Lesson Plans of Dr. Michelle M. Ferrer
High School Spanish I, Grades 7-8
MONDAY, November 14, 2016
Grade 7
ISLS: 28.A.1a, 28.D.1b, 28.B.1a, 28.B.2a
CCSS: K.RI.7, K.RF.3.a, K.RF.3.c, K.RF.3.d
OBJECTIVE: Students will continue using forms of ser and applying rules for gender agreements. Students will apply question words to match questions with logical responses.
METHODOLOGY: Students will complete cuaderno de gramatica y vocabulario pages 16-18. (Stop at act. 15.) Students must take excellent notes on question formation. In ¡Expresate! page 52, read grammar notes. Also, assign pages 52-53, activities 16, 17, and 18.
DIFFERENTIATION: Echo reading; choral reading; color-coding; mnemonic devices for memory strategy; explicit connections to cognates; use of notes/visual aides; use of reference pages; task completion with partners; use of word banks.
ASSESSMENT: Check homework.
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION: Suggested use of the Expresate! practice website to review grammar of Chapter 2: https://go.hrw.com
Grade 8
ISLS: 28.A.1a
CCSS: K.RI.7, K.RF.3.a, K.RF.3.c, K.RF.3.d
OBJECTIVE: Students will conjugate the stem-changing verbs: preferir, poder, and probar.
METHODOLOGY: After taking notes, students will complete a verb-conjugation practice sheet.
DIFFERENTIATION: Echo reading; choral reading; color-coding; mnemonic devices for memory strategy; explicit connections to cognates; use of notes/visual aides; use of reference pages; task completion with partners.
ASSESSMENT: Observe students participation.
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION: Suggested use of the Expresate! practice website to review grammar of Chapter 6: https://go.hrw.com
TUESDAY, November 15, 2016
Grade 7
ISLS: 28.A.1a
CCSS: K.RI.7, K.RF.3.a, K.RF.3.c, K.RF.3.d
OBJECTIVE: Students will create sentence describing familiar people.
METHODOLOGY: Students will use a storyboard to describe familiar people and illustrate their unique physical/personality traits.
DIFFERENTIATION: Mnemonic devices for memory strategy; explicit connections to cognates; use of notes/visual aides; use of reference pages; task completion with partners; multiple responses modeled and encouraged in response to each picture.
ASSESSMENT: Observe students’ participations.
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION: Suggested use of the Expresate! practice website to review grammar of Chapter 2: https://go.hrw.com
Grade 8
ISLS: 28.A.1a
CCSS: K.RI.7, K.RF.3.a, K.RF.3.c, K.RF.3.d
OBJECTIVE: Students will continue to use the verb preferir, poder, and probar to talk about food preferences.
METHODOLOGY: Review homework. In Expresate! assign pages 204-205, activities 17, 18, and 19. In cuaderno de actividades, assign pages 51-54.
DIFFERENTIATION: Echo reading; choral reading; color-coding; mnemonic devices for memory strategy; explicit connections to cognates; use of notes/visual aides; use of reference pages; task completion with partners.
ASSESSMENT: Check homework.
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION: Suggested use of the Expresate! practice website to review grammar of Chapter 6: https://go.hrw.com
WEDNESDAY, November 16, 2016
Grade 7
ISLS: 28.A.1a
CCSS: K.RI.7, K.RF.3.a, K.RF.3.c, K.RF.3.d
OBJECTIVE: Students will be assessed on all grammar related to using ser with adjectives, making plural adjectives, and question formation.
METHODOLOGY: Administer Quiz: Capitulo 2, Gramatica 1.
DIFFERENTIATION: N/A. Quiz is a mandated assessment for the High School Spanish I program.
ASSESSMENT: Score and record quiz grades.
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION: Suggested use of the Expresate! practice website to review grammar of Chapter 2: https://go.hrw.com
Grade 8
ISLS: 28.A.1a
CCSS: K.RI.7, K.RF.3.a, K.RF.3.c, K.RF.3.d
OBJECTIVE: Students will continue to use the verbs ser, estar, pedir, servir, preferir, poder, and probar to talk about food preferences.
METHODOLOGY: Administer Quiz: Chapter 6, Grammar 1.
DIFFERENTIATION: N/A. Quiz is a mandated assessment for the High School Spanish I program.
ASSESSMENT: Score and record quiz grades.
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION: Suggested use of the Expresate! practice website to review grammar of Chapter 6: https://go.hrw.com
THURSDAY, November 17, 2016
Grades 7 & 8
ISLS: 28.A.1a
CCSS: K.RI.7, K.RF.3.a, K.RF.3.c, K.RF.3.d
OBJECTIVE: Students will identify words related to the Thanksgiving holiday.
METHODOLOGY: Students will have class time to work on their vocabulary packets to identify foods, colors, and holiday artifacts.
DIFFERENTIATION: Mnemonic devices for memory strategy; explicit connections to cognates; use of notes/visual aides; use of reference pages; use of online resources; task completion with partners; extended time to complete outside of class.
ASSESSMENT: Observe students’ participation.
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION: Use of online translators.
FRIDAY, November 18, 2016
Grades 7 & 8
ISLS: 28.A.1a
CCSS: K.RI.7, K.RF.3.a, K.RF.3.c, K.RF.3.d
OBJECTIVE: Students will identify words related to the Thanksgiving holiday.
DIFFERENTIATION: Mnemonic devices for memory strategy; explicit connections to cognates; use of notes/visual aides; use of reference pages; use of online resources; task completion with partners; extended time to complete outside of class.
METHODOLOGY: Students will have class time to work on their vocabulary packets to identify foods, colors, and holiday artifacts.
ASSESSMENT: Observe students’ participation.
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION: Use of online translators.