LES Internal funding 2018LIF18_001

LES Publication Reward Scheme 2018

The LES Publication Reward Scheme is a funding scheme available to LES staff and students who are not-members of any SRC (please see eligibility criteria below) aimed at encouraging high quality publications in the form of a financial reward based on the quality of a publication published in the previous year.The specific amount of funding provided for each eligible publication will be determined after receiving all applications, but it is expected to be in the range of $250 to $1,500, relative to the category of published outputs.

Please note, the timing and reference period of this scheme has changed respect to previous years.

The scheme isnow available each year in February, and rewarding publications that have been published in the previous 12 months. The allocated funds will have to be spent/committedon research-related activities by the end of October each year.Please carefully read the eligibility criteria and instructions provided below.

The deadline for submitting applications for this scheme is Wednesday14February 2018.

Publication Reward Categories:

There are three different categories of reward, relative to the quality of the published output, and funds will be provided proportionally.

Category 1) Exceptional publications:

  • Any publication in a journal with an impact factor* above 10.

Category 2) High quality publications:

  • Any publication in a journal with an impact factor* above 3, andin a journal ranked in the top quartile (Q1)** of its field.
  • Any authored academic/text book (pending publisher eligibility***).

Category 3) Publications:

  • Any publication in a journal with an impact factor* above 1, and in a journal ranked in second quartile (Q1)** of its field.
  • Any edited academic/text book (where book’s chapter are authored by different authors) (pending publisher eligibility***).

*For Impact Factor (IF) and journal ranking per field, please refer to: Web of Science, Journal Citation reports

**For journal ranking quartile (Q1, Q2) of its filed, please refer to: Scimago SJR

***For publisher eligibility for academic/text book, please contact “SEBE LES AHoS Research”

Publication’s eligibility:

Eligible publications for the LES Publication Reward Scheme in 2018 are those which fulfil all of the following requirements:

  • Only publications effectively published between 1/01/2017 and 31/12/2017, as indicated on the date of publication reported on the publication itself, are eligible for the LES Publication Reward Scheme 2018.
  • Only publications reporting the full name of the School (School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University) as the affiliation for the author claiming the reward are eligible.
  • For scientific papers, only papers in journals listed by Web of Science or Scopus are eligible.
  • For academic/text books, only books with an ISBN number are eligible, and pending approval from AHoS(Research)***.

Author’s eligibility:

Eligible authors for the LES Publication Reward Scheme 2018 are those who fulfil all of the following requirements:

  • Only authors who on April30th2018 are anemployee of the School of Life and Environmental Sciences for at least half-time (0.5 FTE), or are a School of Life and Environmental Sciences HDR student currently enrolled and within 3 years of their HDR candidature commencement date.
  • Only LES staff or HDR students who are not-members of any SRC (Strategic Research Centre) are eligible to apply (for SRC members, it is suggested that you contact your SRC Director to know if there are similar funding schemes supported by the SRC).

Please note that the HDR students SRC membership status is determined by the membership status of their principal supervisor.(If unsure about your SRC status, for post-docs/HDR students please contact your line manager/supervisor. For all on going academic staff, please contact “SEBE LES AHoS Research” )

  • Only authors who are the first or senior author are eligible. Senior authors are hereto defined as those appearing in the authorship list as either second or last author, and are also clearly identified as the corresponding author.

Number of applications:

There is no limit on the number of applications per eligible author.

An eligible publication can only be used once to claim the LES Publication Reward Scheme 2018. Therefore for example, an eligible publication with an HDR student as first author and their supervisor as senior author is eligible only once (either by the HDR student or by the supervisor).

Funding:As mentioned above, the specific amount of funding provided for each eligible publication will be determined after receiving all applications, but it is expected to be in the range of $250 to $1,500, relative to the category of published outputs.

For eligible academic staff, the total value of the claimed publication reward will be then combined with the “LES Performance Bonus” and provided in a single instalment.

How to apply for the LES Publication Reward Scheme 2018:

Please submit your application by email to by Wednesday 14 February 2018.

With the email, please provide:

  • An electronic copy of the publication.
  • For research articles: provide detailed information about the impact factor of the journal, and the journal ranking in its defined field.
  • All details of eligible authors claiming the reward.
  • Confirmation that the publication has not been claimed by any other eligible co-author

For any additional information or for clarification, please contact .

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