As part of our on-going efforts to provide updates to all of our neighbors...

As of last night, we reached our goal of 51% and the road petitions were notarized and submitted to BT.If any additional residents would still like to sign a petition, you will be able to do so until March 30, 2018, as promised. Please let us know and we will be happy to come to your home.

In Chestnut Run North, we have 97 homes, with 4 excluded because they front Hickory Grove and are not part of the process, nor are they required to pay for the roads. Of the 93 petition-eligible homes:

•50 signed the petition stating that they want the roads done (53.76% of homes)

•2 petitions were requested via mail from BT and are still outstanding; they may be submitted at any time

•26 homeowners indicated “no”—this includes those who told the HOA directly, we heard indirectly from another neighbor, or if you are a homeowner who leases your home and did not respond to the emails or mailings

•15 homeowners who live in their home did not respond to our emails or mailing and are considered “unknown”

Based on actual frontage measurements, we believe that in addition to 53.76% of homeowner signatures, we also have 53.98% of frontages.

Looking ahead, BT indicated it takes about 30 days to certify the signatures on all the petitions. It is normal for BT to question a signature or ask for additional information—if you are widowed or divorced and they do not have that information on file, they may request a copy of the corresponding document; if the signatures for some reason do not match your deed, they may ask for additional information; etc. For privacy reasons, we will only notify the homeowner this affects and we will not provide updates on those matters.

The HOA Board would like to again thank everyone who provided a voice on this matter. We learned a lot along the way, and also enjoyed meeting neighbors we might never have had the pleasure of knowing.

We would also like to thank our neighbors who opened their homes for signings and Q&A opportunities for residents, became official Petition Circulators, and offered help in countless other ways. It truly was a large endeavor and we could not have successfully undertaken this task without everyone's help.

We also want to respond to an earlier email to the neighborhood, regarding unanswered questions posed to the HOA Board. We appreciate the email and additional questions, but all the questions posed to us have been routinely posted on our HOA website and it is currently up-to-date. We did not post on our website all of the questions from the original email thread due to its length.However, we feel, in the end, we did provide answers to all of the questions posed, and provided additional contact information of various government employees so additional, complex questions could be answered directly by an original source. We are more than happy to post the full email thread that was initiated in January, containing all 37 questions posed throughout the past three months, and it will be posted by the end of the weekend.

However, we are unable to post the BT video from 2015 because it is beyond our capabilities, but hopefully everyone can access the link provided in the previous email. Most of the questions/answers from the video would be best answered either by Mark Meszler from the RCOC, Olivia Olsztyn-Budry at BT, or Mr. Savoie himself. We encourage everyone to reach out and ask these questions directly to any of these contacts.

In the meantime, the HOA Board will ask BT if they will participate in another meeting, hopefully in April. We are sorry that some homeowners were disappointed that they could not attend the December meeting, but we thought it important to get the road pricing out to the neighbors before winter vacation and before many neighbors travelled south for the winter; hence the short notification timeframe. However, no one expressed any disappointment in missing the meeting to the HOA Board, and we thought having posted a lengthy outline of the meeting, plus several opportunities to ask questions at the half dozen petition signing events—which many neighbors attended and asked questions, regardless of their stance on the petition—was sufficient and an additional meeting was not necessary. We are happy to work with BT to organize this second meeting, and we will update you with a meeting date as soon as we can confirm one with BT.


Chestnut Run North HOA Board