More Information about Colon Hydrotherapy

Why Do People Receive Colon Hydrotherapy?
  • Many of my clients come to see me during a fast, a detox program, a liver/gallbladder flush. Many of them are raw foods enthusiasts that use colonics regularly as part of their overall health and wellness routine.
  • Many people decide to receive the treatments when they are ready to change their lifestyle or as a preventive measure.
  • Another group ofclients manifest symptoms of intestinal distress
  • Constipation
  • Candida overgrowth, bloating and gas, parasites
  • Colitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bad breath
  • Diverticulitis, abdominal distention, stomachaches
  • Acne, psoriasis, eczema
  • Pre-menstrual syndrome, painful menstruation
  • Depression
  • Back pain, arthritis, joint pain.
  • Colds, flu, fatigue, headaches, migraines
  • Allergies, hay fever, asthma, sinus problems, and
  • Athletes have discovered colon therapy to improve metabolic efficiency.
  • Someof my clients areworking on emotional issues, letting go of the past which they feel are physiologically rooted in their intestines.
What Will Colonics Do For The Colon?
  1. Cleansing ofthe Colon: Breaks down toxic and waste excrement so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination. Toxins and waste built up are gently removed in a series of treatments. Your colon begins to co-operate again. In this sense, a colonic is a rejuvenation treatment.
  2. Exercises the Colon Muscles: The build-up of toxins and waste weakens the colon and impairs its functioning. The gentle filling and emptying of the colon improves peristalsis (muscular contraction). Having colonics is like taking your colon to the gym. The best colon work out.
  3. Reshapes the Colon: When problem conditions exist in the colon, they tend to change its shape.The colon is a muscle and will enlarge to the build up of toxins and old fecal matter that is not being released. The gentle action of water, coupled with massage techniques of the colon therapist, help to eliminate pockets ofwaste and narrowed, spastic constrictions finally allowing the colon to resume its natural shape.
  4. Stimulated Reflex Points in the Colon: The colon is connected to every system and organ in the body by reflex points. The colonic stimulates these points thereby affecting the corresponding body parts in a beneficial way. Thus creating overall well-being and health in the body.
  5. Hydration of the Whole Body: Water is absorbed into the body through the colon. The circulation of the blood is increased, more nourishment and water is transported to the cells resulting in a greater bathing of the cells. This dilutes the toxins and flushes them out; increasing elimination through the kidneys, and the skin as well as the bowels.
Benefits Of Colon Hydrotherapy

Stimulates peristaltic action of intestines restoring normal muscle tone, helping to remove constipation.

Reduces pressure in the intra-abdominal area.Relaxes abdominal muscles. Relaxes pressure on the hips and lumbar column and is beneficial to their flexibility.

Sensation of well beingthrough elimination of mucus, undigested foods, gases and toxic bacteria. Relieves inflammation though elimination of irritating substances.

Expels parasites in combination with parasite killing herbs.

Reduces weight and helps to lose inches off your belly due to elimination. Creates an increase in mental capacity and rejuvenation since it slows down the degenerative process by removing toxic substances that affect biological aging.

Compression of neighboring organs disappears when volume is reduced in the colon. It has a relaxing effect on organs such as the liver, heart, and lungs.

It reinforces natural immunity.

This information should not be considered as medical advice. It is provided to you so that you can make an informed decision whether colonics are a good choice for you.