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Prevention is better than cure

Rule 18 (Frank Outlaw in Templar, 2005):

> Watch your thoughts; they become words

> Watch your words; they become actions

> Watch your actions; they become habits

> Watch your habits; they become character

> Watch your character; it becomes your destiny

What you permit is what you promote (Professor Aidan Halligan, 2003)

You cannot harvest a crop you have not planted (sown), nurtured and cultivated

You cannot produce quality goods if you do not have a quality culture. And you cannot fake a quality culture…There is no quick fix

How many pilots would agree to fly a plan across the Atlantic with:

> far more passengers than the aircraft was designed for,

> no co-pilot/navigator and cabin crew missing,

> parts of the aircraft deemed obsolete by the manufacturer, and

> parts of the aircraft missing?

NPSA “7 steps to patient safety”: 1. Build a safety culture: Every effort shold be made to create in the NHS an open and non-punitive environment in which it is safe to report (Learning from Bristol, DH 2002)

…culture of reporting and questioning…and lessons learnt quickly (Beckford-Ball, 2005)

We all have responsibility to behave in a way that does not oppress or take away the rights or dignity of others (Angelina Boden – Problem Behaviour Pocketbook)

The way an investigation is conducted sends clear messages about the organisation’s commitment to core values, principles and the matters in hand and the general culture

Fairness and transparency is valued above all else

ACAS: Be careful not to ignore minor things and frequent complaints

> They can escalate

> Multiple lower level events/issues tend to become a major event/issue in the end

> Listen carefully and manage proactively/early to prevent them becoming a problem

People only see what they are prepared to see

(Ralph Waldo Emerson in Did you spot the gorilla p19, Richard Wiseman)

What we see mainly depends on what we look for

(Sir John Lubbock, in Did you spot the gorilla p14, Richard Wiseman)

You’ll never find it if you don’t know what you are looking for

You can’t tell which way the train went just by looking at the track

Where the river is deepest, it makes least noise

To err is human; To cover up is unforgiveable; To fail to learn is inexcusable

(Sir Liam Donaldson)

Embrace honesty…Be prepared to learn from mistakes…Work in teams

(Sir Ian Kennedy, 2005)

Mistakes are opportunities – An investigation revealed 22 system failures. Care was taken not to place blame on any one individual. A plan was agreed to take correct action and arrangements made to monitor progress. I can’t believe so much has come out of this. I’m so glad I filled in the form…showed that action would follow… Provide feedback; get to the root cause of the incident; find ways to investigate incidents that will encourage learning

(Clinical Governance Lesson Card #11)

Human beings make mistakes because the systems, tasks and processes they work in are poorly designed (Dr Lucian Leape inBuilding a Safer NHS, DH 2001)

Focus on performance (objective), not the person (subjective) – enhances consistency

Negligence [personal issue] (vs.) lack of ability (Knowledge, Skills, Experience) [systemic issue]

Are the standards of other employees acceptable and being addressed in an equivalent manner?

Understand the correlation (interdependence) between basic employment and management practices, and discipline/grievance

Trainees should not be brought up as idealists…in a world where poor leadership, poor systems, poor teamwork, poor equipment, poor working conditions, poor morale, a culture of blame will continue to exist (Sir Ian Kennedy, 2005)

CARE, motivation, dignity, respect, recognition and reward

You can’t motivate people, BUT you can set an example and create an environment where they will motivate themselves (Jeffrey Gitomer)

Rigorous rules are minimally required when the right people are employed

> Discipline is seldom needed when people are motivated

> Discipline that is crucial in combat is often disastrous in civilian work teams

> When people start needing to be disciplined, leaders/managers need to upgrade their motivational skills

Discipline and grievances are about people not processes

Discipline may not be needed often in well managed organisations (ACAS)

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey)

1: Be proactive – you’re in charge

2: Begin with the end in mind – have a plan (outcomes)

3: Put first things first – prioritize

4: Think win-win – everyone can win

5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood – Listen before you talk

6: Synergize (and align) – Together is better

7: Sharpen the saw – balance is best

It’s Your Ship (Captain D.Michael Abrashoff)

Take command

Lead by example

Listen aggressively

Communicate purpose and meaning

Create a climate of trust

Look for results, not salutes

Take calculated risks

Go beyond standard procedure

Build up your people

Generate unity

Improve your peoples’ quality of life

Craig LongstaffConflict – Quotes and inspirationsCreated 06.03.2009 – Revised 03.10.2018