Spring 2013

Lesson 2: David’s Courageous Faith

1 Samuel 17:1–18:9

Introduction:Although the accountof David and Goliath is one of the most familiar stories in the Bible, often its spiritual implications and applications are overlooked. Pray that the Holy Spirit would increase your understanding of the text and ways to apply it to your life today.

Day One: Read 1 Samuel 17, focusing on verses 1–11;Goliath, a Formidable Enemy

1.What did you learn from last week’s lesson or lecture, and how are you applying that truth to your life?

2.From the following verses, describe some of the history of the Philistines and how God used them in the lives of the Israelites.

a.Genesis 10:6–14

b.Exodus 13:17

c.Judges 3:1–4, 16:30

d.1 Samuel 4:1–11, 5:1–12

3.From 1 Samuel 17:4–7, Numbers 13:28–33, and Joshua 11:22–23, describe Goliath and the Anakim. (Note: A cubit was approximately 18 inches and a span was 1/3 of a cubit.)

4.The author of 1 Samuel emphasized Goliath’s stature and armor in verses 1–11. What do you think was at the root of the Israelites’ fear?

5.In your own words, briefly describe Goliath’s challenge to Israel and the people’s reaction.

a.How should the people of Israel haveresponded to Goliath and the Philistines? See Deuteronomy 1:21 and 31:7–8 and Joshua 10:25.

Day Two: Read 1 Samuel 17, focusing on verses 12–30; David at the Battle Line

1.From 1 Samuel 17:12–19and Ruth 4:18–22, describe David’s tribe and family line.

2.What was David doing while his brothers were at war, and what task did Jesse give him?

3.From verses 24–27, compare David’s response to Goliath with the response of the men of Israel.

a.What was David’s view of God in verse 26, and how did that affect his response to Goliath?

b.How does your view of God affect your response to challenges in your own life?

4.Why do you think David’s brother, Eliab, was angry with him? (See also 1 Samuel 16:6–7.)

5.Identify some of David’s character qualities in this passage. Which of these qualities do you want tofurther develop in your own life, and what specific steps will you take to accomplish that?

Day Three:Read 1 Samuel 17, focusing on verses 31–40; David Stood for God

1.Summarize the dialogue between David and Saul, and why Saul thought David wasunable to fight Goliath.

a.What did Goliath say or do that specifically offended David? Cite the verse or verses.

2.What did David learn as a shepherd that provided strength and direction to fight Goliath? Cite a verse to support your answer.

3.What did Saul give to David to take into battle with Goliath, and what did David choose to take?Whywas this significant?

4.From Psalm 28, identify at least two characteristics of David’s relationship with God that prepared him for moments like this. How can David be an example for you today?

5.How do Matthew 12:34, Luke 6:45, Romans 12:1–2, 2 Corinthians 10:5, and Philippians 4:8 deepen your understanding of the influence of thoughts and words on actions?

Day Four:Read 1 Samuel 17:31–18:9, focusing on verses 41–54;The Battle with Goliath

1.What was Goliath’s response as David approached him on the battlefield?

a.What was David’s reply?

2.From Deuteronomy 9:1–3, 11:22–25, and Joshua 23:1–5, identify several truths that were likely strengthening David during this time.

3.In your own words, briefly describe the battle between David and Goliath and its outcome.

4.How does Psalm 27, written by David, help you understand his heart and his action against Goliath?

a.How does this Psalm encourage you?

Day Five:Read 1 Samuel 17:31–18:9, focusing on 17:55–18:1–9;Jonathan and Saul’s Response

1From 1 Samuel 18:1–9, identifythe differences in Jonathan’s and Saul’s responses to David’s victory.

a.What is a biblical response when someone achieves spiritual or earthly success? Cite Scripture tosupport your answer.

2.Identify several elements of Jonathan’s character revealed in verses 1–7.

3Skim 1 Samuel 14, focusing on verses 6–15. What do Jonathan and David have in common that could have been the foundation for their loyalty to one another?

a.How couldyou pursue a similaraffectiontoward other believers today?

4.In 1 Samuel 17:46, David, like Moses before him, fought for the glory of the Lord.How can you cultivate the same attitude in your life?

Anderson/PetersMarch 20, 2013