Lesson Plan Template

Name: ______Jesi Wallace______Grade Level:__Second Grade______

Estimated number of days lesson will cover: __One day______

Lesson Subject/Title: All About Antonyms and Nouns
Performance Standards: ELA 2R3 c. recognizes and applies the appropriate usage of homophones, homographs, antonyms and synonyms.
“I will be able to recognize and apply usage of synonyms and antonyms.”
Lesson Objectives (What students will know and/or do) : Nouns and antonyms
The students will be able to come up with an antonym for a set of words and match those words to each other correctly.
The students will be able to look up nouns, to find their meaning, in the dictionary.
Enduring Understanding: The students will understand what nouns and antonyms are. The students will also understand that they can look up the meaning of a noun in the dictionary and an antonym in the thesaurus.
Essential Questions:
What are nouns?
What are antonyms?
Key Vocabulary: Antonyms- are a word that means the opposite of another word.
Time / Procedures / Differentiation / Materials/Resources / Assessment
9:15- 10:15am / Introduction/hook/activation of prior knowledge- Ask students if they can tell me what a noun is? What an antonym is? Have the students divide out into their reading groups. Remind students which group is on the computer today (b’s). Go around to each group and explain what they will be doing. Also make sure they know that there is a direction sheet on the table by their activity in case they need it. / Students are grouped based on their reading levels. / Direction sheets for the memory game.
Instructional activities
Group 1: (Mrs. Miller) A to Z Readers/ Antonym worksheets.
-  Level J- “Can You Say Pterodactyl”- What is a pterodactyl? Antonym matching worksheet.
-  Level H- “A Monster Fish Tail”- Matching antonym worksheet.
-  Level N- “Becky’s Puzzle Problem”- Talk about bolded words; what are they? Why are they bolded? Write those words down on a piece of notebook paper and have each student come up with the antonym by themselves.
Group 2: (Ms. Wallace- me) Antonym Flipchart on Activboard- talk about what an antonym is and where you can find them. Have students come up and do the activities on flipchart.
Group 3: (Independent) Computers/ Antonym Memory Game- Raz- Kids Phonics on the computer (b’s). Memory game- cut out the words, turn over (face down)- flip two cards over, do those words match? If no, then turn them back over and try again. If they do match, keep them face up so that you can see them.
Group 4: (Independent) Read story with partner from Reading textbook- “Wilson Sat Alone” pg 126. Once you have finished reading the story with a partner, complete the noun sheet on both sides. If you finish with the noun sheet, then read quietly from your new author study books. / A to Z Readers are based on students reading level.
Group 3: If you finish the memory game before time to switch, play it again with a partner and see who can match them up first.
Group 4: If you finish reading the story and the noun worksheet, Read your new author study books.
Phonics on the computer (Raz-Kids) is based off of the students reading and phonics level also! It helps teachers keep track of the students progression throughout the year / Computer
Internet- raz-kids
A to Z Readers and worksheets
Flip chart on antonyms
Antonym memory game
Zip lock baggies
Reading textbook
Noun sheet
Author study books- The Bailey School Kids / Antonym Worksheets from A to Z Readers
Noun Sheet
Review and Closure
In the two more “guided” groups, give a quick recap of what antonyms are. Students should really know what nouns are, so focus mainly on antonyms.
Group 2: Show the definition slide of the flipchart once more so they can see it and read it with you.

Lesson Reflection:

What worked well in your lesson?

What modifications did you make in your instruction for varying abilities of students based on your formative assessments?

What follow-up instruction related to your objectives is needed either for remediation or extension?

What would you still like to learn that might help you to better meet the diverse needs of your students?

[Type text][Type text]version Aug 2011