Lesson 23 squeeze (4)

Chat log of Bridge Base Online session for xx1943 starting at: Tue May 15 07:55:11 2007

->Miksa: hello

Miksa: good morning :)

Miksa: I am sorry for not finishing LIN movie earlier

fractal: hi :)

xx1943: npp

hope: I will do the bcst squeeze?

bilmanager (Lobby): => Club:


AL (xx1943) just opened a teaching table in the BIl.

Lesson starts in 5 minutes

He continues his series of lessons:

"How to play a suit contract"

Today's topic: SQUEEZE


isabable: HI ALL

isabable: hi al

Miksa: Hello, everybody

super01: good morning

gomites: hi all

eejit: :) hi

hope: Hi all !H:)!H

frouu: hi

->isabable: Hi Kerrie

bilmanager (Lobby): => Club:


AL (xx1943) just started his weekly teaching session in the BIl.

He continues his series of lessons:

"How to play a bridge hand"

Today's topic: SQUEEZE.


xx1943: hi all

xx1943: good morning (in Europe) everybody

Miksa: good morning

gomites: and early in US

hope: Hello from Central Australia

and5678: Iowa

jaldi: from sydney

gomites: early/late in US

xx1943: Hello everybody. Today I prepared for you one hand only an we'll discuss 6 different squeeze possibilities

xx1943: You'll find the movie and chatlog of this session on my site just after finish:

xx1943: You'll find the movie and chatlog of this session on my site just after finish:

xx1943: Today's special topic is Squeeze

xx1943: All questions in public please.

xx1943: All questions in public please.

xx1943: All questions in public please.

xx1943: I suggest, that you set your kib setting so, that you kib SOUTH only!!!

xx1943: Everyone knows, how to do that??

xx1943: ok

isabable: ok

and5678: no, but will figure itout

xx1943: To set kib south:

xx1943: click on the yellow gear in the bottom line

xx1943: click on the tab "At the table"

xx1943: In the box in the lower right side "When kibitzing" click "kibitz South"

xx1943: Kib setting ok?

and5678: thank you, done

xx1943: 3Nt shows 4333 13-15 HCP

xx1943: Count your tricks:

gomites: 11

xx1943: 3!S+3!H+2!D+3!C=11

fractal: 9

xx1943: 9 is ok

xx1943: butt 11 after you drive out !DA

srimulat: fast trick 9.. need +3 again

xx1943: the 12. trick may come from !S or !H if the ssuit is distributed 3-3

xx1943: Or if both majors don't break, we must look for a squeeze

xx1943: What do you think is Wests holding in !S?

hope: 4

super01: 9x

xx1943: exactly

gomites: 9

xx1943: West started probably with J109x in !S but may have lead a tricky J10

and5678: may I ask a question?

xx1943: now let us play some of our winners

and5678: okay

xx1943: no more !cs we need them as entry for squeeze

xx1943: now there is the crucial moment

xx1943: if both majors are 4-2 divided

xx1943: we have 6 possibilities

xx1943: 1) West holds both Majors

xx1943: 2) West holds !S and !C

xx1943: 3) West holds !H and !C

xx1943: This is not very probable after the !S lead. West must be very tricky to lead from J10 in !S holding a 4-card !H suit.

xx1943: 4) EAST holds both majors

xx1943: 5) East holds !S and !C

xx1943: 6) East holds !H and !C

xx1943: we must test one of th majors now, to reduce these possibilities

xx1943: we chose !hs and hope that if an opponents holds 4, it is West so that we can squeeze him in the majors.

xx1943: bad news: !hs are 4-2

xx1943: but good news: WEST has probably length in both majors and can be squeezed

xx1943: Which card must I lead from dummy now under the assumption, that West has started with 4-4 in both majors?

and5678: club

fractal: club

maryu: clubs

xx1943: sure

and5678: now good

xx1943: this is the typiacl 3.card ending for a positional squeeze

isabable: so clever this al

xx1943: !SQ3 is calle dthe 2-card menace and !H2 the 1-card menace

xx1943: West holding !S9x and !Hj cannot guard them both

and5678->Club: may I askquestion?

xx1943: please ask any questioj

and5678: if spade is led, why not take trick on board and never mind, on next hand

xx1943: no difference to take the !Slead on board.

super01: for west to hold up twice with ace diamonds would this have been good defence?

eejit: what if the hand with A !d has 4 & holds up til 3rd !d is played?

and5678: okay,

xx1943: what if the hand with A !d has 4 & holds up til 3rd !d is played? That would be an excellent defense and could not win because he let not rectify me the count

xx1943: 4NT is quantitative here showing 18-20 HCP and asking pd to bid 6 with maximum

super01: even if he had3 it would be hard for s to lead 3rd time incase he has 4

xx1943: 1NT showed a balnced minimum 12-14 HCp

xx1943: now we have the same sutiation as before

xx1943: this time it is EAST who holds the last !H

xx1943: now there are 3 possibilities left

xx1943: WEst holds the black suits

xx1943: East holds the majors

xx1943: East holds !hs and !Cs

finnigan1: 1 small item if I may, E is known to hold the 13th !d as well

xx1943: Hi Julien

finnigan1: hi Al

xx1943: Why must EAst hold the last !D?

finnigan1: on 3rd rd of !d W won the A and did not cash a 4th rd

xx1943: no he took the 2. round

finnigan1: oh rd 2 then returned a ??

xx1943: If he had hold up twice you were rite

xx1943: returned a !S

finnigan1: so he had 3 to start with or would of continued !d

xx1943: so let us analyze the 3 possibilities

xx1943: 1) WEst has 4234 from the start

xx1943: in that case, he was squeezed with the last trick

xx1943: he has now left !S9x and !Cxx while East holds !HJ !D10 and !Cxx

xx1943: you can cash your winners in which order you want.

xx1943: 2) East holds both majors

xx1943: WEst started with 22 and 9 minor cards. That is not very probable from the lead, but possible.

xx1943: Ok, if East holds both majors, there is NO squeeze, because both threads lie under the menaces

xx1943: the position is wrong. Dummy has to discard in front of EAST. So don't care about this possibility. You cannot win

xx1943: now the last possibility:

xx1943: EAst has to guard !H and !C

xx1943: which card you must play from the dummy now to squeeze him?

maryu: club

frouu: !s K

xx1943: sure

xx1943: now you know for sure, that you are home

xx1943: West has left !S9 and !Cxx (he was squeezed in trick 9) and EAST has left !HJ and !Cxx

xx1943: I prepared 6 hands with all 6 possibilities

xx1943: I suggest that in the next hands 1 of you takes the wheel to find out, how to execute the squeeze

xx1943: take the hot chair

eejit: hi :)

ulsay: gl john

xx1943: 4NT is not BL

eejit: of course

xx1943: asks you to bid 6 with maximum

mcpomlady: guten Morgen Al Wieviel pts muß ich haben für min oder max? - ich kenne das nur bei NT Anspiel

->mcpomlady: 12-14 is 1nT rebid

mcpomlady: heißt also: wenn ich 14 habe ist das das max

->mcpomlady: y

mcpomlady: tks

mcpomlady: nt

xx1943: you had won, if WEST had held both majors

eejit->Club: knew he had doub !s

xx1943: you had to guess, if WEst held both majors or !H and !C

eejit: y

xx1943: therefore the tactics were better to cash the 3 !S instaed of !H because you assume after the lead, that WESt has got the !Hs and if he has not the !S you need no guess

xx1943: ok next one

finnigan1: after the !d were striped, and cashing 1 !c trick it was time to put W under presure with a !s to the K withstill a !c in dummy

xx1943: who wants to play

xx1943: if there is no one, John may stay

mcpomlady: i can

xx1943: after the !d were striped, and cashing 1 !c trick it was time to put W under presure with a !s to the K withstill a !c in dummy that's it

eejit: how do i get to kib with out leaving table :)

->eejit: free your seat please

Miksa: click on your name

eejit: ty

->mcpomlady: comw in

->mcpomlady: come

mcpomlady: hello

Miksa: yw :)

xx1943: hi Eminella

mcpomlady: think

xx1943: 2NT is 12-14 or 18-19

mcpomlady: 12-14

xx1943: with 15-17 the opening is 1NT

mcpomlady: no maj

super01: al id like to try next time if thats ok

xx1943: major is posible, but 2!C denies a major

->super01: ok

eejit: can be 4-4-4-1

mcpomlady: right Al

mcpomlady: here with max to6 too? sorry then

mcpomlady: you 12-14 me 12-14 no 6

Miksa: North will play :)

xx1943: your bisd is 3NT

xx1943: 4333 13-15 HCP

mcpomlady: now?

mcpomlady: tks

mcpomlady: i make

xx1943->Kibitzers: this time WEST can destroy the squeeze holding up !Ds twice

xx1943: !C is the last connection your hand

mcpomlady: no al

xx1943: first the !DS

mcpomlady: yes

xx1943: cash first the outside winner !D

xx1943: now you have 5-card ending, we discussed before

xx1943: you played the major squeeze against WEST, but you knew, he has no !S

xx1943: and -1

xx1943: Now there are only 2 possibilties

xx1943: 1) West was squeezed in !H and !C just now

xx1943: or EAST holds !S9 and !Cxxx

mcpomlady: i give up lol

xx1943: if you had squeezed West, you can play your winners in every order

xx1943: but if East has !S ans !C you must play which card now????????????????????

mcpomlady: i tried with Ace Youssef already

mcpomlady: club

xx1943: no you didn't try the A of !hs

ulsay: !H

mcpomlady: i did

xx1943: if East has the blcks, the squeeze card is !HA

mcpomlady: same catastrophe

Miksa: yes, she did but before !d

xx1943: no catastrophe

mcpomlady: ah nine gone

finnigan1: no happyland !s is now a winner

xx1943: clap clap

mcpomlady: so means I played Ace too early

finnigan1: ;-)

ulsay: when u see all 4 hands u can but otherwise impossible to keep track for me

xx1943->Club: yep

mcpomlady->Club: tks Al

xx1943: it is a matter of exercise to count all the cards

eejit->Club: before next hand where is your web site to review?

mcpomlady: but in my local club they are always chattering no chance to concentrate Al

super01: ok to sit Al?

xx1943: squeeze play is difficult to execute for sure

xx1943: ok


xx1943: ty Mihailo

Miksa: yw

eejit: ty

xx1943: great

xx1943: WEst could not hold 2 suits

finnigan1: nicely done , an instant squeeze in the rounded suits

super01: a guess e has h and c

xx1943: he is known to have the last !D

xx1943: so Eastv holds both majors (nothing to do against) OR 1h AND 1c

finnigan1: round suits are !h and !c , pointed are !s & !d


xx1943: calp clap clap

Miksa: the link to chatfile of this lesson is wrong (

Miksa: ssion%20for%20xx1943%202007-05-08.doc)

Miksa: bravo!

super01: thx

->Miksa: ty

Miksa: yw. LIN file is OK

hope: Thank you All !H:)!H!H:)!H


xx1943: here you find the movie it is lesson 23

mcpomlady: Al what makes me so sure (in my board) that I can play all my !d?

xx1943: this was the last lesson about squeezes

ulsay: ty

eejit->Club: ty

xx1943: the !DS were high

xx1943: Next week I start a 2-session lesson about probabilities

super01: many thanks al

Miksa: Thanks for the lesson, Al, see you next Tuesday again, same time

xx1943: ok

xx1943: bye all

mcpomlady: tks Al

->finnigan1: bye

->isabable: bye

isabable: tys al

fractal: ty

isabable: bye great al

finnigan1: Al are you planning to show them the Law of symetry

frouu: thanks Al

isabable: i have a suprise for you when the lessons are finished k

->finnigan1: no I don't believe in this "law"

isabable: surprise

->isabable: oh

->isabable: :)

->finnigan1: the "law" of symmetrie is pire superstition

isabable: is defece next al

isabable: defence

->isabable: no next 2 are prob. then I start defense

isabable: great tys