Lesson Plans for the Week of January 24, 2011

Monday, January 2 4, 2011

Goals for the Day:

  • Use rubrics to judge the quality of writing
  • Add/delete information and details to better elaborate on a stated central idea
  • Write an effective conclusion to you research paper
  • Revise sentences for clarity and add transition sentences
  • Identify main idea in a passage


  • Board Work – Write down goals for the day in assignment notebook
  • Silent Reading – 15 minutes
  • Review the Amoeba exercise from last week - 10 minutes
  • Pass back research paper rough drafts and rubrics. Review the rubric with students and have them judge their own writing and assign it a grade based on the rubric 10 minutes
  • Discuss how to write an effective conclusion. Students will take some time to write their final conclusion. 30 minutes
  • We will review how and why to write transition sentences
  • Make any necessary corrections to rough drafts

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Goals for the Day:

  • Add/delete information and details to better elaborate on stated central ideas
  • Write effective conclusions for research paper
  • Revise sentences for clarity
  • Practice using new vocabulary in context
  • Explain ways in which author convey mood and tone
  • Identify and examine use of symbols and foreshadowing
  • Identify examples of universal themes.


  • Write down goals for the day
  • Choose 5 new vocabulary words and try to use them correctly in context. (Worth 10 points) 15 minutes
  • Students will be given another 30 minutes to make corrections to their research paper rough drafts, add/delete information and finish writing the conclusion.
  • We will continue to read The Pigman, looking for examples of foreshadowing, flashback and symbols. We will begin to discuss how the symbols can reveal themes.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Use available technology to compose research papers.


Students will spend this time making corrections to their research papers and double checking them against the rubrics. Students who finish their assignments early will be permitted to read their Silent Reading book.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Use available technology to compose research papers

Conduct background reading

Examine setting and how it affects other literary elements


We will be in the library computer lab completing the final drafts of our research papers. Students who finish early will be given a WebQuest activity to complete that will help them contextualize the setting of The Pigman. Topics will include: New York City, the entertainment of the 1960s, the sports of the 1960s, and important historical events of the 1960s

Friday, January 28, 2011


  • Analyze the impact of setting on other literary elements.
  • Demonstrate reading comprehension by predicting, recalling, summarizing, making inferences and drawing conclusions
  • Explain how an author’s choice of genre affects the expression of a topic or theme


  • Write down goals for the day
  • Share findings about the 1960s and New York City/Staten Island.
  • Review the events of the novel up to this point
  • Discuss realism and identify the characteristics of the genre
  • Identify some themes that are being addressed in the novel and discuss ways it would be different if the author had used a different genre/setting
  • Continue reading The Pigman and look for examples of the characteristics of realism