Faculty of Engineering
Architecture & Information Technology
The scholarship is now available to a First Year student intending to commence study in mining engineering in the second year of the Bachelor of Engineering program in 2013. The value of the scholarship is $10,000 per annum for 3 years as per rule 3 (3) of the scholarship rules.
Before applying, please check your eligibility by viewing the relevant scholarship rules here.
Applications are open and will close 8 October 2012.
Please submit the following documents and forward all completed applications via email to by the due date.
1. Completed application form;
2. Cover letter addressed to Professor David Mee, Head, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering;
3. Your resume
4. Academic transcript
Interviews will be held prior to the end of semester 2. All successful short-listed students will be contacted via email.
EMAIL: ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
I have completed #6 units of the Bachelor of Engineering program and currently enrolled in the 1st year of the Bachelor of Engineering program. I intend to enroll in the Mining Engineering discipline in 2013.
I declare that I have read the rules for the scholarships and confirm that all information supplied by me is true and correct in every particular.
I declare that should I be a successful recipient of a scholarship I give permission to be contacted directly by the scholarship sponsor.
By submitting this application I also give permission for my application to be viewed by the selection panel, which may include representatives from the scholarship sponsor and may be forwarded in electronic format to them.
All completed applications should be emailed to no later than 5.00pm on 8 October, 2012
For 2012 as per rule 3 (3) the value of the scholarship will be $10,000 p.a. for 3 years.
(Established in 2010 and maintained by an annual gift from Peabody Energy Australia Pty Ltd.)
1 Purpose
The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage and assist meritorious students in their final 3 years of study in the Bachelor of Engineering program, in the field of mining engineering.
2 Definitions
In these rules -
Bachelor of Engineering program includes a dual program that includes the Bachelor of Engineering program.
Head means the Head of School, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering.
Peabody means Peabody Energy Australia Pty Ltd.
relevant field means mining engineering.
scholarship means the Peabody Energy Australia Pty Ltd Engineering Scholarship.
3 Value and award of scholarship
(1) The value of the scholarship is $8,000 for each year for which it is held.
(2) The Senate may award 1 scholarship each year on the recommendation of the Head.
(3) The Head, after consultation with the donor, will determine the value of the scholarship each year
4 Additional benefits
Peabody may offer the recipient of a scholarship any of the following opportunities -
(a) thesis mentoring;
(b) an ambassadorial role;
(c) vacation employment at any Peabody site and for any period during the period in which the recipient holds
the scholarship, determined by Peabody, in consultation with the recipient.
5 Eligibility for award
An applicant is eligible for the scholarship in a year, if the applicant-
(a) submits an application to the Head, by the closing date; and
(b) is a domestic student within the meaning of the Fee Rules; and
(c) has completed at least 6 units in the Bachelor of Engineering program; and
(d) does not hold a scholarship that the Head considers to be similar.
6 Selection of award
(1) For the selection process, the Head must establish a selection committee, comprising -
(a) the Head, or nominee, as chair of the committee; and
(b) at least one representative of Peabody; and
(c) academic staff members who are currently teaching in the relevant field, with university staff comprising
the majority.
(2) The scholarship is awarded to the applicant showing greatest merit as demonstrated by -
(a) academic achievement in courses undertaken in the Bachelor of Engineering program; and
(b) strength of interest that the applicant demonstrates in completing at least one period of vacation
employment at Peabody; and
(c) strength of interest that the applicant demonstrates in the relevant field; and
(d) personal qualities, including leadership potential; and
(e) any other matter that the selection committee considers to be relevant to the applicant's future success in
the mining engineering profession.
(3) The selection committee may decide to interview short-listed applicants.
7 Conditions for scholarship
(1) The recipient may hold the scholarship for up to 3 years, subject to the recipient -
(a) continue to be enrolled full-time in the Bachelor of Engineering program in the relevant field; and
(b) achieving a GPA of at least 5 for each semester of study; and
(c) conducting themselves in a professional manner while performing any ambassadorial role or duties of
vacation employment.
(2) If a recipient fails to satisfy rule 7(1) the student must show cause to the Head why the scholarship should
not be cancelled.
(3) In this rule -
minimum completion time, means the minimum period of time it would take the recipient to complete the remainder of the Engineering program in which the recipient is enrolled when the recipient is awarded the scholarship.
satisfactory academic progress, means that the recipient passes all courses in which they are enrolled and gains a GPA of at least 5 for each semester of study in which the recipient holds the scholarship.