. They are usually against someone because of race, religion, sexual preference, disability, age or gender. In a hate crime the person is targeted because of a characteristic that they can’t change about themselves I first heard about the term “hate crime” on one of my favorite shows, Law and Order. I am really shocked by hate crimes, because I don’t understand how people can be so hateful, and I want to know what can be done to stop them.
I really didn’t hear the term before watching Law and Order. I started also learning about it in class recently. It seems like since I have learned the term, I hear it used on there news. I still don’t understand why it ever started. I also don’t know what motivates them to commit the crimes, and what makes them so against that specific characteristic or type of person.
part 2
When thinking about hate crimes, there are many questions that come to mind: who are the victims’ of these crimes? Who are the people that commit these crimes? Are there certain places or times that these crimes take place most often? Are there certain cities that are worse and better?
Other questions that I really want to know are why these animals commit these crimes? Do they feel guilt? How are the victims affected? Is there anything that can be done to prevent these crimes? Is there something we can do as a society to bring awareness and prevention?
Part 3 annotated bibliography
“Hate Crimes”
cement issues: Macmillan social science library. Detract: gale, 2010. Gale opposing viewpoints in context. Web 2 Dec. 2011. Galegrounp.com/
This talks about the difference between hate indents and hate crimes, and looks into the offender.
Jim Burnonay,
“when worlds have consequences, Hate crimes and the same sex marriage debate,” box turtle bulletin, January 30, 2006. bulletin.com/aricles000.007.htm
Turner, Nancy
“Responding to hate crimes: a police officer’s Guide to investigation and prevention.”IACP, December 7, 2001 this talks about legal challenges. This inconsistent definitions and controversy over laws. The prevention act of 207 includes how a person perceives it.
Serwer, Adam.
“Multiracial America”. May 2011. Ebony.com this article is mainly about how it has been 130 years after the cine war, and race is still a big factor in America. It also gives several accounts of people who grow up biracial in America and how society looks at people.
“hate crimes today” an age old foe in modern dress” American psychological association. 1998 this is about the nature of expression of prejudice it states that many people perceive hate crimes perpetrators as crazy people, but most are by law abiding people. Extreme crimes tend to be committed by antisocial people.
Dunbar, E.
“hate crime patterns in Los Angeles county: demographic and behavior factors of victim impact and reporting of crime. This explains these are personal crisis, vulnerability, betrayal, shock, fear hopelessness, anger, and shame. People should avoid telling victims they know how they feel.
Koss, M.P., Goodman, LA, Broune, A,
“No safe haven: male violence against women at home, at work, and in the community. Washington, Dc, American psychological association. This explains how traumatic this is to victims and how fearful and power less they feel.
What I have learned part4
Many hate crimes are committed by men and are racially based. The typical race that is involved are African Americans and Caucasians. When a hate crime happens to someone the person can go into deep depression, deep personal crisis, acute shock/disbelief they even sometimes feel hopelessness, shame and, humiliation. These are some of the things that can happen to a person who is a victim of a hate crime, and the list goes on. Also it is very likely that some agencies and communities are not taking the right steps to stop these crimes. Only a very small amount of victims get the medical and mental help that they truly need.
No one really knows why a person would do this to another person other then finding something wrong with that person so they feel like they have to hurt them. Not everyone is alike but that is not a bad thing if everyone was alike then it would be a crazy world. They could be the same race, religion you name it but they can still find something wrong with them and really hurt that person. A hate crime can be one of the most traumatic experiences of a victim’s life that would be some thing really hard for the victim to deal with everyday. There are some steps to prevent this crime. One step would be asses hate/bias crime laws in your state/city. Another step is that a local community leader should take a strong stand against intergroup violence. These are only a few steps that you could take to avoid hate crimes. There is so much more that people can really do to stop these crimes. But we as the people need to also take a stand.
The people need to do something. Hate crimes are not always between two people. Some times it is things like arson or vandalism, particularly directed against community centers or houses of worship. There are hate crimes and hate incidents. There is a big difference. A hate crime is motivated by bias. A hate incident could kind of even be a behavior- it all depends on how far you take it. These are just some of the things that I learned about hate crimes. People need to start with themselves. They need to realize this is a hurtful thing. If they hear people talking or planning hateful things, they should try to talk sense into the person. If that doesn’t work, they should report it so they have a consequence that may get them to think twice about it.
Part 5
When I first started the I-search paper I started it kind of late. I had a lot of trouble coming up with the ten topics. They really made me mad. I like when I am given the topic and just need to provide the information that woks a lot better for me. when I started writing the paragraphs for what I knew and what I wanted to know it took me for ever to think about what I wanted to write down I was so frustrated with the paper. It looked like this paper was so easy for everyone else just not easy for me. I did not like that feeling at all. Then I really started to get ideas going I use bullet points and then I put them all into paragraph form this is what really got my paper going. I really did not like going to find all of my information thru the school site because there is a lot better information out there that needs to be heard. I printed out a lot off helped me out a lot with getting my paper done and ready. After getting done with part one and two I really started to feel good about the paper. It started to seem easy until I got to the annotated bibliography that was the hardest part ever. That was my first time ever doing it.i had to ask for help because I did not understand how I was doing it wrong. I had to start over that part of the paper two times. That paper made me so mad I have not got that mad over a paper the whole time I have been in high school. This is how my I-search paper went.