SNC 1D-02Semester 1, 2011-2012period C

F Oct 7th
R Oct. 6th / 1. Video: EUREKA mass, volume, density
-density of a marshmallow and marshmallow gum
-use weighing paper
2. Density of Pure Substances
-list some from the periodic table
-list some from the textbook / worksheets
W Oct 5th / Rm 18 – list of topics and methods of presentation
T Oct 4th / 1. Work more on Safety Lab
2. Hand in Forensics (most not done on time)
3. NOTE: characteristic physical properties
melting point / boiling point
4. Skills Lab: Measurement
  1. length, mass scale readings (mass a block or coins)
  2. mass and using the triple beam balance
  3. volume and using the graduated cylinder
5. Rubric for Ecology Project / 5.4 pg.
M / 1. Biology Project
-last few topics and rubric with outline
-booked rom. 18 for Wed. / rubric tomorrow
2. Finish Forensics Lab
- hand it in or finish up for homework
F / 5.4 Safety in Science
- scavenger hunt with bingo card
-complete this Activity fully with worksheets
5.5 Lab: Forensics – on worksheets
-add water to spots first? / -keep powder amount miniscule
-go over what to look for in each case / Pg. 188 – 189
Pg 190
R / 1.Chemical Change
4x4 chart for #1
-physical properties, physical change,
-chemical properties, chemical change
2. Take up questions on the TRY THIS lab sheet from yesterday
3. Tests back / Pg. 183 - 186
# 1-7
W / 1. Test Feedback – not good for many
Practice: Read and do questions at the start of each class 
2. Chemical Change
-lab TRY THIS with pairs of milk, vinegar, lemon juice, tea, soda / Pg.
# 1-
Physical Properties
HW – method
- # 1-5 above
T / Chemistry!
-physical properties and physical changes
Lab: describing elements (metals and non-metals)
M Sept. 24 / Assign Ecology Project: Species of Concern (at risk or invasive)
-research by name, biome, specific ecosystem
-library research period when everyone has a topic
-organize order of topics by order in notes
F Sept. 23 / 1. Discuss “lab/activity” progress
2. Worksheets
Biomes: colour code map and make point form notes
Issues with Ecosystems
HW – finish 3 of 4 sided of the sheets / Pg.
Pg. 83 –
94 –
134 –
R Sept. 22 / Test – Ecology (Chapt. 2, up until cycles)
sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, population dynamics
W Sept. 21 / 1.Finish finishing worksheets
-Nature’s Food Chain #11 on
-Oh Deer worksheet
-discuss QUIZ results/answers
2.Human Experiment (CO2 production)
-variables: experimental vs controlled; dependent/independent
3. Finish the Asian Carp Video
-problem, strategies, solutions, your choice of action / -start a study note for the test
Do review questions from
Review pg.
Self Quiz pg.
(just those from the sections we have covered)
T Sept. 20 / 1. Read pg. 21
Write a paragraph to describe your relationship to the ecosystem.
Answer # 2-4 below the reading.
Read expectations on pg. 20
Discuss the inclusion of “humans/human activity” as outside
Natural ecosystems.
Note: Human Actions: how we interfere with ecosystems
-at risk species (low pop./introduced)
-pollution/climate change
-removing ourselves from the web of life
2. Applying knowledge to ecological issues
-species at risk assignment mentioned
-Video: Asian Carp
3. Return QUIZ
4. List of terms, concepts and graphics for test on Thurs. / Test - Thurs.
-select a topic (species at risk) for project and e-mail it to me (get to me from school web site)
M Sept. 19 / 1.Finish quiz – front and back
2.Finish worksheets
-Nature’s Food Chain
-add reasons for 90% loss to pyramids
-Oh Deer worksheet
3.Human Experiment (CO2 production)
4.Lab feedback – equations
- data collection from critters
QUIZ – Thurs.
F / PD
R Sept. 15 / 1.Draw 4 pyramids (one each; energy, biomass numbers and c) which is skewed shape due to low number of trees, lots insects
2. Sampling Benthic Macroinvertebrates
-leave good evidence of lab work
W / Ecological Graphics
-discuss niches from handout last day (definitions based on web)
-draw a web from an ecosystem of choice (on the back)
-note on pyramids
Quiz: begin front side of it (web analysis)
T / Discuss “Plants and Snails”
-note for photosynthesis *& respiration based on findings and text info from section on Energy in the Ecosystem
-energy in the bonds of C, H and O
Read text on
M / Equations for photosynthesis & respiration
Gizmo – library: Plants & Snails
F / Oh Deer – first page information and graphing
Video: Nature’s Food Chain
- with handout – most of it done
Sept. 08 / 1. Review reading topics pg. 22- 27
- “Oh Deer” population simulation – data collection / -check for organization
-get dividers?
W Sept 07 / 1. Row check, seating plan, text book sign out
2. Report on row topics and meanings: read text more to prep.
3. ECOLOGY - read story about Red Crabs & Crazy Ants pg.
- definition
- unit project
4.How do you relate to your environment? pg. 21
5. What do you already know? pg. 23
Title, date, pg.
  1. chart or lists
  2. a) describe in sentences/paragraph /5
b) point form is ok
  1. describe again! /5 each
  2. on paper provided; x axis for year, y axis for number
  3. point form
  4. put terms on diagram provided; add others
/ -finish work
-get 5 dividers
-find topic for biology research
T Sept 06 / 15 min.
Name tag & topic symbol for seating/lab spots
- find desk, lab partner, lab spot, glue name up
Course Outline / -various pg.
-correct outline
-organize binder