Unit 10: Livestock

Lesson 13: Meat Goats Marketing

Directions: Go to the following website: http://www.agmrc.org. Click on the Commodities and Products, Livestock, Goats, Meat Goats. Click on Meat Goats within the text.

Take a minute and think about the following slogans: Got Milk? Pork, the other white meat. Beef, it’s what’s for dinner.

These are all marketing plans used to help increase the consumption of a product. For this assignment you will be coming up with a marketing plan for goat meat. Think about the previous marketing plans when trying to come up with one for this assignment.

You will need to include the following:

·  Slogan/Motto

·  Logo

·  Your purpose

·  How you will get the people to want to eat goat meat

·  Find three recipes that would be family friendly to promote for your plan

You can make a PowerPoint presentation or a brochure to present your market plan to the class.