Lesson Plan One: Word Drawing Tools (1 period)

Author: Angela Spencer-Mukes

Grade Level: 9th Graders

Subject Area: Computer Applications/Social Studies

Students’ Present Level of Performance and Skills

In general, students of the 9th grade academy can utilize the basic functions of Word, and have done some keyboarding. Most students can browse the Web and are familiar with the operations of a browser (including typing in a URL and clicking links to go from one page to another). Many of the students understand the concepts of uploading and downloading files, and using media on the Web. To complete all of the lessons listed below successfully, students should be able to:

  • Do basic keyboarding
  • Browse the Web
  • Read
  • Use the basic functions of Word (Open, Close, Exit, New Document)

Classroom Layout and Grouping
Students will work at their own individual computers for this lesson. All computers are visible to the teacher as students work.

Materials, Resources and Technology

Each lesson will require a PC, Internet connection, and Microsoft Office.


This lesson is designed to provide students with an introduction to the drawing tools in Microsoft Word and an immediate application.

Instruction Objective

Students will understand use of the Word drawing toolbar, in order to use them to create a cover page for the research paper.


Students will open Microsoft Word, and follow along with the teacher as the drawing tools are demonstrated. Students are encouraged to create an example document along with the teacher to become comfortable with the tools. Teacher will demonstrate:

  • Autoshapes
  • Oval, Rectangle, Line tools
  • WordArt
  • Rotation

Students will create a demo document, adding color and lines. (10 min.)

When students are done, students will then be given unformatted text, basic information for an imaginary Civil War weapons shop. Students will be instructed to take the information and create a flyer in Word. Students may add creative elements and must provide three pictures of Civil War era weapons.

Assessment Plan/Student Products

The flyer, created using Microsoft Word drawing tools are judged on the following criteria:

A completed that includes the appropriate text and three Civil War era weapons: 20pts.

A document that contains all the text, but is missing graphics: 18pts.

An incomplete document that is missing text, or a graphics: 15pts.

Supplemental Activities

None are provided.

Adaptations for Special Learners

Learners with special needs are given extra assistance and more time for completion if necessary.

Michigan Education Technology Standards

1.9-12.CI.1. apply advanced software features (e.g. built-in thesaurus, templates, styles) to redesign the appearance of word processing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations

2.9-12.RI.1. develop a plan to gather information using various research strategies (e.g., interviews, questionnaires, experiments, online surveys)

3.9-12.TC.12. demonstrate how to import/export text, graphics, or audio files

Michigan Content Expectations

Strand I. Historical Perspective - Students use knowledge of the past to construct meaningful understanding of our diverse cultural heritage and to inform their civic judgments.

Standard I.2 Comprehending the Past

All students will understand narratives about major eras of American and world history by identifying the people involved, describing the setting, and sequencing the events.

Standard I.3 Analyzing and Interpreting the Past

All students will reconstruct the past by comparing interpretations written by others from a variety of perspectives and creating narratives from evidence.

Technology Integration

There are two technologies being used for this lesson. The first is Word, which will be used to turn a raw text excerpt into a document in two columns with an imported graphic.

The second technology is the Internet, which will be used to supply the student with graphics of their choice that applies to the reading.


The technological knowledge necessary for this lesson is expertise in Microsoft Word. As students have problems, or make mistakes that expertise is necessary to fix the problems that come up.

TPACK Analysis


The lesson serves as an introduction to the Civil War, and Microsoft Word drawing tools.


The methodologies necessary for teaching.


The use of machinery, usually in reference to a new advancement of society.

Content Knowledge

Content knowledge is knowledge of the content itself. I have a solid knowledge of the Civil War.

Pedagogy Knowledge

This lesson employs a demonstrative scaffold. The lesson keeps the students engaged, while reinforcing their social studies curriculum and providing them with independent practice, thus easing the need for classroom management.

Technology Knowledge

I have an advanced knowledge of Microsoft Word, including drawing tools.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge

I have used this technique to teach an introduction to a new skill. Allowing the teacher to demonstrate the skill and then allow the students to experiment with that skill on their own provides a scaffold where students can expand their knowledge safely and under the teacher’s supervision.

Technological Pedagogical Knowledge

Using the drawing tools in Word to teach the basics of the Civil War, specifically what weapons might have been used allows the students to think and make decisions about what weapons they will present, and why. This entire procedure provides a very hands-on experience while adding a level of creativity.


The idea behind the lesson is to provide the students with a way to incorporate core curriculum and the technology needed for the rest of their high school and college careers. By demonstrating the technology first, then supplying a task about the core subject, the students use technology to reinforce their social studies knowledge. By choosing Word I have started with a technology that will be key to the rest of their lives while providing added support to the social studies curriculum.