Our students residing in the dormitories shall use e-mail addresses and passwords given them in rmat by the Information Processing Center in order to connect to the internet. Our students will log in the internet system of the dormitories by inserting one end of Cat5 or Cat 6 cable that they themselves will purchase to the port under the tables and other end of these cables to Ethernet ports of the computers. Meanwhile an automatic IP address shall be appointed to the users by the system and a hotspot screen by which they can enter username- password will appear when they want to connect to the internet. Students residing in the dormitories must sign up the system, for once only, by clicking "Add User" link that appears on Web Page. During sign-up, they have to enter Name, Surname, Dormitory-Room Information, School Number and Işık e-mail addresses and passwords given to students by Işık University. MAC addresses (Physical Address) of the users' computers are processed in the form that will be automatically filled out after reading. The students who do not know their e-mail addresses or passwords can not enter any web-page other than web-pages of Işık University. Web Page, E-mail Page and Campus-Course Online pages of Işık University can be entered without user name and password.
Other Important Information;
1-The students must use IP address automatically appointed by the system. The users who give IP manually cannot log in the system.
2-Web pages to which our students log in and sign up the system in terms of password safety are encoded by using 256-bit certificate.
3-Each user should sign up over his/her own computer while signing up. Because, MAC addresses of the computers that they will use while signing up the system are automatically read and identified in the system. In case of computer change, MAC address of the user should be also changed.
4-If a user want to log in system through another computer, information regarding that MAC address is changed will appear in terms of safety. However, the users can do this process two times in 7 days at most. In case this is exceeded, they shall be blocked by the system.
5-Information Processing Departments of the Universities must keep IP access records of the users within the scope of Internet Access Law No. 5651. Therefore, students should not share their e-mail addresses and passwords and they should not log in the system with their own user accounts via other computers other than they log in. Otherwise, liability shall be on the user in case of any internet crime.
6-The students who do not know their e-mail addresses and passwords between ………….. hours during …… days up to date of...... as of commencement date of settlement in the dormitories can learn their e-mail addresses and passwords by coming to the Department of Information Processing and presenting their identities.