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Prevention is better than cure
Rule 18 (Frank Outlaw in Templar, 2005):
> Watch your thoughts; they become words
> Watch your words; they become actions
> Watch your actions; they become habits
> Watch your habits; they become character
> Watch your character; it becomes your destiny
What you permit is what you promote (Professor Aidan Halligan, 2003)
You cannot harvest a crop you have not planted (sown), nurtured and cultivated
You cannot produce quality goods if you do not have a quality culture. And you cannot fake a quality culture…There is no quick fix
How many pilots would agree to fly a plan across the Atlantic with:
> far more passengers than the aircraft was designed for,
> no co-pilot/navigator and cabin crew missing,
> parts of the aircraft deemed obsolete by the manufacturer, and
> parts of the aircraft missing?
NPSA “7 steps to patient safety”: 1. Build a safety culture: Every effort shold be made to create in the NHS an open and non-punitive environment in which it is safe to report (Learning from Bristol, DH 2002)
…culture of reporting and questioning…and lessons learnt quickly (Beckford-Ball, 2005)
We all have responsibility to behave in a way that does not oppress or take away the rights or dignity of others (Angelina Boden – Problem Behaviour Pocketbook)
The way an investigation is conducted sends clear messages about the organisation’s commitment to core values, principles and the matters in hand and the general culture
Fairness and transparency is valued above all else
ACAS: Be careful not to ignore minor things and frequent complaints
> They can escalate
> Multiple lower level events/issues tend to become a major event/issue in the end
> Listen carefully and manage proactively/early to prevent them becoming a problem
People only see what they are prepared to see
(Ralph Waldo Emerson in Did you spot the gorilla p19, Richard Wiseman)
What we see mainly depends on what we look for
(Sir John Lubbock, in Did you spot the gorilla p14, Richard Wiseman)
You’ll never find it if you don’t know what you are looking for
You can’t tell which way the train went just by looking at the track
Where the river is deepest, it makes least noise
To err is human; To cover up is unforgiveable; To fail to learn is inexcusable
(Sir Liam Donaldson)
Embrace honesty…Be prepared to learn from mistakes…Work in teams
(Sir Ian Kennedy, 2005)
Mistakes are opportunities – An investigation revealed 22 system failures. Care was taken not to place blame on any one individual. A plan was agreed to take correct action and arrangements made to monitor progress. I can’t believe so much has come out of this. I’m so glad I filled in the form…showed that action would follow… Provide feedback; get to the root cause of the incident; find ways to investigate incidents that will encourage learning
(Clinical Governance Lesson Card #11)
Human beings make mistakes because the systems, tasks and processes they work in are poorly designed (Dr Lucian Leape inBuilding a Safer NHS, DH 2001)
Focus on performance (objective), not the person (subjective) – enhances consistency
Negligence [personal issue] (vs.) lack of ability (Knowledge, Skills, Experience) [systemic issue]
Are the standards of other employees acceptable and being addressed in an equivalent manner?
Understand the correlation (interdependence) between basic employment and management practices, and discipline/grievance
Trainees should not be brought up as idealists…in a world where poor leadership, poor systems, poor teamwork, poor equipment, poor working conditions, poor morale, a culture of blame will continue to exist (Sir Ian Kennedy, 2005)
CARE, motivation, dignity, respect, recognition and reward
You can’t motivate people, BUT you can set an example and create an environment where they will motivate themselves (Jeffrey Gitomer)
Rigorous rules are minimally required when the right people are employed
> Discipline is seldom needed when people are motivated
> Discipline that is crucial in combat is often disastrous in civilian work teams
> When people start needing to be disciplined, leaders/managers need to upgrade their motivational skills
Discipline and grievances are about people not processes
Discipline may not be needed often in well managed organisations (ACAS)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey)
1: Be proactive – you’re in charge
2: Begin with the end in mind – have a plan (outcomes)
3: Put first things first – prioritize
4: Think win-win – everyone can win
5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood – Listen before you talk
6: Synergize (and align) – Together is better
7: Sharpen the saw – balance is best
It’s Your Ship (Captain D.Michael Abrashoff)
Take command
Lead by example
Listen aggressively
Communicate purpose and meaning
Create a climate of trust
Look for results, not salutes
Take calculated risks
Go beyond standard procedure
Build up your people
Generate unity
Improve your peoples’ quality of life
Craig LongstaffConflict – Quotes and inspirationsCreated 06.03.2009 – Revised 03.10.2018