Lesson Title: What’s the purpose?
Subject: Language Arts and Social Studies / Teacher: Paula Davis
Grade Level: 3rd
Essential Question(s):
Can we determine the author’s purpose even though the text is written by Indian authors?
What clues (text features) can help us determine the author’s purpose if the text is written in an unfamiliar language?
What comparisons can we make between text written in the United States and text written in India? / Goal Number and Focus:
Language Arts:
Goal 2 The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed.
Social Studies
Goal 2: The learner will analyze the multiple roles that individuals perform in families, workplaces, and communities.
Goal 4: The learner will explain geographic concepts and the relationship between people and geography in real life situations.
Objective Number and Focus:
Language Arts: 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 2.07
Social Studies: 4.01, 4.02, 2.02, 2.03
Activity / Description of Activities and Setting / Materials/Resources / Time (minutes)
Focus and Review
(establish prior knowledge) / Review author’s purpose: entertain, persuade inform and/or teach. / Internet Website:
faculty/rgarner/ Reading/Authors%20puropse.htm / 10 minutes
Statement (Inform) of Objectives / Determine author’s purpose
Compare text written in USA to text written in India. / Standard Course of Study
3rd grade / 5 minutes
Guided Practice
(teacher instruction) / Using a globe and/or internet resources discuss location of India in comparison to the location of the United States. Locate major cities within India using classroom maps and/or internet resources. Give a brief introduction into the fiction and non-fiction resources provided. Discuss areas from which the materials were collected. Locate areas on map. / Internet, classroom map resources
Variety of fiction and non-fiction resources from India. / 20 minutes
Independent Practice
(student work) / Provide students with an opportunity to explore fiction and non-fiction resources. As students interact with text, teacher should ask guiding questions to assist students in the understanding of author’s purpose and text comparisons. / Variety of fiction and non-fiction resources from India and the United States. / 20 minutes
Assessment / Provide opportunity for students to share information learned.
Discuss various text examples including those written in unfamiliar languages. Ask students how they were able to determine the author’s purpose. What text features were helpful for understanding?
Using a double bubble map, students work with a partner to compare an American newspaper, magazine or children’s book to one from India.
Discuss similarities/differences in whole group setting.
Discuss the fact that author’s from other countries also have a purpose for writing various types of text. / Variety of fiction and non-fiction resources from India and the United States.
Double Bubble Map / 20 minutes
Reflection / Students enjoyed learning about another culture through the exploration of text. This lesson can be adapted to fit resources from any culture.

2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after reading, listening, or viewing by: setting a purpose, previewing the text, making predictions, asking questions, location information for specific purposes, making connections, using story structure and text organization to comprehend.

2.03 Read a variety of text, including: fiction (short stories, novels, fantasies, fairy tales, fables), nonfiction (biographies, letters, articles, procedures and instructions, charts, maps, poetry (proverbs, riddles, limericks, simple poems, and

drama (skits, plays).

2.04 Identify and interpret elements of fiction and nonfiction and support by referencing the text to determine the:

author’s purpose, plot, conflict, sequence, resolution, lesson and/or message, main idea and supporting details, cause and effect, fact and opinion, point of view (author and character), author’s use of figurative language (e.g., simile, metaphor, imagery).

Language Arts

2.05 Draw conclusion, make generalizations, and gather support by referencing the text.

2.07 Explain choice of reading materials congruent with purposes (e.g., solving problems, making decisions).


Social Studies

2.02 Analyze similarities and differences among families in different times and in different places.

2.03 Describe similarities and differences among communities in different times and in different places.

4.02 Use appropriate source maps to locate communities

4.01 Distinguish between various types of maps and globes.