Phone: 07962147316
Please read this document carefully as it sets out our terms and conditions for running an effective service in an environment that is safe for your children. It will help us to work together and maintain a good relationship throughout your child’s time with us.
- The Saturday school is open from 10:00 to 15:00hrson Saturdays during term time.
First session: 10:00 – 12:30hrs – Years 2, 3 and 4*
Second session: 12:30 – 15:00hrs – Years 4*, 5 and 6
* More able year 4 pupils will be expected to attend the second session.
* Less able year 4 pupils will be expected to attend the first session.
We are located at
The Link,Belvedere Road,Off Harrow Manor Way,ThamesmeadLondonSE2 9BS
2. Students must be escorted to the classroom by a responsible adult at least 5 minutes before their session starts; except those who travel by themselves (forms must be signed to this effect)
3. All Children must be picked up by 15:10hrs. You will be charged a penalty of £3 for every 5 mins you are late to cover staff time and possible penalties for exceeding our agreed rental arrangements.
4. In order to keep up with the learning program, children should not miss sessions unless absolutely necessary and sick children should definitely not attend.
New students are required to attend up to 4midweek sessions before they are admitted to the Saturday school. The sessions take place during the school holidays andcost £35 per session payable on the day. These sessions are to enable us to;
- Determine Math and English levels
- Introduce/assess verbal and non verbal reasoning levels
- Assess vocabulary levels
- Assign the books at the appropriate level for each subject
- Sign up for the online math and English programs
All children are given the opportunity to do Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning in preparation for the 11+ exams, however we may ask children who are behind in Maths and English to continue working on these subjects (VR and NVR) at home with their parents while we focus on Maths and English during our sessions.
We will do our best to prepare all children for the 11+ exams however abilities differ and some children will struggle to make sufficient progress to be deemed selective. In such cases we will inform the parent and focus on preparing them for their key stage two tests in year six.
Extra/Alternative Sessions
Extra sessions may be necessary for those preparing for the 11+ exams, especially if they join us in year 5 or are behind in their studies. This will usually take place during the week subject to availability.
Midweek sessions may also be offered as an alternative to Saturday School if we feel a child is not making progress in the group sessions.
- Payment information will be provided at the beginning of the academic year with invoicesavailable on request.Payments are split into manageable monthly payments which are payable in advance.
- We run 38 sessions per academic year and these will be charged at £30.00 per session. There are 2 payment options as follows with amount:
- 12 monthly instalments of £95/mth from September to August inclusive OR10 monthly payments of £114/mth from September to June inclusive.
- *Parent’s pay for their children’s books and there is a £50 charge for access to our online math program - Conquermath. The fee charged depends on the remaining access period when you join; minimum £20
- There is a 10% discount for siblings attending theSaturdaySchoolat the same time and pupils joining us in the middle of the academic year will have their fees calculated pro-rata.
- Unfortunately it will not be possible to refund fees for non attendance, as wages, rent for the premises and other expenses will still apply for us.
- Parents are encouraged to pay by standing order to the school account rather than cash or cheque payments. This will reduce the administration involved in managing cash and cheques and will also make it easier for parents to keep up with payments and plan ahead for tuition fees.
Please be aware that fees are due in advance on the first Saturday of every month. Once your account is no longer in credit we will request that you pay cash @ the rate of £35/session for each subsequent session until you bring your account up to date.
The preferred method of payment is by monthly direct debit to the School’s account. This needs to be arranged with your bank or using your online banking service.
School account; Highflyers Saturday School (Santander) Sort Code 09-01-27 and Account Number 40921644 (Payments should run from September of the current year till August of the following year)
We try not to cancel sessions but this has occasionally been necessary due to bad weather or other incidents beyond our control. If this happens you will be notified as soon as possible and fees for the session will be credited to your account.
We ask that parents commit to a full term of lessons as this means we can plan for the term and possibly the academic year, however we understand that parents may sometimes wish/need to withdraw their children. This can be done at anytime but parents should be aware that they will be liable for fees till the end of the term. The last date for informing us of your intention to withdraw your child is in writing or by email to the school mailbox on or before the last session of each term (not half term). This is to ensure that there is no misunderstanding of your intention and that we have enough time to offer places to other children on our waiting list.
A) Lessons will not be run on the following days;
- The Half Term weekends
- Easter Holidays
- Christmas Holidays
- Summer holidays
Summer School is offered based on demand and priority will be given to children sitting exams in September.
These sessions will be arranged nearer the time and fees will be calculated based on the number of sessions required (minimums apply).
For the health and safety of all children and staff on the premises the following rules apply;
- Children will be marked as present on arrival for their session and a head count will be done to ensure that the number of children on the register tally with the number of children on the premises.
- Children and staff will be informed of the procedure in case of an emergency where there is a need to vacate the premises
- There will be at least one first aid person on the premises for medical emergencies.
- Children will not be allowed to leave the premises unaccompanied unless the parent has signed a form to allow this. For children travelling to our premises alone we ask that parents inform us in good time if they will be absent so we do not worry when they don’t turn up.
- Under no circumstances will a child be allowed to leave the premises in the middle of a session, unless being picked up by a parent.
- Children will not be released to any adult other than a parent unless by prior arrangement which must be confirmed with a text message.
It is your duty to;
- Inform us in advance if someone else will be picking up your child.
- Inform us if there is anyone who should never be allowed to pick up your child.
- Inform us of any allergies or medical conditions by filling out the required section on their registration form.
Children are welcome to bring a snack; preferably fruit and a drink (not fizzy) if they wish or you may give them money to buy a snack from the cafeteria or the vending machines.
Homework will ALWAYS be set and it is up to parents to check that their children have completed their work. Children are asked not to do more than the allocated homework in their books unless parents are prepared to mark and correct any extra work. The amount of homework will vary according the ability of the child, with more able children being set more homework. We encourage children those who need more work for the week to login into their Read Theory and conquermath accounts for extra work.
Children must be respectful at all times and staff will also be expected to treat the children with due courtesy.
We have a zero tolerance for abuse and violence against staff and other children, any unruly child will be asked not to return.
The Link is a lovely place to have our sessions and during their break the children will benefit from the open spaces provided. They will be escorted downstairs and will be supervised at all times. Weask that you please speak to your children about respecting the premises as well as the equipment provided and the importance of staying with the group when we go downstairs.
While we will always endeavour to give an excellent service we may sometimes fall short. To make a complaint or express any concerns about our service please send an email to the school mailbox and we will get in touch as soon as possible. If you do not receive a response within 48 hours please call the manger to discuss the issue.
If you have decided to join us please return your completed registration form to Mrs A Isamah 10 St Brides Close Erith Kent DA18 4DTand make yourfirst payment of £120 to:
Highflyers Saturday School (Santander) SC 09-01-27; A/N– 40921644
Please send an email to or text 07962147316 stating your name, payment date and reference
*The £120 will secure your place and represents the fees for the first 4 sessions. This fee needs to be paid before the agreed start date and is non-refundable as places not taken up need to be re-advertised.
Mission Statement
Our main mission is to increase your child’s expectations of themselves and to make them realise that they can do better than they think. We will provide support and motivate the children to do better in all areas of learning.
We aim to improve their understanding of mathematical concepts and their reasoning skills as well as their vocabulary and spellings. It is hoped that most, if not all the children we teach, will attempt a selection of 11+ tests for the surrounding boroughs of Bexley, Kent, Bromley and Medway with the hope of gaining admission into one of the many grammar schools.
While we cannot guarantee that all the children will pass these examinations and ultimately gain admission into a grammar school, we will be working hard towards this goal and at the very minimum improve your child’s achievement levels in their core subjects as they approach their key stage 2 tests.