Snitterfield Primary School

Tel. – 01789 731301



Friday, 23rd June 2017

Dear Parents,

Class 3 trip to Twycross Zoo, a report by Wendy Goodwin

We went to zoo it was a bit of a roo! So first we saw BIG Leopards with the most beautiful spots ever! After the BIG Leopards we saw billions of Monkeys!!! Yes the things that go…ooh,ah,ooh,ah, Eeek! There were loads of different types of species, such as Gorillas, Orangutans and Humans! Then we saw TALL giraffes! They were very far away but eventually they came closer and closer. Then we saw Meer cats and they were tiny! Then suddenly we saw big tortoises with massive shells. We had a request to see elephants so we saw the elephants and there was a baby elephant. Then we went along this weird path which took us to the Zebras. Then it was lunchtime! After lunchtime we played at a little park. Then we saw kangaroos!!! Then we saw a bird that looked like a parrot. Then we went to the butterfly forest. It was time to go home now. Then Lauren and I saw the gift shop! We begged Mrs Norris to go to the gift shop. Mrs Norris said ’no’, but then she let us go. I bought a snow leopard which is endangered. It was only a toy though. We went home on the coach and I fell asleep!

And by Eleanor McLauchlin

I loved going to the zoo. It was so much fun. I loved seeing all of the animals, especially the elephants and giraffes. The monkey’s enclosure looked like so much fun and when I saw the giant turtles I was amazed! Their shells were as brown as a swamp! And their skin was very bumpy, bumpier then gravel, definitely. It was really very fun! The best school trip by far. There were leopards, elephants, giraffes, Meer cats, otters, flamingos, parrots, orangutans, gorillas and many, many more. There were lots of baby animals that were really cute. The experience of the zoo and animals has really helped me with The Butterfly Lion. I really loved the Zoo.

Please turn over for Class 1’s report on their trip to the Butterfly Farm

Diary Dates

Sharing Assemblies: Wednesdays, 2.45pm

28th June – Class 4 and 12th July - Class 2

*Please note change of date- Class 1’s sharing assembly will be on Friday, 14th July, 9am.*

Class 2 trip to the Sealife Centre-Tuesday, 4th July

Year 6 Leavers Assembly – Thursday, 20th July- 11am

Open Morning- Thursday, 6th July- 9-11am. Please feel free to come along and have a wander through all the classes and see the school at work. Grandparents, aunties, uncles and friends are very welcome as are any parents who children may join us in the future.

Physical Education (P.E.) is a very important part of the school curriculum. Unfortunately some children are unable to take part in PE lessons because they don’t have their PE kit including trainers or pumps in school. Can we ask all parents to please make sure their child/ren have their complete kit in school. Children in Classes 1 and 2 have PE on Thursday afternoons and Classes 3 and 4 on Friday afternoons.

Classes 3 and 4 Performances of Pirates of the Curry Bean. 10th July 9.30 am Dress Rehearsal, 6.30pm performance, Tuesday, 11th July, 2pm performance.

FOSS End of Year Disco- Thursday, 13th July (times to follow) Please turn over

Fantastic news from the village Fete, all your hard work baking cakes, bringing in toys and running stalls has raised nearly £900 for the school and over £160 for Snitterfield nursery. We had lovely weather, great fancy dress entrants and lots of happy families having fun. The monies raised will buy extra equipment and help fund activities for your children that just aren't covered by the school's normal budget. Money raised by the Fete committee on raffles and entrance fees will be used to support a wide range of village activities and in the past Snitterfield school has also been given extra money for projects such as the Forest School. Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed the fete, and to everyone who gave up their time to make it such a huge success. (And if anyone is missing a round black plate that a cake was brought in on, please speak to Claudine Pearson or Roz Bull.)

The Friends of Snitterfield School (FOSS) Annual General Meeting is taking place on Tuesday 4th July, at 7:30pm in the school hall. Whether you are a regular attendee or you'd just like to come along to see what it's all about, we'd be delighted to see you there. The more parents involved the better, and with FOSS raising over £3,000 this year, you can see that it makes a difference to the education of all the Snitterfield School children. Please join us to find out more.

Rural Cinema Sunday June 25th 2017 - Snitterfield Village Hall

The Rural cinema will be back in Snitterfield Village Hall on Sunday June 25th when we shall be screening ‘The LEGO Batman Movie’ (U) at 3pm and ‘Lion’ (PG) at 7pm.

In the Lego Batman movie a cooler-than-ever Bruce Wayne must deal with the usual suspects as they plan to rule Gotham City, while discovering that he has accidentally adopted a teenage orphan who wishes to be his sidekick.

Starring Dev Patel, Nicole Kidman, Sunny Pawar and Rooney Mara, Lion tells the true story of five year old Saroo who gets lost on a train which takes him thousands of miles across India, away from home and family. Saroo must learn to survive alone in Calcutta, before ultimately being adopted by an Australian couple. Twenty-five years later, armed with only a handful of memories, his unwavering determination, and a

revolutionary technology known as Google Earth, he sets out to find his lost family and finally return to his first home.

Tickets available on the door and priced at £3 for Under 12s; £4 for over 12s &

Adults; £10 for a family of 4. Refreshments available.

For further information please see the village website; noticeboards or call

Hilary Schmidt-Hansen Tel: 731246

Secondary School Open Days:

Alcester Grammar: Open Evening - Thursday 6th July, 5pm to 8.15pm