Oxford-Burma Visiting Fund: Application form

Completed applications should be submitted via email to the International Strategy Office () by the closing date. Closing dates are publicised on the Oxford and Burma website (www.ox.ac.uk/about/international-oxford/oxford-and-burma), via the University’s Burma Interest Group, or are available from the International Strategy Office.

It is not necessary to write more than a total of two pages for the entire application. However, applicants who wish to provide more information are welcome to attach extra sheets to their application.

Full name
Head of Department / PI / Supervisor
The person you report to within your department. For academic staff this will be the Head of Department, for postdocs your PI, for DPhil students your supervisor.
Please append a brief statement of support from your Head of Department / PI / Supervisor
Organisation you plan to visit in Burma
For most visits this will be a department at the University of Yangon or one or more other Burmese universities. When applying for a grant to visit a Burmese university you must state clearly which department/s you will visit
Please append a brief statement of support from the head of the organisation that you plan to visit
This is likely to be the head of the department you wish to visit. A copy of an email inviting you to visit is acceptable.
Relevant professional background
A full academic CV is not required. Please aim to succinctly illustrate your experience, with particular attention paid to skills and knowledge that will be of benefit to the organisation you plan to visit in Burma.
What activities (teaching, research, training, policy development, etc) will you take part in while in Burma?
Please describe these as specifically as you can (i.e. numbers of lectures, themes of seminars, etc), illustrating how these activities will benefit your host in Burma and/or your own professional development.
Proposed dates of visit
Additional notes
Please use this section to add anything germane to your application that is not otherwise covered by the form.

If you need any further guidance, please contact International Strategy Officer Ed Nash

Ed Nash

International Strategy Officer


T: +44 (0) 1865 280 489