Lesson Design Model
Show a globe. This globe represents the water and land forms of our world. What can you do if you need to have a flat form of a globe? Put the globe in a book. This does not work. But this globe still needs to be flat. What can be done? A map is like taking a picture or drawing a portraitof a person or other 3d object (making the object 2d).OBJECTIVE (EEI FOUR PART)
Given a map, students will identify accurately12 geography vocabulary word meanings and apply vocabulary to interpret information contained in the map.Information from the maps will be used to answer questions (proposed by the teacher or students).LEARNING SUB-OBJECTIVE
Time zones, seasons, getting information from a chart, information clues from the map titleIdentify relating factors (thinking map, concept development) to find useful information within the map using the legend and title
- Show a photograph
- Connect the photo or drawingfront and back. How might this distort the map?
- Hand out Geography Quiz : Vocabulary
- Referring to various selected maps.
- What symbols are in the Legend? What information might be determined from the legend symbols?
- Locate hemispheres (north/south or east/west), longitude, latitude, equator, prime meridian,
- Identify the three dimensional object shown Gather student responses.
- View (analyze) several map samples. Identify where the split is located to make the map flat.
- Complete Geography Quiz: Vocabulary. Compare accuracy
- Students share ideas
- Student share ideas
- Students find vocabularyand facts show on their map.
Peel an orange or peel the wrapping off a sphere then flatted it. Show that top and bottom is distorted in the flat version.Notice the image of the globe needs to split. Latitude split may distort image. Notice on World map when USAis in the middle, the land mass of Asiais distorted and seems far away. However Sarah Palin can see Russia from her kitchen window of Alaska in the U.S.A.GUIDED PRACTICE
Apply vocabulary… Using a map,select a location (i.e. drop a block or disk, close eyes and point) on a selected map identify the following: longitude, latitude, hemisphere? (Northern or Southern, East or West). Identify how far from the equator? Using Tucson, AZ as a point of reference what time is it? What season is it? Predict climate based on how close to equator. Who might be interested in this location? Share thinking (Connect who might be interested in this location? Elaborate.)Continue applying the 12 vocabulary words with map demonstration, examples longitude, latitude, direction indicated by compass rose, information given by the legend and title… selectINDEPENDENT PRACTICE
Using various maps (such as topographic, political, historic, subway, trail/hiking, school) students will analyze the map facts using 12 vocabulary word meanings. Interpret purpose for the map and what information or facts are given. Cause and Effect / Interpretation of Data (Taba) Concept Development or relating factors (thinking maps). Present what you learned, in an interesting way to the class.CLOSURE
Students will complete accuracy multiple choice “Geography Quiz-Vocabulary”printable sheet from Pearson Educational,Inc.1