Lesson 1b

Lesson 10 – Project & Program Management

Answer the questions –

10-4 /
  1. Why is it so important that IT projects be managed so that they SUCCEED?

  1. What do businesses REQUIRE for job advancement (like raises and promotions) in IT jobs?

MOVIE CLIP / “IT project and management” / Watch together in class, take notes?
  1. Why should you be aware of available resources for technical data?

10-4 / Visit the sites listed / Do with Mrs. Cyr on overhead
10-6 / LAB 10-2: Reviewing Web trends / Do with Mrs. Cyr on overhead
10-9 /
  1. How are projects different from ongoing work operations?

10-10 /
  1. Why is scope creep a bad thing for a project?

  1. What two certifications are available to strengthen your project management skills (and get a BETTER job)?

10-11 /
  1. As project manager, what MUST you be able to do to stay within project scope?

  1. Why should there be regular communication between you, the project manager, and your staff and stakeholders?

10-12 /
  1. How do problem-solving skills affect a project’s scope?

  1. A project manager needs planning, organizational, communication, and problem-solving skills. What does it mean to have “leadership skills”?

Project Life Cycle – FIVE Project Management Phases(10-12 thru 10-17)
List each phase and the tasks in each:
10-13 /
  1. Why is a needs analysis necessary for a project?

10-15 /
  1. What is a SWOT analysis and why is it “an integral part of the planning phase”?

10-17 /
  1. When is a project deemed a success?

CIW Online / Exercise 10.1 / Complete for practice
10-18 /
  1. What three factors affect every project?

  1. What happens to the other two factors when one factor is adjusted or changed?

  1. What elements is at the CENTER of the Project Triangle?

  1. What happens to quality if there is extra TIME in the schedule?

  1. What happens to quality if you have to CUT COSTS?

  1. Using program management software may help simplify and streamline the management process. What information does that software store?

10-19 /
  1. What happens if the software alerts you that the project is behind schedule or over budget?

CIW Online / Course Mastery Part A / Complete for a GRADE
CIW Online / Exercise 10.2 / Complete for practice
10-24 /
  1. Why should all progress, team members, and dates be documented?

  1. What is used to document problems that need to be handed over to upper management to solve?

10-25 /
  1. As project manager, what should be done on a regularbasis to discuss progress and work on issues?

  1. What else do meetings help with managing?

10-26 /
  1. What is the difference between INTERNET, INTRANET, and EXTRANET?

10-27 /
  1. What can companies use to save money on travel costs for meetings?

MOVIE CLIP / “Web Conference” / Watch together in class, take notes?
10-31 /
  1. What is the difference between a webcast and a web conference (or webinar)?

CIW Online / Exercise 10.3 / Complete for practice
10-32 /
  1. What three things are done during the review of a project (in the closing phase)?

  1. Why is QUALITY ASSURANCE important?

  1. What THREE ways are used to manage and ensure quality of products?

10-35 /
  1. What are two RIGHTS of IT professionals?

  1. What are two RESPONSIBILITIES of IT professionals to their organization?

  1. How do IT projects impact an organization’s bottom line (make or lose money for the business)?

10-37 /
  1. If you, as an IT project manager, decide that you need to spend the company’s money for your project, how do you know if your boss will approve the request to spend money?

Worksheet / Lesson 10 Worksheet / Complete for a GRADE
CIW Online / Course Mastery Part B / Complete for a GRADE
CIW Online / Lesson 10 Quiz / Complete for a GRADE
CIW Online / IBA v2.0: Practice Exams > Objective Reviews and Quizzes / See chart for reviews by LESSON; Complete for a GRADE