Title: Man Buys More Than 1 Million Facebook Users Data for $5
Date:28Oct. 2012 / Grade: 9-12 / Subject:Online Safety
/ Teacher Information: This video makes a great lead in to discussions about Online Safety and what companies should do as their part. This video provides multiple sources, which state, who is affected by online safety and how. It is not a discussion of identity theft as much as it is a focus on compromised user data for purposes of spam and phishing scams.
Phase / Task(s) / Time
Preparation / Write on the board before students enter the room, "Bulgarian Man buys 1.1 Million Facebook Users’ data for the price of a subway sandwich. How can this breach of users’ data lead to spam and phishing scams?"
Brainstorm to review the words "Online Safety," "Digital Citizenship," “Spam,” and "Phishing". / 10 min
Watch / As a class watch the Newsy.com video: Man Buys More Than 1 Million Facebook Users Data for $5
/ 1:26min
Re-watch and answer / Re-watch in pairs and answer the questions to Part A of the worksheet provided at the end of this lesson plan. / 10 min
Group Work / Break up into groups of 3 or 4 and brainstorm ways to keep your online information safe in the various venues:
  • Email
  • Social Networking
  • Blogs
  • Bank Sites
  • Bill Websites
Fill in Part B of the worksheet. / 15 min
Discussion / Full class discussion on topic and share ideas with the class. / 10 min
Title: Man Buys More Than 1 Million Facebook Users Data for $5

Extended Learning Activities – Optional

Parent Involvement / Have students share the ways they can help protect their information, at each venue, with their parents. Then have parents share additional methods or participate in one already mentioned. / varies
Research / Students will research why apps are allowed to collect our personal information. / varies
Research / What policies are currently in place to protect our information online? / varies
Report / Choose one of the sources in this webcast, find the article or newscast in its entirety, and report back to the class a summary of their findings. / varies

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Money phishing scams are on the rise. Here are some examples of email communications that should not be trusted from what seems like your trustworthy bank.


(CNN) – The web sites look real and the information sought seems justified. But it’s really the latest form of e-mail scam, called “brand spoofing,” “carding” or “Phishing.”


The number and sophistication of phishing scams sent out to consumers is continuing to increase dramatically. While online banking and e-commerce is very safe, as a general rule you should be careful about giving out your personal financial information over the Internet. The Anti-Phishing Working Group has compiled a list of recommendations that you can use to avoid becoming a victim of these scams.


How to recognize phishing email messages, links or phone calls.

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