Sarah Johnson
Lesson Plan – Health and Physical Education Department
Class Year Level: Year 11 / Level 6 / Lesson Focus: Yochilates Conclusion and Summative AssessmentAchievement Objective:
6A1 – Investigate and understand reasons for the choices people make that affect their well-being and explore and evaluate options and consequences.
6A2 – Students will choose, implement, and maintain an appropriate physical activity programme that enhances their well-being.
Specific Learning Outcome:
Students will demonstrate an understanding of how participation in a specific physical activity (yochilates) can influence their hauora/well-being.
Essential Skill Focus:
Physical Skills, Social and Co-Operative
Resources needed:
“Hauora: A Handbook for the Whole Person”, “The Heart of Yoga” by T.K.V. Desikachar, “Tai-Chi Spirit and Essence” by Beverley Milne, “Chinese Soft Exercise” by Paul Crompton, “Yoga for Living: Boost Energy” by Peter Falloon-Goodhew, Yoga for Living: Feeling Confident”, by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, “The Pilates Powerhouse” by Mari Windsor, “Practice Yoga” (video), “Pilates for Dummies” (video), “Tai-Chi for Beginners” (video), New Zealand Fitness Magazine articles (as before), other various magazines around the house or the school, question cubes (from John Taylor),
Equipment needed:
Larger sheets of paper, scissors, glue, markers, crayons, question cubes,
/ Learning sequence. Consider logical progressions: teacher and student activities, focus questions, teaching points, and assessment opportunities.10 min / To start the lesson I will: To capture interest, gauge current experience, knowledge, skills, attitudes.
· Explain to students that today will be a re-cap and personal reflection on their participation in yochilates for the last 5 lessons.
· Tell students of personal story of how my participation in Body Flow (combo of yoga, tai-chi, and pilates) influenced my hauora and overall well-being after sickness.
· Tell of how it affected me physically – strength and flexibility, socially – got me back into the gym and into the community after sickness, emotionally – cleared my mind and helped me have a positive outlook on getting healthy, and spiritually – increased my sense of personal identity and helped me set and achieve goals.
· Any stories that students want to share about themselves or someone they know?
· Hopefully students have learned a means of physical activity or exercise that can benefit all areas of their lives.
20 min / Body of the lesson: Learning activities that focus on learning intent.
Question Cubes
· Explain to students that we are now going to do an activity involving sharing with a partner.
· Explain that students will get into partners and have to come up with six questions each (using the cubes) for their partner to answer on a sheet of paper.
· Once the questions are formed, students must answer the questions the students have made up for them.
· Explain that the questions must be related to the last few classes – participation in yochilates and how that affects all aspects of hauora.
· Teacher demonstrates using the question cubes by rolling them and forming a question, such as “Who might you be able to participate in this activity with?”
· Teacher will choose partners – first person on roll with the last person, etc.
Learning sequence continued.
25 min / · Have students move so that they are sitting in their pairs.
· Hand out the question cubes to each pair.
· Once each partner has answered their questions, we will go around the class and share one question and answer per student. i.e. Brian asked me this question……..and I answered with this………..
· Teacher leads discussion about some of the answers that were shared and what they revealed about students’ experiences over the last few lessons.
Hauora Brochures***
· Make sure that all students have their daily logs with them – those who don’t have them have to complete whichever dimension they forgot at home.
· Teacher explains that this is part of a summative assessment to see how students are doing so far and if they are grasping the concepts.
· Explain to students that the learning outcome for this activity is to evaluate the factors in which participation in yochilates has influenced all areas of their hauora.
· Students are to use their daily logs and reflections to evaluate their thoughts and feelings each day of the activity.
· Students are to create a personal brochure about their participation in yochilates.
· The front cover is to be the front of the brochure – title: “Yochilates: My Personal Experience”. The front cover is also to have their name on it.
· The 4 inside flaps of the brochure are to represent each dimension of hauora – students are to describe and explain the factors that influenced each dimension and evaluate how those factors may influence other areas of life. (See “assessment” for examples and further descriptions.)
· Students are to use the large sheets of paper and fold them to create their brochure.
· Students are also to use pictures, words, etc, from the resources (books, magazines, articles, etc.) provided in their brochure. Explain that this task will be graded on content and not creativity.
· Explain to students that they will have the rest of the period to work on this and will finish it for homework if not completed in class.
· As students work on their brochures, teacher circulates to check progress, keep students on task, and encourage student thinking.
5 min /
To conclude the lesson in a relevant way, I will: Recap, de-brief, reinforce learning intent.· Have students stop working on their brochures and clean up the materials and resources.
· Explain to students that this brochure will be handed in (along with their daily logs) by next class (or two days from today).
Assessment – Formative/Summative: How will I know that the intended SLO has been achieved?
Summative Assessment*** (all of this will be explained to students as well)· Students will create a brochure representing their participation in hauora and how that affected each dimension of hauora.
· Higher grades will be given to students who not only identify, describe, and explain how participation influenced their hauora, but who evaluate each factor and how it may affect other areas, such as future participation, relationships, etc.
· Expected responses:
· Physical – my participation in yochilates definitely made me feel stronger and more flexible through the different stretches and poses. I would continue to participate in this activity because I feel being more flexible and stronger would help me in my competitive hockey playing.
· Emotional – my participation affected my mental/emotional well-being by communicating with other members of my class to create a yochilates routine to lead the class through. This made me feel good when we had worked together to create a really fun routine that the rest of the class enjoyed. This really good feeling is very helpful as I now feel more confident in presenting to others and standing up in front of the class.
Lesson Evaluation: Include comments about aspects that went well and why, and aspects that could be improved, including strategies to put in place for the next session.
What I think will go well:· Sharing my personal story with the students may help them see a real example of how participation in this type of activity has greatly affected someone’s overall health and well-being and also to help explore their own thoughts and feelings.
· Question cubes are a creative and semi-directed way for students to share their experience with another student.
· I think the students will enjoy creating the brochure because it is a nice alternative to just writing an essay or reflection on their participation – it brings in a little artistic expression and using other resources to be creative.
What I think may go not as well:
· Students may have trouble developing questions relating to yochilates and hauora and may get off topic quickly. It may be necessary for teacher to provide many examples.
· I hope that the instructions would clear enough, but the students may need more clarification and more examples of what the teacher is looking for.
· May be very helpful for teacher to create their own brochure so students can see an example and have a starting point.
Next and following sessions:
· This theme of participating in physical activity and describing how this influences hauora/well-being will be continued for about 12 more sessions through different activities.
· The next lesson will start 6 lessons on unihoc (team game) and the 6 lessons following that will be on badminton (individual sport).