School Corporation:
School Name:
Contact: / Danhua Kong
Indiana Student Standards for Guidance Addressed
Standard(s) addressed: / Standard 2 / Indicator(s)
addressed: / 6-8.2.9
Instructional Development
Grade Level(s): / 6-8
Title: / Resume Writing
Rationale: / Some middle school students may have thought about doing a part time job when they enter high school, and some of them may have started future career plan. As a crucial component of job application, knowing how to write a resume that effectively shows their objectives, experience and education is of great significance for their future success.
Time Frame: / 20-25 minutes
Procedure: / 1.  Transition to the topic
Students are to identify a job that interests them or fits their career goals:
“My cousin who is of your age is thinking about doing a part-time job in a local Child Museum as a guide, because he wants to work in Museums. How many of you have found a job that you want to do? Can be both a long-term and short-term goal.” “Why did you choose the job?”
2.  Students will discuss the key components of a job application
“How will you convince the employer that you are the right the one for the position?” “What should be included in your application?”
3.  Pass out several different templates of resumes (Chronological, Functional, and Combination), explain the difference, and emphasize key concepts of each area of the resume, such as what each section should include, how to keep it organized, word choice, and relevant information:
“Knowing what to introduce about self is very important, but being able to effectively do that is a more challenging task.”
4.  Ask for comments of these templates and check if they have any questions
5.  Let students fill in the blanks of the template that they choose to use for their resume. Encourage them to use works from Words or Phrases for More Effective Resumes.
6.  Ask one or two of them to share what they’ve done, and let others discuss what’s good and what can be done better
How will mastery of the guidance indicator(s) be evaluated? / Students will follow the guidelines for writing and completing a resume.
Learning Resources
Resources needed:
e.g., technology resources, media resources, books, web sites / University of Minnesota Resume Tutor “description of 3 basic resumes”
VIC Training Sessions April 26, 2002 “Phrases and description words”
Collaborative Partners:
e.g., advisory teachers, other teachers, community resource people / Advisory teachers

Lesson Adjustments:

·  High School:

o  For those high school students who have had a part-time job, they are required to think about the requirement of the job and how they fit the job (completely or partly fit in). For both employed and non-employed students, future career plan is asked and requirements of those jobs are discussed. Organized resume writing is structured.

o  The main purposes of this lesson for high school students are to lead them think about job requirements and their qualification for the jobs, and improve their resume writing skills.

·  Elementary School:

o  Elementary school students need not to fill out the templates, instead, they are to think about what they want to do in the future, what they have had supports them and what they may need to get the job. Then, they are to create their resume by either drawing or writing. If they have difficulty coming career goals, they can introduce what one of their parents do also by drawing or wring by listing some characteristics of the job.

o  The emphasis of this lesson for elementary school students is to let them be aware of what and how to introduce about themselves in job application.