Highways Subcommittee on Construction (SOC)
Work Plan 2007-2008
Chair:Gary Ridley, ODOT
Vice Chair:Thomas R. Bohuslav, TxDOT
Secretary:Julius “Butch” Wlaschin, FHWA
AASHTO Liaison:Jim McDonnell
Review of SOC Charge Statement
No change.
Proposed Schedule
New or Updated Publications
- Publish the latest update to the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Highway Construction.
Other Activities
- Develop the program for the SOC 2008 summer meeting in San Antonio, Texas, August 3 through August7.
- Serve on the NPHQ Steering Committee, NWHS update, Highways for Life Task Force, NICET,AASHTO TIG, Electronic Engineering Data TC, and the Design Build Joint Committee.
- Participate in International Scan on Public-Private Partnerships.
- Participate in TCCC activities to provide up-to-date training for areas such as inspection, stakeless construction, Environmental Factors in Construction,etc.
- Develop statements for and participate in the NCHRP research and synthesis programs and International and Domestic Scans.
Upcoming Meetings
- August 3-7, 2008, San Antonio, Texas
- 2009, Chicago, Illinois
- 2010, Burlington, Vermont
Computers and Technology Section (George Raymond, ODOT)
- Continue to provide information to AASHTO website:
Pursue reorganization and update of AASHTO SOC Website to increase ease of navigation.
- Continue to provide updates to the National Highway Specification Website:
Establish a roster of responsible individuals in each state to update Specification Website.
Participate in FHWA effort to enhance National Highway Specification Website.
- Continue to provide leadership, extension, and guidance for the enhancements of the AASHTO Trns●Port software and Civil Rights and Labor Management System (CRLMS).
- Survey state of the practice in electronic project documentation, as-built documentation, and archiving (types of native files – scans or editable documents). Task is complete.
- Participate in promoting traffic modeling (e.g. CA4PRS) efforts to improve work zones in urban corridors at macro level.
- Develop a white paper to identify opportunities and challenges for automation of materials production and placement during construction including production (e.g. bar coding, RFID chips) and testing (e.g. maturity metering): where we are today, what technology and specifications are currently available, and where we would like to go.
Contract Administration Section (Ellis Powell, NCDOT)
- Update State DOT Use of Price Adjustment Clauses.
The completed spreadsheet is posted at
- Current Practices for Cost Containment (such as bid alternates, contract bundling, VE reviews, etc.).
The updated web page is posted at
- States Delegation of Approval Authority for Contract Change Orders/Time Extensions/Scope Changes.
The updated web page is posted at
- Current Practices for Price Adjustment Clauses.
The updated spreadsheet is posted at
- Liaison with the FHWA / AASHTO / Industry DBE Work Group to develop the AASHTO DBE Toolkit.
Environmental and Human Resource Section (Roger Driskell, ILDOT)
Environmental Stewardship
- Develop guidance on selection of appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs).
- Survey states on contract requirements for an environmental requirement on construction projects.
Work Zone Safety
- Assist with implementation of the new FHWA Work Zone requirements including reviewing guidelines and disseminating best practices.
Human Resources
- Indentify and disseminate best practice for dealing with cultural and language differences in construction.
- Identify and disseminate best practices for recruiting and retention of state construction staff.
Roadway and Structures Section(David A. Sadler, FDOT)
- Identify and disseminate highest value for inspector time.
- Develop current best practices for inspection and measurement of workmanship, and prepare recommendations for the QA program guide.
- Develop and disseminatebest practices on pavement markings, including removal of existing markings, transition areas, and installations of new markings.
- Develop and disseminate a catalogue of reviews (constructability, VE, Contractor solicited input, design error, and post construction feedback) for improving quality.
- Develop and disseminate best practices for how DOTs are accomplishing specialty construction inspection (ITS, bridge painting, etc.). Includes use of outsourcing or state resources, certifications used (if any), and the relative cost difference in outsourced services compared to state staff.
The SOC’s 1 to 5 year goals are as follows:
- Provide guidance to the states to reduce the construction impacts to traffic flow and to increase safety.
- Develop best practices for environmental stewardship that states can easily implement.
- Develop best practices and innovations for procurement methods and contract administration that increase construction quality and regulatory compliance, and reduce reliance on state forces.
- Provide constructive input on FHWA, industry, and other business partner initiatives and program revisions to assist in providing for programs that are to the benefit of the public.