Theme – Group Activity Simulation
CAREER SKILLS – Learning For Work
KEY SKILLS – Communication, Numeracy, Problem Solving, Information and Communication Technology, Working With Others, Improving Own Learning and Performance
WORK RELATED LEARNING – Learning Through Work, Learning For Work, Learning About Work
COMPETENCIES – *ai, *aii, *aiii, *aiv, *bi, *bii, *cii, *di, **ei, **eiii, **eiv, **ev, **evi, ***fii, ***fiii, ***fiv, ***hi, ***hiii, ***hiv, ***kiv, ***vi, ****li, ****mi, ****pi
SUGGESTED SUBJECT AREA – Computers, Art, English, Personal Development
Learning Outcomes
- Work collaboratively to produce a comic.
- Practice negotiation skills.
- Practice presentation skills.
- Understand the importance of teamwork.
Preparation and Materials
- Copy of Teachers’ Notes (1), (2) and (3).
- Copies of the Info Sheet and Activity Sheets (1) and (2) “Comic” for each student.
- Materials as specified in the Teachers’ Notes.
- If adults other than teachers are to be used as Advisers for certain tasks, all must be well briefed about the task.
- The use of a computer and printer for each group is desirable but all work from each group could be hand written.
- Explain the aims of the exercise using the learning outcomes at the top of Info Sheet (1).
- Introduce the lesson using the briefing on the Teachers’ Notes.
- Give out copies of the Info Sheet and Activity Sheets (1) and (2) to groups of up to 6 students. Talk through Info Sheet and ask students to complete Task 1.
- Ask groups to decide who does what within their group (task 2).
- If the costing of materials exercise is to be included, brief students on costs of materials used during production of the comic and ask them to complete Task 2.
- Evaluation should highlight the outcomes achieved by the students:
- Task completed
- Presentation (if appropriate) made
- Group and team accomplished joint skills
- Ask the students what they have learned from the lesson.
- Summarise the main learning outcomes.
This simulation will allow students to investigate the process of design and production and to gain an understanding of the world of work. By working together as a team they will experience the active learning approach to communication, co-operation, decision making and problem solving.
In addition, the issue of equal opportunities will arise in dealing with cartoon characters and the story plot.
Students, working in groups of no more than 6, have to produce one copy of an 8 page comic which will appeal to both boys and girls. At the end of the activity, each group will present their comic to the rest of the class – outlining how they went about task and the reasons for designing it as they did.
Materials as specified in the Step By Step Guide.
- Access to an adult other than a teacher who could assist with expert help e.g. artist, photographer, designer, journalist (if you would like).
- Access to a computer, photocopier.
Preparation is essential this could be done in Moral Education lessons before the activity or as a whole group activity. The activity should take at least a morning with the marketing and presentation or could be done over a period of lessons.
Evaluation to be based on student outcomes specified in objectives above.
The students should consider:
- Success of task.
- Group work – division of roles.
- Ability to solve problems.
- Ability to stick to task.
- Each group member occupied.
Step By Step Guide
- Each group will need:
- Selection of comics.
- Access to a photocopier.
- Ruler, glue, coloured pencils,
- Paper.
- Rough paper.
- Photographs (magazine cutouts).
- Access to computers (optional).
(all the above to be priced, recorded and distributed as required by group)
- Teachers may want to introduce this activity by presenting each group with a collection of comics – i.e. place them on the tables ready for the group.
- Ask the group to make a note of any gender stereotyping in the comic – hero male muscles and do gooder, well shaped female, scantily dressed offering supporting role.
- Talk students through the jobs involved in comic production.
- Editor – final decisions – overall control – soul financial controller.
- Artist – works with all contributors to illustrate work.
- Scriptwriter – produces material, along with others for plays and action.
- Layout designer – once work is produced – but overall involved in helping othes.
- Printer – using computer – or cut and paste onto comic.
- Adults other than teachers can be involved here to help with short description of tasks and talk about real production.
- Clear time tabled activities will need to be laid down for the students to avoid overrun. The editor of the group should ensure strict adherence to the time table.
- The elements described in the Activity Sheet need to be discussed in more detail with suggestions about how to proceed.
- Following briefing students should start work considering as per the Activity Sheet:
- Name of comic.
- Roles of each member of the group.
- Deadlines to be met i.e. production of the comic.
- Presentation to group.
- Advertising of comic.
- Strengths and skills of group members.
- Use of computers.
- The teacher needs to set up Supply Desk for all materials and charge workforce –
5 cents for each sheet of paper
5 cents for each pen/pencil.
25 cents for scissors.
25 cents each for 30 mins on the computer
5 cents for each photocopy
- The teacher must set up and maintain a recording sheet, with receipts for each workforce. Students must record their expenses on the Activity Sheet.
- Students must be kept informed of deadlines. This will help them organise their time (much depends on whether activity is for half or a whole day).
- Presentation (full day if appropriate) activities could advertising the comic, but must include details of procedure and decision making.
Extension Activities
- Comics reviewed by all students.
- Critiques to be prepared to say what they liked (e.g. layout, content, front page) with comments passed to authors.
Learning Outcomes: By competing this task you will be able to:
- Work collaboratively to produce a comic.
- Practice presentation skills.
- Practice negotiation skills.
- Understand the importance of teamwork.
Here are some of the things to think about when designing your comic and for your presentation this afternoon. Remember to work as a team, sharing out the tasks and talking to each other about your ideas.
- What will you include? Use Activity Sheet (1) for help.
- What is the ideal mixture?
- What is your target group?
- What lettering are you going to use for the title on the front page?
- In what order are you going to put the stories, cartoons, puzzles and anything else you want to include?
- Who will draw the cartoons?
- Will you include colour?
- What methods will you use to produce your comic?
- Is it going to be hand written or are you able to use a computer?
- Are you going to use pictures or photographs?
- How are you going to print or photocopy the comic?
- How much has the comic cost to produce?
- How are you going to decide on the price of your comic?
- Advertising the comic – how are you going to tell the rest of the class about it?
- Is everyone in the group to be involved in the presentation?
- What are you going to tell people in the presentation?