Les Toques Blanches International

Ottawa Chapter


Monday, June 2nd, 2003

Crown Plaza Hotel

In Attendance: Joe Calabro, Joe Trocino, Keith Jones, John Pelletier, Orazio La Manna, Mario Ramsay, Willi Wetscher, Marc Fortin, Kurt Schmidt, Michael Durrer & Frits Maréchal

Regret: Gerard Beyer, Rick Reid, Michael Ois, Cory Haskins, Frederick Fillliodeau, Nelson Borges, Russell Weir, Justin Peiris, and Ikuo Kanbayashi

Meeting was called to order at 19:26


53.1.1  The President welcomed the members and thanked our host Willi Wetscher.


53.2.1  $12,558.16 with some outstanding membership fees J. Calabro

53.2.2  Sunday night the presentation to CHEO was done. Our members at the CHEO Telethon broadcast presented a cheque of $37,000 live from the Nortel Headquarter in Kanata.


53.3.1  Keith Jones mentioned that he was in Orleans, Jack Fraser Shopping Center. This store was cheaper than the Bayshore store. K. Jones mentioned that the price is about $200.00 plus taxes. K. Jones intends to go this weekend. Dale Winterfield phone number 824-6965, at Place Orleans. Please call ahead and make an appointment prior going to the store. Marc Fortin still looking for a place to make the crest

53.3.2  Charity Promotion: Russell Weir is presently working on the Juvenile Diabetes

53.3.3  M. Durrer College discussed the possibility of having a local competition between local Culinary School; La Cité, Cordon Bleu, Buckingham and Algonquin College. A committee has been formed: Mike Durrer, Orazio La Manna, Joe Calabro, Marc Fortin and Frederick Fillliodeau. This subject is be brought forward to the September meeting

53.3.4  Election committee: Chair, Mike Durrer and Co-Chair, Marc Fortin

53.3.5  Proposed Golf Tournament in Stitsville, Amberwood is one possibility and Nelson Borges has also a proposal. John Pelletier mentioned the possibility of having dinner on the train to Wakefield. John Pelletier to get in touch with the group by the end of the week.


53.4.1  Mike Durrer asks to bring a list of students or have graduated students for the Junior training program

53.4.2  Attendance is an issue; discussion took place of how the other Toque Blanche associations are run in Canada (Edmonton, Toronto and Horseshoe).

53.4.3  Mike Durrer explained the process of the upcoming election.

o  The outgoing President Keith Jones will move as Chairman of the Board

The new executive committee is as follows:

o  Secretary - Mario Ramsay

o  Treasurer- Joe Calabro

o  Vice-President - Marc Fortin

o  President - Frits Maréchal

Meeting was adjourned at 20:36 pm

The next business meeting is scheduled at the
Corel Center

with host Orazio La Manna, Monday, September 8th, 2003 at 7:00pm


Please check the following calendar and see if you can pick a date to host one of our monthly meetings.

Location / Meeting Date
Corel Center, Orazio La Manna / September 8th
October 6th
November 3rd
December 1st
January 5th
Algonquin College, Rick Reid / February 2nd
March 1st
April 5th
May 3rd
June 7th