Lesson plan

Key Stage 3Year 8

Lesson number: 10Date:

Time: 1 hour

Lesson title: Tuna pasta bake

This lesson enables pupils to demonstrate food preparation skills when making a pasta bake, i.e. vegetable preparation, cooking and draining pasta, sauce making and use of the grill. Pupils will also consider the nutritional profile of the dish they have made.


Learning objective / Learning outcomes
To prepare and cook a main meal dish which demonstrates the role of calcium in the diet, such as, tuna pasta bake or vegetarian pasta bake. / All pupils will … / prepare and cook a tuna pasta bake.
Most pupils should … / prepare and cook a tuna pasta bake and describe the methods used.
Some pupils could … / prepare and cook a tuna pasta bake, describe the methods used and possible adaptations that may be made to the recipe.
To demonstrate the preparation of an all-in-one sauce; demonstrates safe use of the hob/grill, accurate weighing and measuring, boiling, draining, mixing. / All pupils will … / prepare an all in one sauce.
Most pupils should … / prepare an all in one sauce and explain the methods used.
Some pupils could … / prepare an all in one sauce and explain the methods used and state how the recipe can be modified.
To calculate the nutritional profile and compare the effect of using alternative ingredients. / All pupils will … / calculate the nutritional profile and compare the effect of using alternative ingredients.
Most pupils should … / calculate the nutritional profile, compare the effect of using alternative ingredients and explain findings.
Some pupils could … / calculate the nutritional profile, compare the effect of using alternative ingredients and explain findings giving benefits and any disadvantages.
To demonstrate and apply the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking. / All pupils will …… / list and apply the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking.
Most pupils should … / explain and apply the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking.
Some pupils could … / describe the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking and manage their implementation independently.

Teaching and learning activities

Time / Activity / Resources and equipment
5 / Introduction
Explain to the pupils that they will be making tuna pasta bake. Go through the aims and objectives for the lesson.
Gather the pupils around a demonstration area, ensure that all pupils have removed their jumpers and rolled up long sleeves, tied long hair back, put a clean apron on and thoroughly washed and dried their hands.
Briefly talk through the recipe – note your expectations, for example:
  • Measuring accurately;
  • Cooking and draining pasta carefully;
  • Making an all-in-one savoury sauce, without lumps;
  • Using the hob and grill safely;
  • Combining the pasta, sauce, vegetables and tuna together;
  • Placing the bake under the grill to gratiné;
  • Being hygienic and safe when preparing food.
/ Recipes (see Session 9)
Licence to Cook video - making a savoury white sauce
50 / Main activity 1
Ensure that all pupils thoroughly wash and dry their hands. Allow them to start making their tuna pasta bake.
During this time, circulate the room to ensure that pupils are preparing ingredients and using the oven safely. In this time, pupils should:
  • Measure their ingredients;
  • Cook and drain the pasta;
  • Make an all-in-one savoury sauce;
  • Combine the pasta, sauce, vegetables and tuna together;
  • Grate and sprinkle cheese over the bake;
  • Gratiné the bake under the grill.
All bakes should be already, or about to go, under the grill. During this time pupils should be washing up, cleaning work surfaces and putting away equipment.
Remind pupils that all washing up should be completed, work surfaces should be clean and their tuna pasta bake should be placed in a container.
Circulate the room, ensuring that sinks are clean and equipment is put away properly.
The pasta bakes should be cooled quickly and refrigerated within 90 minutes. Label each container with storage and re-heating instructions.
Remind the pupils how to complete a nutritional profile of their dish. Explain they will be completing an analysis for homework. / Explore foodrecipe worksheet
55 / Plenary
Pose the following questions to the pupils:
  • Why did the sauce go thick? What would happen if it was not stirred?
  • Name 3 other types of pasta that could be used.
  • What other ingredients could be used in a pasta bake?
  • What could be added to the topping to change the appearance and texture?

Literacy and numeracy

Literacy / Numeracy
Requires pupils to: /
  • listen with a purpose, selecting relevant information. They are expected to listen for a detailed understanding of content and to focus on specific areas for comment.

Main activities:
Requires pupils to: /
  • develop efficient reading and focus on the important features of a text.
  • use units of measurement to weigh and measure ingredients accurately;
  • measure/calculate time.

Requires pupils to: /
  • use Standard English confidently in their own writing and speech.


Complete a nutritional analysis of the dish you have made. Which ingredients could be changed to reduce the fat content? Complete an analysis and compare the results.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2017