Lesson Plan
Lesson:Thanksgiving History: Word Decoding w/ bulletin board incorporation
Length:No more than hour and half (1 1/2) with clean up
Age& Grade Level Intended: 7-8 years old- Grade 2nd{2.1.3}
Academic Standard(s):2.1.3
Decode (sound out) regular words with more than one syllable (dinosaur, vacation).
Performance Objective(s):
1.)Students will gain knowledge about the first Thanksgiving, how the pilgrims lived and the differences between our Thanksgiving today and the Thanksgivings of the past.
2.) Given list students will decode the words 8 out of 10 times {See attachment}
3.) Students will develop small motor skills by tracing their hands and cutting them out for the bulletin board.
Assessment: The students will complete the list and be able to understand the meaning of Thanksgiving.
Advance Preparation by Teacher:
1. The book "The Story of Thanksgiving" by Robert Merrill Bartlett
2. Sentence strip to write the words on
3. Markers, white board, colored {green, red, blue, purple, brown} construction paper, scissors, glue. Also have the turkey all ready made up and on your bulletin board ready to go.
Introduction/Motivation:Introduce Tommy the Turkey (a turkey made of paper for the bulletin board) and tell the students that Tommy is very sad and ask them if they can figure out why he is sad? (Because he has no feathers) Explain that as a class we will use our hands to create features for Tommy.
Then ask the students what they all ready know about pilgrims'and the First Thanksgiving. Write their thoughts on the white board and point them out when reading "The Story of Thanksgiving"(Bloom: Knowledge)
Step-by Step- Plan:
1. Read the book "The Story of Thanksgiving"- talk about what is in the book related to what the kids already know. (Done in the reading corner)(Bloom: Comprehension)
2. Write the word "Thanksgiving" on the white board and ask the students what they notice about the word? (For example it’s diagraph, "ing" why it starts with a capital letter). (Done in the reading corner)(Bloom: Analysis)
3. Give each student sentences strips have them write the words from the list on the strip then have them cut it up- so each part of the word stands alone. (Done at their desk)
4. Have the student’spractices sounding out the words to their cluster or alone.(Gardner: Verbal/Linguistic)
5 .When they feel like they have practices enough have them come over to the reading corner and correctly sound out the words for the teacher or teacher aid.8 out of 10 words must be done correctly to pass.(Bloom:Synthesis, Gardner: Verbal/Linguistic)
6. When they are done they may start on the project
7.Pass out construction paper (5-6 pieces cut in half depending on the size of the turkey and bulletin board) Students will begin to trace their hands and cut them out to give Tommy Turkey some feathers so he will no longer be unhappy.(Gardner: Visual/Spatial)
8. Have the students write one (1) thing they are thankful for on the cut out feather (hand). (Gardner: Intrapersonal)
9. When students are done have them place their feather (hand) on the board with the turkey.
Closure:When everyone is done ask the students one thing they learned about the first Thanksgiving from today’s story (Done in the reading corner). Then read them a short poem to lighten up the mode. Poem can be found online with music at ((Gardner: Musical/Rhythmic)
- A girl with a L.D. She struggles when it come to her grade level of reading and spelling because English is her second language. We will use pictures to help her identify with the word meaning.
- A boy with ADHD will be my little helper during our first reading time. I will have him stand by the white board and help point tothe phrases the class wrote down as they relate to the book. Allowing him to focus and stay on topic.
- A girl with High Ability will research the meaning behind Plymouth Rock and help share that information with the class. She can do this the night before if she choices to or in class.
Self-Reflection:During question time- If students are not answering me correctly then I know we need to spend another lesson on the history of the First Thanksgiving. If decoding is a problem I know to plan additional lessons about decoding later on in the week.
Book used in this lesson plan
Bartlett, R. M. (2001). The Story of Thanksgiving. Harper Collins Publishers.
Little Turkey in the Straw
Oh, there was a little turkeyWho strutted through the straw.
He lived in the barn
With his maw and paw.
But every November,
He thought it was a pity,
They sent him to visit
His cousins in the city.
"Gobble, gobble, gobble,"
He cried all day.
He did not want to go away.
His folks said, "Go!
Before time's wasted
Or you'll spend Thanks-
Giving day being basted!" / And so the little turkey
Went off to see the town.
A little bit unhappy
With his tail feathers down.
His cousins took him
Trotting to their Pizza Hut--
And now that little turkey
Is a pizza nut.
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble
He eats, then sighs,
And orders up more pizza pies.
He tells his cousins,
"Hey! This is living.
It's the way all turkeys
should spend Thanksgiving."
List of words
- Thanksgiving
- Mayflower
- Pilgrims
- Plymouth
- Indian
- Harvest
- Popcorn
- Sharing
Challenge word
- Squanto