Lesson Plan


Lesson Title:Codes with Anne ListerGroup:Teacher: Date:

National Curriculum Key Stage and Targets: Year 5/6KS2 History Victorian Britain (A study of the impact of significant individuals, events and changes in work and transport on the lives of men, women and children from different sections of society). KS2 Attainment Targets in History.

Cross-Curricular Elements:Maths measuring and angles. History (Egyptians – Hieroglyphics)

Timing / Teaching and Learning
Focus the Learning - Learning Objectives: Tell students what they will learn, how it relates to their experience, the standard at which they are working and write key vocabulary on the board. / By the end of the lesson:
All students must know who Anne Lister was and that she wrote diaries in a code.
Most students should understand why she had to write in code during Victorian Britain.
Some students could explore the position of women in Victorian Britain and how things have changed.
Extend / Reinforce the Learning:
Homework: / SUGGESTION:
Invisible Ink worksheet (attached)
Begin the Learning - Starter: Present new information using Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic methods. / 10
mins / Task 1
Ask the children to write down words on their whiteboard that could be use to describe Victorian women.
Feedback and discuss.
Continue the Learning – Activities: This is the main part of the lesson. Provide a variety of challenging, differentiated VAK tasks / activities, meeting the needs of all students and all abilities.
Activity / Apply / Review
New activity / Apply / Review / 15
25min / Use the PowerPoint to teach basic facts about Anne Lister, who she was and what she did.
Task 2
Anne refused to marry and she had lots of relationships with women. Anne Lister was a lesbian. This means that she was attracted to women, not to men.
Group exercise: Slide 5 questions. Feedback to whole class.
Task 3
Show slide 7 & 8. Pupils will be asked to decipher the instructions’ for the rest of the lesson using a code.
Paired work using worksheet ‘Make Your Own Code Wheel’ (attached)
Supporting / Developing the Learning – Differentiation:
Where appropriate, identify students and the methods of support and extension to be used. Include support staff meeting notes. / Students / Target groups likely to need support
Simplified code. / Students likely to need extension work
Designing their own code e.g. using hieroglyphics
Celebrating the Learning - Plenary: Students demonstrate in some way what they have learned. Recognition of progress. Refer back to Learning Objectives. / 10
mins / Recap on main ideas. Feedback in whole group. Pupils peer and self assess progress made during lesson.
Management of Resources
Identify which resources are to be used and how. Include the use of new technology and the use of other supporting adults. / The children will all need an individual whiteboard and pen etc.
They will also need a copy of the instruction worksheet and each of the resources listed.
Equal Opportunities & Social / Moral / Cultural considerations
Identify any relevant aspects of the lesson which develop pupil understanding, skills and knowledge in these areas. / Some children may need extra support with the definition of the word ‘lesbian’
Health and Safety Considerations
Identify the major Health and Safety considerations and what needs to bedone to ensure maximum safety. / Normal KS2 classroom risk assessments for your school will apply