Grace Church
April 2012
Approved Resources
April 2012
The studies listed in this booklet that may be checked out from the Grace Church Resource Library are indicated
by the symbol (»). To ensure that the materials are not already checked out by someone else, be sure to call
ahead to reserve them (contact: Sharon Wills 314-292-8332 or ). Occasionally, a resource
is owned by an individual and resides with its owner, but may be made available to you upon request (contact:
the personlisted at “location”).
While you are not limited to these, you must get pastoral approval (current pastor contact: Lauren Quagliata 314-292-8331 or ) prior to using other study materials. Once a resource is approved, make sure that the Community Group Secretary (Sharon Wills 314-292-8332 or ) is made aware of the approval so that the resource can be added to her inventory list.
»7 Laws of the Teacher, The
Study Material:7 videos; Course Notebook; Session Notes
Speaker / Distributor:Howard G. Hendricks / Walk Thru The Bible
Subject / Description:V1–Teacher; V2–Education; V3–Activity; V4–Communication;
V5–Heart; V6–Encouragement; V7–Readiness
»10 Commandments of Dating, The
Study Material:1 video; 1 audio cassette; Facilitator Guide
Speaker / Distributor:Ben Young, Sam Adams / Nelson Word
Subject / Description:Discover how you can protect yourself from the pain of contemporary
dating pitfalls and build a lasting relationship. More than simple
relationship advice, this video-assisted training package gives you
relationship common sense.
»10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage
Study Material:2 videos; Book; Leader Guide
Speaker / Distributor:David & Claudia Arp / HarperCollins-Zondervan
Subject / Description:Spark fresh romance through memory-making evenings built on key,
marriage-enriching themes. Communicate better, process anger and
resolve conflicts, set realistic goals, build a creative sex life, develop
spiritual intimacy, balance busy lifestyles and more.
»40 Days of Community: Better Together
Study Material:2 videos or 1 DVD (6 sessions); Small Group Participant Guides
available by order ($5.00 each)
Speaker / Distributor:Rick Warren / Saddleback
»40 Days of Purpose
Study Material:2 videos (6 sessions); Small Group Study Guides (green) OR
Small Group Edition Study Guides (blue); either guide available
by order ($5.00 each)
Speaker / Distributor:Rick Warren / Saddleback
»Active Christian Parenting
Study Material:2 videos (6 sessions); Leader Guide; Parent Guide
Speaker / Distributor:Augsburg Fortress
Subject / Description:Based on the popular Active Parenting Today parent education
program, this study combines skill-based parenting strategies with a
focus on Christian values and practice, giving parents the tools they
need to improve their parenting skills and foster their children’s faith
development. The video vignettes trigger discussion and model skills.
For the preschool to preteen years.
»After You Say “I Do” . . .
Study Material:6 videos (12 sessions)
Speaker / Distributor:H. Norman Wright, Tim & Beverly LaHaye, Larry Burkett /
Evangelical Films
Subject / Description:H. Norman Wright: 1–Communication; 2–Learning to listen;
3–Speaking your mate’s language; 4–Resolving marital conflict
Tim & Beverly LaHaye: 5–Cultivating a relationship; 6–Sexual
intimacy; 7–Sexual adjustment; 8–Questions: sexual adjustment
Larry Burkett: 9–Setting up a family budget; 10–The money baro-
meter; 11–Long range financial goals; 12–Questions & Answers
»Andy Griffith Show Bible Study Series, The (Volume 1)
Study Material:1 video (4 classic episodes); 1 audio cassette; Facilitator-Leader
Guide; Study Guide must be purchased separately
Speaker / Distributor:Dennis Swanberg (host) / Nelson Word
Subject / Description:Mayberry more often than not pointed out basic principles of
common decency, and it did so without being preachy. A lot of the
lessons were imparted from father to son, or from trusted friend to
naive deputy. Timeless moral values, the struggle to be good and do
good, were presented in a way that was readily understandable. This
volume contains the following four episodes: 1–Rafe Hollister Sings
(judging others), 2–Opie and the Spoiled Kid (the value of work),
3–The Rivals (serving as mentors), 4–Aunt Bee’s Medicine Man
(the power of deception).
Anxious For Nothing – God’s Cures for the Cares of Your Soul
Author: John MacArthur
Grounded in the scriptures, this books reminds us that God understands our struggles and has
equipped us with the resources to not only face, but also to truly triumph over our anxieties.
»Be Still and Know That I Am God
Study Material:1 DVD (4 sessions); Participant’s Guide
Speaker / Distributor:Bill Donahue, Amy & Judge Reinhold, Beth Moore / Willow Creek
Subject / Description:In hectic, busy lives, we need to learn to be still and take time to reconnect with God. You will learn about and experience the peace and power of “listening” prayer. Sections include DVD segments as well as discussion, practice and indivudual reflection. 1–What is Contemplative Prayer?; 2–Silence and Scripture: The Core of Contemplative Prayer;
3–Lectio Divina: The Practice of Contemplative Prayer; 4–Connecting
Personally with God.
»Becoming A Contagious Christian
Study Material:1 video (4 2-hr or 8 50-min sessions); Book; Leader Guide;
Overhead Masters
Speaker / Distributor:Mark Mittelberg, Lee Strobel, Bill Hybels / Willow Creek
Subject / Description:Communicating your faith in a style that fits you. Personal,
contemporary evangelism.
»Believing God: Experiencing a Fresh Explosion of Faith
Study Material:6 DVDs (10 sessions); Leader Guide; Member book
Speaker / Distributor:Beth Moore / LifeWay Church Resources
Subject / Description:Do you believe God or merely believe in Him? Based on Isaiah 43:10,
this study explores what it means to believe God through studying the
lives of Abraham, Moses and others (from Hebrews 11) as examples of
persons who believed God. 1–Believing God for your promised land;
2–Believing God is who He says He is; 3–Believing God can do what
He says He can do; 4–Believing you are who God says you are;
5–Believing you can do all things through Christ; 6–Believing God’s
Word is alive and active in you; 7–Believing God has been there all
along; 8–Believing God to get you to your Gilgal; 9–Believing God
when victory demands your all; 10–Believing God for the rest of
your days
Best Is Yet to Come, The
Author: John H. Kieschnick
The author discusses and explores seven doors of spiritual growth — witness, worship, connections, prayer, study, service and giving — and exposes how Jesus is behind each door. Also included are group study questions, questions for digging deeper and leader tips.
Beth Moore Studies (all)
Author: Beth Moore
Bible Book Series
Author: Bob Yandian
These books offer excellent verse-by-verse commentary and make for meaningful study. They are not formatted for group discussion. The leader would need to prepare good discussion questions for each chapter.
• EPHESIANS – The Maturing of the Saints
• GALATIANS – The Spirit-Controlled Life
• PROVERBS – Principles of Wisdom
• SALT & LIGHT – The Sermon on the Mount
»Biblical Financial Study
Study Material:Small Group Student Manual; Small Group Practical Application
Author / Publisher:Crown Financial Ministries
Big Picture of the Bible – Old Testament
Author: Lorna Daniels Nichols
What is the Old Testament all about? How are the stories and people of those ancient times interconnected? How do the events of thousands of years ago relate to us today? This book summarizes biblical stories and events in an easy-to-read format and organizes the events in historical sequence, which provides continuity and understanding of the overall message of the Old Testament. Readers will be able to see how Jesus Christ fulfills the plan of God laid out in the Old Testament. This book, usable as an individual or group study, is available in Grace Bookstore.
Big Picture of the Bible – New Testament
Author: Lorna Daniels Nichols
Journey through the New Testament and see how the story of Jesus translates to Good News for us today. This book begins with the 400-year period between the Old and New Testaments. Readers are then led through Scripture from Matthew to Revelation. Written in the same easy-to-read format as the Big Picture of the Bible – Old Testament, readers are guided through
the story of Jesus’ life on earth – His birth, ministry, crucifixion and resurrection – and the apostles’ work in spreading the Good News. This book, usable as an individual or group study, is available in Grace Bookstore.
»Blended Family, The
Author / Publisher:Tom & Adrienne Frydenger / Chosen Books
Subject / Description:A helpful guide for ready-made families seeking loving relationships.
»Boomers the Train is Coming!
Study Material:9 DVDs (9 sessions)
Speaker / Distributor:Grace Church staff & special guests / Grace Church
Subject / Description:This will help you get on the right track when it comes to caring for
the elderly. 1–Honoring Your Mother & Father, Grief, Leaving a Legacy;
2–Financial & Estate Planning, Wills, Health Care; 3–Living Options, Senior Fraud & Abuse; 4–Family Dynamics, Sibling Rivalry, Regrest, Guilt; 5–Veterans Benefits; 6–Caregivers: How to Avoid Burnout, How to Deal With Stress; 7–Pre-Planned Funerals, Cremation, Burial, Ethical Issues; 8–Medicare, Medicaid,Social Security; 9–Alzheimers Disease, Dementia & Other Age-Related Issues
»Boundaries in Dating and Marriage
Study Material:6 videos (6 sessions)
Speaker / Distributor:Henry Cloud, John Townsend / Cloud-Townsend Communications
Subject / Description:1–It takes two to make one; 2–What you value is what you’ll have;
3–Three’s a crowd: protecting your marriage from intruders;
4–Becoming more loveable: boundaries on yourself; 5–Solving
conflict with a boundary loving spouse; 6–Solving conflict with a
boundary resistant spouse
»Breaking Free: Making Liberty in Christ a Reality in Life
Study Material:6 videos; Leader Guide; Book
Speaker / Distributor:Beth Moore / LifeWay
Subject / Description:Most Christians today do not enjoy the abundant life God intended
(to know and believe Him, glorify Him, find satisfaction in Him,
experience His peace and enjoy His presence). Based on Isaiah
61:1-4, this in-depth study draws parallels between the captive
Israelites and today’s believers and leads you through the scriptures to
discover the transforming power of Christian freedom.
Breaking the Cycle of Hurtful Family Experiences
Authors: Robert S McGee, Pat Springle, Jim Craddock
Our ideas about how to relate to others and to God are often shaped by faulty ideas from our past. This book identifies harmful patterns and helps us experience healthy relationships and God’s love. (Periodically, this is offered as one of the Support/Recovery/Healing classes at Grace.)
»Bringing Up Boys
Study Material:6 videos (12 sessions); Leader Guide; Participant Guide
Speaker / Distributor:James Dobson / Focus on the Family
Subject / Description:Practical advice and encouragement for those shaping the next
generation of men. Warm, humorous, common sense. 1–Boys will
be boys; 2–The trouble with boys; 3–Wounded spirits; 4–Origins of
homosexuality; 5–Preventing homosexuality; 6–Routine panic;
7–Questions from parents and grandparents, part 1; 8–Men r fools;
9–Boys r fools too; 10– Questions from parents and grandparents,
part 2; 11–The ultimate priority
»Building A Christian Family: A Guide for Parents
Study Material:2 videos (Tape A and Tape B)
Speaker / Distributor:Kenneth & Elizabeth Gangel / Dallas Christian Video
Subject / Description:Tape A: What did God intend? / What is a family? / How to function
biblically in today’s family
Tape B: The lost art of discipline / Family breakdown: threat to
national health / An agenda for family education in the church
»Business by the Book Workshop
Study Material:Leader Guide with CD in back of book
Author / Publisher:Larry Burkett, Howard Dayton, David Rae / Crown Financial Ministries
Subject / Description:Achieving true success in your marketplace
Call for Character, A
Author: Greg Zoschak
This is an excellent book for character development. Each chapter defines a particular fruit of the Spirit, explains what it will accomplish in the life of the believer, and offers practical insight on how that fruit can be developed. Although no discussion questions are included in the book, the format of each chapter would lend itself to good discussion. This book is highly recommended because the content of material is excellent.
»Called to Influence
Study Material:4 audio CDs (Intro + 11 sessions); Coordinator Guide;
Group Member Guide
Speaker / Distributor:THRiVE Women’s Study
Subject / Description:Introduction; 1–The Power of Influence; 2–Going Deeper With God;
3–Knowing What You Believe; 4–Reflecting His Character; 5–Protecting His Priorities; 6–Understanding Your Uniqueness; 7–Influencing the Ones You Love; 8–Being His body; 9–Facing Life’s Obstacles; 10–Touching Your World; 11–Reaching Beyond Your Comfort Zone
Case for Christ, The
Author: Lee Strobel
Lee Strobel was an atheist who interviewed the experts with questions about Christianity intending to descredit Christianity. What he found was that verdict pointed to Jesus being exactly who the Bible said He was. This book presents logical rational answers to help you respond to the questions people have about why you believe what you believe. (Periodically, this is offered as one of the Frontline classes at Grace.)
Case for Faith, The
Author: Lee Strobel
Have you ever wondered how to answer tough questions? Why should the death of one man 2000 years ago make a difference in my life today? Why should I accept the Bible as being more important than other religious books in the world? Why should I believe in a creator God versus the scientific proven facts of evolution? Lee Strobel puts forth understandable reasons why you should believe in Christ and in His Word. (Periodically, this is offered as one of the Frontline classes at Grace.)
»Choosing Wisely Before You Divorce
Study Material:2 videos (5 sessions); Facilitator Guide; Workbook
Speaker / Distributor:Divorce Care Inc
Subject / Description:If you are facing a marriage crisis and considering separation or
divorce, these videos will help you sort out the many complicated
issues you should consider before you make your decision. In the
emotional upheaval that accompanies marriage difficulties, it’s often
hard to get the necessary perspective you need to make the right
decision about whether to stay together or not. 1–The Legal and
Financial Impact of Divorce; 2–The Physical, Emotional and Spiritual
Effects of Divorce; 3–The Many Effects of Divorce on Your Children;
4–Forgiveness; 5–Reconciliation
»Christian Apologetics Program, The
Study Material:16 audiotapes (8 2-tape sessions)
Speaker / Distributor:Biola University
Subject / Description:A continuing series of lectures and debates in the defense of faith.
1–The Absurdity of Life Without God (William Lane Craig);
2–Arguments for the Existence of God (JP Moreland); 3–The Case for
Faith: A Personal Exploration (Lee Strobel); 4–Christianity and the
Problem of Popular Culture (John Mark Reynolds); Defending the
Gospel Accounts of Jesus (Joe Hellerman); 6–Evidence for the
Resurrection (Craig J. Hazen); 7–Responding to Relativism (Greg
Koukl); 8–Solving the Problem of Evil (Garrett J DeWeese)
»Christian Life & Witness Course
Study Material:4 videos; Workbook
Speaker / Distributor:Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Subject / Description:Designed to help Christians revitalize their own faith and then share it
with others. V1–The effective Christian life; V2–The victorious Christian life; V3–The Christian’s witness; V4–Follow-up
»CNN Library of DVDs
July 2004
Broadcast: Six Tough Questions for the Church
September 2004
When the Enemy Strikes — Dr. Charles Stanley
Pastor to Pastor: The Emotionally Healthy Pastor — HB London, John Ortberg, Dr. Richard
Breaking Free — Bruce Wilkinson, Stormie Omartian, Dr. John Townsend
The Case for the Creator — Lee Strobel, Mark Mittelberg, Dr. Stephanie Meyer
October 2004
The Case for the Creator — no speaker listed; see above
January 2006
Transcendent Character Leadership — Dr. Henry Cloud
Pastor to Pastor: The Spiritually Vital Leader — HB London, Dallas Willard, John Ortberg
Preparing Your Daughter for Every Young Woman’s Battle — Shannon Ethridge
Groups That Grow: No Perfect People Here — Dr. Henry Cloud, Bill Donahue
Becoming Women Who Change the World — George Barna, Michele Borquez, Constance
Lift Up Your Voice — Beth Moore, David Jeramiah, Jerry Rankin, Carrie McDonnell,
Travis Cottrell
Generous Giving: Creating a Culture of Generosity in Your Church — Bob Coy, Dr. Joseph
February 2006
Surviving a Spiritual Mismatch — Lee & Leslie Strobel
A New Year, A New You (three) — Valerie Bell, Shaunti Feldmahn, Dr. Linda Mintle
Strategic Leadership — George Barna, Greg Hawkins, Ruth Rasmus
Groups That Grow: Getting Connected from Day One — Dr. Henry Cloud, Bill Donahue
March 2006
The Intentional Church — Randy Pope
Mobilizing High-Capacity Lay Leaders — Lloyd Reeb, Bill Wellons
Groups That Grow: Starting at the End — Dr. Henry Cloud, Bill Donahue
Leading Kids to Christ: Part One–Key Dynamics for Communication with Kids and
Part Two–How to Share Jesus With Children — David Staal
Attitudes and Aptitudes: The Art of Getting Leaders to Work Together —George Barna,
Arhtur Miller
The DaVinci Code Evangelism Training Event — Lee Strobel, Mark Mittelberg, Ken Baugh,
Dr. Paul Maier
Ultimate Leadership: Taking Ownership of the Outcome — Dr. Henry Cloud
April 2006
Ministry and Marriage: When Leaders Live Together — John & Nancy Ortberg
Groups That Grow: Building the Guardrails — Dr. Henry Cloud, Bill Donahue