Lesson Plans for 1st grade October 24-28, 2016
Subject: Math / Unit Title: Number and OperationsMonday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / I can use pictures to show taking from / I can model taking from, or separating from, a group / I can model taking apart, or separating / I can use pictures to compare and subtract / I can take apart or separate numbers
TEKS: / 1.3. B Use objects and pictorial models to solve word problems involving joining, separating, and comparing sets within 20 and unknowns as any one of the terms in the problem. / 1.3. B Use objects and pictorial models to solve word problems involving joining, separating, and comparing sets within 20 and unknowns as any one of the terms in the problem. / 1.3. B Use objects and pictorial models to solve word problems involving joining, separating, and comparing sets within 20 and unknowns as any one of the terms in the problem.
1.5.D Represent word problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers up to 20 using concrete and pictorial models and number sentences / 1.3. B Use objects and pictorial models to solve word problems involving joining, separating, and comparing sets within 20 and unknowns as any one of the terms in the problem. / 1.3. B Use objects and pictorial models to solve word problems involving joining, separating, and comparing sets within 20 and unknowns as any one of the terms in the problem.
Key Vocabulary: / subtract / Minus, difference, subtraction sentence / subtract / Compare, fewer, more / Subtract, minus, difference, subtraction sentence, compare, fewer, more
Manipulatives Used: / Connecting cubes / Two-color counters
Lesson Procedures: / Go Math Lesson 5.1 pgs. 160-162
Homework pgs. 163-164 / Go Math Lesson 5.2 pgs. 165-168
Homework pgs. 169-170 / Go Math Lesson 5.3 pgs. 171-174
Homework pgs. 175-176 / Go Math Lesson 5.4 pgs.177-180
Homework 181-182 / Review Lesson 5.1-5.4
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Rti Tier 1 Lesson 20
Enrich 23 / RtI Tier 1 Lesson 21
Enrich 24 / RtI Tier 1 Lesson 22
Enrich 25 / RtI Tier 1 Lesson 23
Enrich 26
Technology Integration: / Math on the Spot
Interactive Student Edition Lesson Opener / Math on the Spot
Interactive Student Edition Lesson Opener / Math on the Spot
Interactive Student Edition Lesson Opener / Math on the Spot
Interactive Student Edition Lesson Opener / Go Noodle
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative- checked exercise worksheet,
Discussion, and observation
Summative-Module test, unit test / Formative- checked exercise worksheet,
Discussion, and observation
Summative-Module test, unit test / Formative- checked exercise worksheet,
Discussion, and observation
Summative-Module test, unit test / Formative- Module Assessment Review
Summative-Module test, unit test / Formative-
Discussion, and observation
Summative-Module test, unit test
Higher Order Thinking / H.O.T Problems #5, #6 / H.O.T. Problems #6, #7 / H.O.T. Problems #5, #6 / H.O.T Problems #4, #5
Itasca Elementary School Week of:October 24-28 2016Grade: ____1st Grade__
Subject: ELAR / Unit Title:Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / Recognize Authors Purpose HFW words live, out, people, who work Identify Special Titles; Distinguish long and short sounds. Spell words long I (cvce diagraphs). Important ideas.
Intro -Explanation / Recognize Authors Purpose HFW words live, out, people, who work Identify Special Titles; Distinguish long and short sounds. Spell words long I (cvce diagraphs). Important ideas.
Intro -Explanation / Recognize Authors Purpose HFW words live, out, people, who work Identify Special Titles; Distinguish long and short sounds. Spell words long I (cvce diagraphs). Important ideas.
Intro -Explanation / Recognize Authors Purpose HFW words live, out, people, who work Identify Special Titles; Distinguish long and short sounds. Spell words long I (cvce diagraphs). Important ideas.
Intro -Explanation / Recognize Authors Purpose HFW words live, out, people, who work Identify Special Titles; Distinguish long and short sounds. Spell words long I (cvce diagraphs). Important ideas.
Intro -Explanation
TEKS: / 1.27.A.2 ask relevant questions to clarify information 1.23A.1 Generate a list of topics of class wide interest
1.28.A.1 share information about the topic
1.28.A.2 Share ideas about the topic
1.2.E.1 isolate initial sounds in one word syllable spoken words
1.3.A.2.ii.3 decode words in isolation by applying common letter- sound correspondence
1.3.B.1 Combine sounds from common spelling patterns to create recognizable words.
1.3.H.1 identify at least 100 high frequency words from list
Question of the Week: / Who works to make our community a nice place?
Key Vocabulary: / Amazing Words:
Citizen, Community , Law, Leader, Branch, Headquarters, Patrol and earn / High Frequency Words:
Live out people who and work / Academic Vocabulary:
Author’s Purpose, expository text special titles.
Materials Used: / Unit 2 Student Reading Street Book, Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook, Sing with Me Chart, Decodable Readers, Leveled Readers
Lesson Procedures: / Concept Talk: TE 78-79
Spelling: TE 82
High Frequency Words: TE 83
Vocabulary: 79
Listening Comprehension: 83 Cause and Effect
Conventions: TE p. 83 Special titles. 83 Explanation / Concept Talk: TE p
Spelling: TE 84
High Frequency Words: TE p 85
Vocabulary: 84
Story words:86
Main Selection – First Read: SE 86-95
Decodable reader Conventions: Special Titles. / Concept Talk: TE p. 96
Spelling: TE p96
High Frequency Words: 96
Main Selection – Second Read: TE 86-95
Story Words96
Fluency: TE 97
Conventions: Special titles. Expository quick write. / Summative Assessment: Spelling Test, HFW Test, Special titles test
Read aloud
Guided reading
Write a Friendly letter. / Summative Assessment: Unit 2, Story 9 Test, Special titles test.
Differentiation/scaffolding: / If children have difficulty choosing a place to visit you can give them different places to visit in the community / Using amazing words encourage children who have to think of business that might have branches or headquarters / Make a map which will help your children to understand where places are in the community. / Have students brainstorm different ideas that can help with understanding different jobs that earn money / Partner Read with Decodable readers.
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides
Technology Integration: / iStation
Lexia / iStation
Lexia / iStation
Lexia / iStation
Lexia / IPAD Epic app
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative Assessment: Students can write CVC words with shth recognize sequence of a story, recognize animal fantasy, use HFW words in a sentence, and recognize a common noun.
Summative Assessment: Unit 2, Story 8 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Proper noun test / Formative Assessment: Students can write CVC words with shth recognize sequence of a story, recognize animal fantasy, use HFW words in a sentence, and recognize a common noun.
Summative Assessment: Unit 2, Story 8 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Proper noun test / Formative Assessment: Students can write CVC words with shth recognize sequence of a story, recognize animal fantasy, use HFW words in a sentence, and recognize a common noun.
Summative Assessment: Unit 2, Story 8 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Proper noun test / Formative Assessment: Students can write CVC words with shth recognize sequence of a story, recognize animal fantasy, use HFW words in a sentence, and recognize a common noun.
Summative Assessment: Unit 2, Story 8 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Proper noun test / Formative Assessment: Students can write CVC words with shth recognize sequence of a story, recognize animal fantasy, use HFW words in a sentence, and recognize a common noun.
Summative Assessment: Unit 2, Story 8 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Proper noun test
Higher Order Thinking / What people in the pictures might help people in the community? / How can police officers help the neighborhood? / The author suggest that you smile at the offices on in your neighborhood why might this be a good thing for you to do?
Subject: Science / Unit Title: Magnets
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / Identify and discuss how magnets can be useful in everyday life / Identify and discuss how magnets can be useful in everyday life / Identify and discuss how magnets can be useful in everyday life / Identify and discuss how magnets can be useful in everyday life / Identify and discuss how magnets can be useful in everyday life
TEKS: / 1.6B – Predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push or pull and object.
Key Vocabulary: / Push, pull, force, repel, attract, magnet
Manipulatives Used: / Toy car, magnets / Various magnets and items to attract/repel
(screws, paper clips, cans) / Various magnets and items to attract/repel
(screws, paper clips, cans) / Student journals
Lesson Procedures: / Teacher moves toy car with magnet to introduce, watch Content Connections video
Cut out magnet foldable / Students predict which magnets will items will be attracted by the magnets
Read p. 53-64 in student workbook
Make notes in foldable / Students predict which magnets will have a great pull force
Make notes in foldable / Read p. 53-64 in student workbook, answer questions on p. 66-68
Make notes in foldable / Magnet Review
Summative Assessment: Magnets
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Magnet Foldable / Magnet Foldable / Magnet Foldable
Technology Integration: / Stemscope Connections Video / Stemscope Picture Vocabulary
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative:(how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify magents and push/pull effect
Stemscope Assessment: Magnets / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify magents and push/pull effect
Stemscope Assessment: Magnets / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify magents and push/pull effect
Stemscope Assessment: Magnets / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify magents and push/pull effect
Stemscope Assessment: Magnets / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify magents and push/pull effect
Stemscope Assessment: Magnets