Annual Monitoring Report Template / Appendix 7a

Annual Monitoring Report Template

For use by collaborative partners and Middlesex university campuses

AnnualMonitoring Report

{Name of School and Department}

{Name(s) of Partner Institution or Middlesex campus}

{reporting period (2015/16 academic year)}

Programme(s) reported on

Programme Title / Joint

Table of contents

1. Indicative sources of evidence to be considered...... 3

2. Overview commentary 5 3. Action table 5

4.Notable success or strengths...... 9

5.Good practice ...... 9

Appendix 1: data tables (for validated and validated/funded programmes only) ………………………10

1. Indicative sources of evidence to be considered

Tick if considered /

Source of evidence

External examiner reports (for both 1st and 2nd tier boards) and response made to Examiners
Assessment board minutes
Admissions data and enrolment profiles (admissions targets, entry qualifications, age, gender, ethnicity and disability)
Progression and achievement data (referring to profiles as listed above if possible)
Articulation agreement data (where applicable)
Boards of Study minutes and any responses made
Student feedback mechanisms (including programme/module feedback form analysis and National Student Survey results and analysis where available
Feedback from the induction process (if available)
(first destination) Leavers survey – including analysis of students entering graduate level jobs
Employer and former student feedback (if available)
Validation and review reports (where applicable)
Professional Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) accreditation reports (where applicable)
Contingency plans
OfSTED inspection reports (UK-based provision only)
Minutes of relevant committees and boards with responsibility for teaching quality, progression and retention, evaluation / enhancement of quality procedures (accredited institutions only)
Any other external quality reports


Appendices to the report are not required for joint and franchised programmes. All evidence for such reporting is retained within the link school/Institute for Work-Based Learning.Appendicesare required, however, for validated and validated/funded programmes.

In addition to the above the following is also required:

CV details for new members of staff and a list of staff who have left (all collaborative provision)
List of programmes that did not recruit (all collaborative provision)
Details of any changes to Regulations (all collaborative provision)

2. Overview Commentary

Please provide a brief summary of the key developments over the last year and key themes and issues arising from the evidence. It is not necessary to address every area of the action table but summarise key themes and enhancements arising. Use the guidance in 7(i) to assist in identifying areas for consideration in this section and in the action plan.

Please note any issues that arise from multi site operation and how these are being addressed,

3. Action table

3a update on actions from previous year (2015/16please copy in the action plan from the last AMR and comment on progress in achieving actions. Indicate where actions are ongoing. Carry any ongoing actions into new plan for 2016/17).

No / Point for consideration (target/goal) / Source (evidence of issue) – please cross refer to issues raised in the report / Action plan to be followed (use bulleted list if appropriate) / Success criteria for meeting action (measurable outcome) / Action required by whom
and date for completion / Report back via and date / Progress (citing date and evidence as appropriate) / Action Closed?
(yes (date)/no*)
*Carry unclosed actions into new action plan
1Recruitment and Profiles
2Progression and Achievement
3First Destination
4Curriculum Development
5New Programme(s)
6Learning Teaching and Assessment
7Learning and IT Resources and Student Support
8Quality Management Process
9Operation and Management of Collaborative Links

3b New or carried over actions for 2016-17

Targets should be SMART:

Specific (i.e. what specifically are you trying to achieve)

Measurable (i.e. must be able to measure achievement of the target/goal)


Relevant and Realistic


[Authors must ensure that the action table responds to any recommendations made by the External Examiner(s)]

No / Point for consideration (target/goal) / Source (evidence of issue) – please cross refer to issues raised in the report / Action plan to be followed (use bulleted list if appropriate) / Success criteria for meeting action (measurable outcome) / Action required by whom
and date for completion / Report back via and date / Progress (citing date and evidence as appropriate)
1Recruitment and Profiles
2Progression and Achievement
3First Destination
4Curriculum Development
5New Programme(s)
6Learning Teaching and Assessment
7Learning and IT Resources and Student Support
8Quality Management Process
9Operation and Management of Collaborative Links (including contingency plans)

4. Notable success or strengths

Programme title / Success or strengths identified

5. Good Practice

Good practice identified as suitable for dissemination / Originator / Proposed method of dissemination

Author(s) and role:


Completed reports should be sent electronically to: Veronica Canning, Academic Quality Service

e-mail to:

Appendix 1:

Data tables (only required for validated and validated/funded programmes)

1. Recruitment and profiles

1.1 Targets (optional)

Qualification name / Target

1.2 Applications

Qualification name / Applicants / Offers / Acceptances / Enrolled / Ratio applicants
/offers / Ratio applicants/ enrolled

1.3 Enrolment profiles

1.3.1 Entry Qualifications

Qualification name / % A-level Equivalent / % GNVQ/BTEC/ADV Nat Dip / % Access/DIP HE/HND / % UG Qual / % EU/Non UK Qual / % PG Qual / % Prof Quals / % Uni Credit / % Mature/no formal qual / % Other / % Not Known / Total (number of students)
1.3.2 Disability
Qualification name / % Dyslexia / % Deaf / % Blind / % Wheelchair / % Mental / % Unseen / % Multiple / % Not Known / % Care / % Not Listed / % None / Total (number of students)
1.3.3 Ethnicity
Qualification name / % White / % Black / % Asian / % Chinese / % Other Ethnic /Mixed Ethnic / % Other/Not Known / Total (number of students)
1.3.4 Gender
Qualification name / % Female / % Male / Total (number of students)
1.3.5 Age Groups
Qualification name / % Under 21 / % 21-24 / % 25-29 / % 30 & Over / Total (number of students)

2. Progression and achievement

2.1 Progression

Programme / Year[1] / Full-time / Year[2] / Part-time
Number of students enrolled / % Pass year[3] / % W/D[4] / % Fail year with retake opportunity / % Fail programme / Number of students enrolled / % Pass Year[5] / % W/D2 / % Fail year with retake opportunity / % Fail programme
A / 1 / 1
2 / 2
3 / 3
4 / 4
B / 1 / 1
2 / 2
3 / 3
4 / 4
C / 1 / 1
2 / 2
3 / 3
4 / 4

2.2 Achievement

2.2.1 Undergraduate qualifications – Degree
Qualification name / % First / % Upper second / % Lower second / % Third / % Unclassified / % Exit Qualification
Diploma / % Exit Qualification
Certificate / Total number of Passes / Total number of Deferred / Total number of Fails
2.2.2 Undergraduate qualifications – Other
Qualification name / % Distinction / % Merit / % Pass / % No classification / % Classification TBC / Total number of Passes / Total number of Deferred / Total number of Fails

2.2.3 Postgraduate qualifications – Masters

Qualification name / % Distinction / % Merit / % Pass / % P/G Diploma / % P/G Certificate / % No classification / % Classification TBC / Total number of Passes / Total number of Deferred / Total number of Fails
2.2.4 Postgraduate qualifications – Other
Qualification name / % Distinction / % Merit / % Pass / % Exit Qualification
PGDip / % Exit Qualification
PGCert / % No classification / % Classification TBC / Total number of Passes / Total number of Deferred / Total number of Fails

3. First destination statistics

Qualification name / % Entered Work / % graduate level jobs / % Further Study / % N/A / % Continue in or Return to PrevEmp / % Returning O/seas / % Seeking Employment / % Self-employed / % Not known / Total (number of students)

4. Academic Misconduct

Cases handled locally / Cases handled by MU

(delete as appropriate)

Alleged CasesUpheld Cases

Examination / Plagiarism / Collusion / Other / Total number of alleged cases
Level 0/1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Examination / Plagiarism / Collusion / Other / Total number of alleged cases
Level 0/1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4


uploaded 01Nov132016/17

[1]Please indicate which year is the final year by the “*” symbol

[2]Please indicate which year is the final year by the “*” symbol

[3] i.e. can proceed to next year or will successfully graduate

[4] Withdrawn students (show permanent and temporary withdrawals)

[5] i.e. can proceed to next year or will successfully graduate