Lesson Plan
Class: 7 / Day: / Date:No. of pupils: / Start time: / End time:
Plans and Elevations.
Lesson 3 of a topic made up of 5 lessons
National Curriculum References
(including key concepts, key processes and curriculum opportunities)
AT3 level 4
Properties of 2D and 3D shapes
b. constructions, loci and bearings
d. transformations
f. points, lines and shapes in 2D coordinate systems
§2.2 (c) visualise and work with dynamical images
§2.2 (k) make accurate mathematical diagrams on paper
Pupil Learning Outcomes:
All: must be able to differentiate between a Plan and an Elevation through their definitions. Recognise that 3D shapes have different properties to that of 2D shapes and be able to verbally state a difference. Create a 3D shape out of blocks and be able to consider the difficulties in drawing it as a Plan or Elevation
Most should be able to match Plans and Elevations to more sophisticated shapes and be able to construct shapes which satisfy plan and elevation views whilst being able to draw accurately what they see. Also appreciate the difference between Front Elevation and Side Elevation.
Some should be able to construct difficult 3D shapes and be able to sketch the Plan and Side and Front Elevations. Understand that there can be difficulties in terms of having multiple solutions and overcome the misconception of Perspective.
Pupil Learning Targets to be shared:
All will know what a plan and elevation is – including Front and Side elevation.
Most will be able to match plans and elevations to the 3D shapes, and draw plans and elevations of basic shapes.
Some will be able to move on to more complicated shapes and sketch accurate plans and elevations and discuss how different people may have different opinions.
Other learning targets:
Team working and co-operation
Ability to work following a method
Personal Targets
Ensure everyone participates in the activities
Effective questioning
Differentiation by making sure those who progress through the task quickly move on to another part of the lesson.
Coloured building blocks, plain paper and pencils
Power point presentation with artistic aerial and side view photos
Wis-web website resource: ‘Building Houses’
Lesson Outline
/Teacher Activity
/Pupil Activity/
Actions / Reactions
9:00 –9:10 / Present slide show of artistic aerial and elevation photos. (Yann Artus Gartrand). Discuss the photos with the children asking them what they think the photos are of and how the photos have been taken – i.e. from above and from the side.
Questions like “couldn’t it be a roller coaster” when the picture of the road at night comes up. Lead on to discuss how they know it is a photo taken from the side. / All pupils will be involved. A fun way to start the lesson and get the pupils thinking about what plans and elevations are and see unusual examples of what they look like.
Visual activity – pupils share their ideas and discuss.
Teacher to challenge their thoughts “how do you know it is …”
Teaching sequence
9:10 –9: 20 / Give learning objectives so pupils know what they are learning.
Using ‘Wisweb’ resource: www.fi.nl/wisweb/en/
Construct two shapes and show the class what these look like from different perspectives.
Also show on the white board how we would draw the perspective from the top, front and side.
Discuss the key words and give the spellings and definitions. / Introduction to focus on the task
Encourage pupil questioning
9:20 – 9:22 / Introduce and explain first task – this includes passing around models of 3D cubed shapes. They are all pre-made and the same.
9:22 – 9: 30 / Task 1:
Get the children, in groups of 4 to build an unusual shape out of the multi-link blocks. Then get one person in the group to draw the shape from the top, one person to draw the shape from the front and one from the right side.
Ensure they label each drawing so it can be easily identified.
Provide stickers for if the children want to label the sides of the shape. / Kinaesthetic and visual activity
Pupil discussion
Peer work as pupils check their tables work.
9:30 –
9: 35 / Mini plenary: go back to objectives and see how far pupils have reached.
Ask the children if they know the proper names for what they have drawn – talk about the view from above in terms of what an architect.
When the proper names have been established ask the children to write this on their drawings so they have the correct labels and eliminate misconceptions.
Introduce next task / Pupils expected to apply their learning. Linked to objectives.
9:37 – 9:50 / Task 2:
Ask groups to give their drawing to the next table and see if they can construct the shape from the drawings, with the multi-link blocks.
When finished consult with the other group to see if they got in right! / Competitive edge and may end up with different shapes that still fit the plan and elevation views – good discussion point
9:50 – 10:00 / Table groups to show off their workTalk about what we did in this activity and the learning objectives. WILT. Show thumbs. See how far they reached in the objectives.
Talk about any situations where different shapes have been made that fit the same plan and elevation drawing and talk about how this could happen. / Groups to show their work, give their judgements, give their opinions.
Prompts and Notes
“Have you tried rotating the view so you can see better?”
“Can you remove any more blocks?”
“Would you like some link blocks to help see it better?”
“What if I stood at the top?”
“Which side am I facing?”
“What if it was a house?”
Language and Vocabulary
Side elevation
Front elevation
Isometric drawing
Differentiation provision
(SEN, gifted and talented, fast workers, slow workers)
All: The groups have control over the difficulty of shapes made.
Fast workers: If a group finished early do a ‘challenge the teacher task’ to see if they can construct the teachers’ shape – with multilink or wisweb.
If one person in a group finished first they are in charge of making sure everyone else completes their part.
SEN: kinaesthetic activity, time for discussion, peer led work, teacher allocated a side of the object that is easier to visualise.
G and T – teacher to have spare harder 3d shapes that they must try and draw the plan/elevation for.
Slower workers: peer support, competitive element.
EAL: discussion, demonstrations, key words, kinaesthetic activities, all instructions are demonstrated by the teacher. Pupil talk is encouraged.
Assessment Strategies (how you will know if your learning targets have been met)
During lesson:
Observations during activities
Thumb’s Up/down
WILT – three key points
Link to objectives throughout the lesson
Group work – Peer assessment
Give the children the wisweb webpage in case they want to explore at home