Lesson Plan Guidelines

General Information

Name: Candice Fisher

Grade Level: 6th Grade

Title of Lesson

·  Puberty

Primary Learning Outcome(s) (PLO)

·  The student will be able to identify who goes through puberty. (Everyone, at different rates)

·  The student will be able to name 3 changes the body goes through. Male or female (hair growth, breast development, voice change)

·  The student will be able to name four categories of changes. (Physical, emotional, cognitive, and social)

Virginia Performance Standard(s)

·  6.1 g

·  6.1 q

·  6.2 g

·  6.2 p

Materials and Equipment

·  Handouts, video clip, projector, tape, candy


Step One: Introduction

The students are aware that we are starting the sexual education unit. They will be nervous to come to class. Make sure to talk about the classroom being a safe space. Nothing we talk about in class will be discussed around school. If they have questions or concerns they can come to me (the teacher), a parent, school nurse, or doctor. Reassure them that everyone goes through puberty and it is completely normal that their bodies are changing. Everyone changes and develops at different rates. Next we are going to watch a video that goes through the basics of puberty.


After watching the short film talk about some of the key points mentioned. Hair growth in new places, bodily odors, growth spurts, breast development, more emotional and sensitive, wanting to be independent. Let the students talk about their own experiences or observations that they have seen. One example I like to use is a personal one- when I was going through puberty I was overwhelmed by choices. Going to restaurants and picking out a meal was hard for me. I did not want to choose the wrong thing and often found myself crying at the table trying to decide. At the time I was embarrassed that I was crying in public and couldn’t figure out why I was so emotional. Now looking back I realize it was just because I was going through puberty.

Step Two: Teaching the Primary Learning Outcome(s).

Teach the content relevant to the primary learning outcome(s).

Before we start the activity we are going to go over a few things.

1st who goes through puberty? Everyone

2nd does it happen overnight? No it’s a process that takes years to go through puberty

3rd people start puberty at different times, is that okay? Yes, everyone’s body has its own agenda and when it’s time for your body to start changing it will.

Next, the students will be placed into groups of 4-5 and together they will sort pieces of paper that have different changes written on them. In their group it is up to them to figure out under what category the change belongs in. Their options are: Physical, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive. Once all the groups have finished we are going to check and see if our answers match up. While we are checking we are going to go into deeper discussion about each change. We will discuss if this happens to a boy, a girl, or both. During this time we will also be going over different vocabulary that they may not know of yet. *menstruation* this is a new scary word for them

Step Three: Closure

Before class is over each student will have the opportunity to answer/ask a question about puberty. To reward them for participating they will receive a piece of candy.

Assessing the Primary Learning Outcome

Making notes about who is participating and who is engaged in conversation. Looking for nodding, eye contact, and participation.

Make sure to ask questions about the material we went over in class to the students.


http://teachers.teachingsexualhealth.ca/wp-content/uploads/Elementary-Puberty-Quick-Lesson-2015.pdf - get terms/changes to the body and print out for students

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rsj6dW6qKRc –intro video for unit