April 2, 2018
Lessons covered Week Mar. 26, 2018
Language Arts
Read “Big Wild Cats” “Jumping Jerboa” “Lion Who Lost His Wing”
Mickey Gets Fit”
Genre: non fiction, Opinion
Common Core Standards: Asking and answering questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers, Recount stories, determine the main ideas & supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and how they support the main idea. Make logical inferences from text
Writing: Opinion/Persuasion : Using Transition words
Topic 14 Area
T14-1 Covering Regions 14-2 Area Units
14-3 Standard Units14-4 Area of Squares & Rectangles
-Collaboration Days,Wed, April 11, 25. School dismisses at 2 p.m.
-SMARTER BALANCED Test Dates:April 24, 25, May 1, 3. Please avoid any absences on these dates.
-SMARTER BALANCED Practice Test link:
~Student Art Show Thursday, May 10, 3 – 7 p.m.
~Review for SMARTER BALANCED tests will begin this week. A slightly heavier load of homework and weekend assignments might be sent home. If your child need more time to complete them, please send me a note and the due date can be extended. We will correct the review in class.
~ is a great reading comprehension website. It models after the AR tests. This will be a good check to see if your child is ready to take the AR test on the book they are reading. After you register, click kids zone, click quizomatic, type in book title, take the test, print and turn in the test to me.(These tests will not replace the AR tests)
~ a greatwebsite for addition, subtraction, and multiplication timed test. By the end of third grade, students must master their multiplication 1 to 12. Start practicing.
April 2, 2018
Lessons covered Week Mar. 26, 2018
Language Arts
Read “Big Wild Cats” “Jumping Jerboa” “Lion Who Lost His Wing”
Mickey Gets Fit”
Genre: non fiction, Opinion
Common Core Standards: Asking and answering questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers, Recount stories, determine the main ideas & supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and how they support the main idea. Make logical inferences from text
Writing: Opinion/Persuasion : Using Transition words
Topic 14 Area
T14-1 Covering Regions 14-2 Area Units
14-3 Standard Units14-4 Area of Squares & Rectangles
-Collaboration Days,Wed, April 11, 25. School dismisses at 2 p.m.
-SMARTER BALANCED Test Dates:April 24, 25, May 1, 3. Please avoid any absences on these dates.
-SMARTER BALANCED Practice Test link:
~Student Art Show Thursday, May 10, 3 – 7 p.m.
~Review for SMARTER BALANCED tests will begin this week. A slightly heavier load of homework and weekend assignments might be sent home. If your child need more time to complete them, please send me a note and the due date can be extended. We will correct the review in class.
~ is a great reading comprehension website. It models after the AR tests. This will be a good check to see if your child is ready to take the AR test on the book they are reading. After you register, click kids zone, click quizomatic, type in book title, take the test, print and turn in the test to me.(These tests will not replace the AR tests)
~ a greatwebsite for addition, subtraction, and multiplication timed test. By the end of third grade, students must master their multiplication 1 to 12. Start practicing.