Lesson Study: Part of a Plant


Lesson Objective

Students will identify plant parts

Students will understand the function of plant parts.

Content Standards

Listening and Speaking

1.1Understand and follow one- and two-step oral directions.

Life Sciences

2c How to identify major structures of common plants and animals (e.g., stems, leaves, roots, arms, wings, legs)


Introduced: plant, leaf, flower, stem, roots, soil


 Plant

Student clipboard

Flower pictorial input chart

Large sheet of white paper

Instructional Model

Direct instruction

Cooperative learning

Prerequisite Knowledge

Students will know the difference between living and non-living things

Students will know how a plant grows.

Grouping Strategy

Whole group direct instruction (making of pictorial input chart)

Cooperative learning when exploring plant.


Teacher will begin by signing A Tiny Seed from Into English

Teacher will connect the activity with previous lessons such as identifying the plant as living or non-living.

Teacher will begin by explaining to the students what they will cover during the lesson and what the expectation are.


Teacher will begin by assigning different jobs. Students will be assigned positions such as a getter (1 student per table), surgeon (1 students per tables) sweepers (4 students per table), reporter (1 students per table) and recorder (all students)

Teacher will instruct the getter to pick up materials that will be needed for the activity.

Teacher will guide the surgeon to carefully take out the plant from the pot and place it on the white sheet of paper.

Teacher will instruct the sweepers to sweep of the dirt from the bottom part of the plant.

Teacher will instruct the recorders to sketch out a picture of the plant.

Teacher will guide the reporter in describing the different parts of the plant and will begin the pictorial input chart.


Students will use the pictorial input chart to build their own plant.

Students will complete a brace map of the different plant parts


Informal assessment of the students will be done during the activity.

Pictorial input chart will be developed with the information that the students provide.

Completion of brace map will used to monitor understanding of the concepts.