
BOT 05-23-17


Oglala Lakota College recognizes class sessions may need to be cancelled due to school holidays, weather, road conditions, or the instructor being unavailable. Such cancellations should be avoided if possible. The instructor and center staff shall consider students who need to travel to attend the course when deciding if class should be cancelled. The instructor will be responsible for informing center staff, students, and the appropriate department chair via email as early as possible. Center staff shall post course cancellations in the entrance hall as well as on the center’s social media page (if applicable). The instructor will list the session as cancelled in the course’s attendance section on Jenzabar.

All cancelled sessions shall be made up to ensure the required fifteen (15) contact hours per credit hour is met. This includes sessions cancelled due to school holidays, weather and road conditions, or the instructor being unavailable. Sessions shall be made up using the following guidelines:

  • The instructor shall schedule the make-up class in consultation with students and staff at the center where the course is facilitated as well as other home centers of students enrolled in the course.
  • The College shall designate four college-wide make-up days on weekends. Two of the make-up days shall take place before the end of week 9 and two additional days will be scheduled for weeks 10-15. The Vice President for Instruction shall determine the dates of the college-wide make-up days at the beginning of each semester.
  • Appropriate time needs to be allotted for faculty to contact students and to allow students to make arrangements to attend the make-up class.
  • As soon as a make-up session is scheduled, instructors will inform
  • a) students,
  • b) staff of the center where the course is located,
  • c) staff of students’ home centers; and
  • d) the appropriate department chair.
  • Instructors will submit a revised course schedule to students, department chair and center director. In addition, instructors will add the make-up session in the attendance section on Jenzabar.
  • Students who are unable to attend a make-up session shall contact the instructor prior to the make-up class to schedulean individual make-up assignment.
  • The make-up session shall consist of 50 minutes of class time per credit hour (i.e., 2.5hours for a three-credit hour course) and may be split into multiple segments taking place on different days.
  • In some courses, alternative make-up strategies may be acceptable. Alternative strategies may only be used with approval of the department chair.
  • Make-up activities must be aligned with lesson and course learning outcomes.
  • Cancelled classes occurring through week six shall be made up by the end of week nine.
  • Students utilizing OLC transportation services shall be provided transportation to attend make-up classes, if feasible.