Lesson 7Gospel of MarkHomework for October 3, 2017 Mark 10:17 - 11:26

Jesus has traveled to Judea, to the region east of the Jordan River and not very distant from Jerusalem. In a very short time, He will enter Jerusalem where He will be arrested, tried, convicted and crucified. Knowing what is facing Him, Jesus continued to teach and there was much to be learned by His disciples.

DAY ONEMark 10:17-22Can works save?

These verses are familiar to most of us, but let's take a close look to see if there are details which we may have overlooked.

When the man approached Jesus, what was the man doing? ______

What did he do as he came up to Jesus? ______

Yet, he called Jesus only ______not recognizing Jesus' deity.

What did Jesus ask him about that? ______

So, what was the first thing Jesus taught him? ______

The word for "good" here is generic and is used about 80 times in the NT. Master or teacher is not the word used for Rabbi but one that means an instructor.

Quote the man's question here: ______

Jesus asked the man about six of the commandments. These are the "moral" commandments.

What five were forbidden things? ______

Which one was a positive command? ______

How did the man respond to Jesus' question? ______

Which four have been omitted at this point? 1. ______

2. ______3. ______4. ______

From Matt. 22:36-40, what is the greatest commandment? ______

What is the second greatest? ______

How did Jesus test the man on these two great commandments? ______


What treasure was to be forfeited by the man? ______

What treasure was to be gained? ______

How did the man respond? ______Why? ______

How did Jesus feel about this man from v. 21? ______

What was Jesus' invitation to him? ______

DAY TWOMark 10:23-27Can wealth save?

Jesus' encounter with the man of v. 17-22 gave occasion for teaching His disciples.

What does Jesus identify as an impediment for someone to enter the Kingdom of God? ______

The disciples were astonished by this teaching since prosperity was understood as a blessing from God. Let's see why: Deut. 28:1, 11 ______

Deut.30:5 ______

Prov. 28:25 ______

No wonder Jeremiah was a bit confused? See Jer. 12:1 ______

Yet, what had Jesus taught them? Mark 4:19 ______

Jesus illustrated the difficulty caused by riches as a ______going through ______

This answer did nothing to calm the disciples who pressed for clarification, asking "Then who can be saved?" Jesus' answer is fundamental to our understanding of justification by grace and faith alone.

Salvation is impossible for ______but for ______all things are ______.

There is much wisdom in Scripture concerning riches/wealth. What is learned from . . .

1 Tim. 6:10 ______

2 Tim. 3:1-2 ______

Luke 16:14 ______

Eccl. 5:10 ______

DAY THREEMark 10:28-45Sacrificing, suffering and serving

The disciples were impressed by this teaching, and Peter spoke up. How did he contrast himself and the other disciples with the young man in v. 17-22? ______

In Jesus' answer, He identified the right motivation: for the sake of ______and ______

Repeating the list from v. 29, Jesus promised returns of ______times that left behind.

Jesus also promised ______, and in the age to come ______

What had Jesus told the young man in v. 21 concerning treasure? ______

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus addressed this priority. What is taught in Matt. 6:19-21?


How did Jesus contrast the world's values with Kingdom values? v. 31______

v. 32-34Where is Jesus headed now? ______Who is with Him? ______

What two words describe their state of mind? ______and ______

Maybe they were justified in their concern. Jesus is very specific:

Where will this happen? ______

What will the chief priests and scribes do? ______

What will the Gentiles do? ______

What will Jesus do? ______

v. 35-45What did James and John ask of Jesus? ______

They may have followed up on a request from ______Matt. 20:20-22

What would this give them? ______

What does this indicate about their understanding of Jesus' previous teaching on His future?


What did they know about His glory? Mark 9:1-13 ______

Instead of "glory", what did Jesus describe? ______

Even suffering would not earn them the recognition they sought. Jesus said it was not His to give. Therefore, the obvious conclusion is that recognition will be given by ______.

How did the other ten disciples react? ______

Jesus contrasted Gentile rulers with rulers in the Kingdom of God.

How are Kingdom leaders/rulers to act? ______

Who is their example? ______In what way? ______

DAY FOURMark 10:46 -11:14Entering Jerusalem

v. 46-52As Jesus continued his journey to Jerusalem, He went through Jericho, about 15 miles NE of Jerusalem, and who was following Him?______

Who was sitting beside the road? ______

What was he doing? ______and calling out to ______

How did many people in the crowd respond to this man? ______

What did the blind man ask of Jesus? ______

How did he react when Jesus called to him? ______

Jesus asked the man to request a specific blessing. What was it? ______

What spiritual condition did Jesus discern in the man? ______

When the man regained his sight, what did he do? ______

11:1-11 What did Jesus instruct the disciples to do as they neared Jerusalem?


What was the prophecy in Zech. 9:9? ______

Historical note: Conquerors entered cities on horses!

As Jesus entered the city, how did the people react? v. 8-10______

What does "Hosanna" mean? ______

How was Jesus identified by them? ______

So, from v. 10, what was their expectation? ______

On this trip, Jesus made an inspection of ______and then he left for ______

v. 12-14 On entering the city, Jesus has passed by the small town of Bethphage (means house of figs).

On the next day when He was leaving Bethany, what did Jesus seek? ______

There is some symbolism here. What do we know from

Hosea 9:10 ______

The tree's leaves would have indicated that there would be fruit, but it had none.

How could this have been an analogy to Israel? ______

DAY FIVEMark 11:15-26Worship and moving mountains

Let's skip to v. 19-21 about this very fig tree of v. 12-14. During the day when Jesus and His followers had been in Jerusalem, what had happened to the fig tree? ______

What would this indicate about Israel? ______

v. 15-18 Jesus had surveyed the Temple area the day before. v. 11 Returning there, what incited Jesus to action? ______Animals were needed for sacrifices, and this was a convenience for those who had not have brought their own. Also, the Temple coin, shekel of the sanctuary, was necessary for the Jews to pay their annual taxes.Ex. 30:13, Num. 3:47 Greek and Roman coins could be exchanged for shekels. Jesus said the Temple should be a ______

but they had made it a ______. How did the chief priests and scribes react to Jesus' actions and accusations? ______

v. 22-26 As they passed by the withered fig tree, Jesus took the opportunity to teach about faith.

Faith, a gift from God, is the foundation of powerful ______and powerful ______

What is given here as an essential part of preparation for prayer? ______

For what reason should God's people forgive? ______Eph. 4:32

Is there any reason to withhold forgiveness? ______

Not forgiving is evidence that one has not been ______.

Does forgiving mean that the offender got away with an offense? ______

Does forgiving diminish the offense? ______Does forgiving entitle the person to offend again? ______Who is freed when an offender is forgiven? ______

How often should we forgive others? Matt. 18:21-22 ______

In the meantime, we have lost count and developed a forgiving habit!