SNC 1D-02Semester 1, 2011-2012period C
F Oct 7thR Oct. 6th / 1. Video: EUREKA mass, volume, density
-density of a marshmallow and marshmallow gum
-use weighing paper
2. Density of Pure Substances
-list some from the periodic table
-list some from the textbook / worksheets
W Oct 5th / Rm 18 – list of topics and methods of presentation
T Oct 4th / 1. Work more on Safety Lab
2. Hand in Forensics (most not done on time)
3. NOTE: characteristic physical properties
melting point / boiling point
4. Skills Lab: Measurement
- length, mass scale readings (mass a block or coins)
- mass and using the triple beam balance
- volume and using the graduated cylinder
M / 1. Biology Project
-last few topics and rubric with outline
-booked rom. 18 for Wed. / rubric tomorrow
2. Finish Forensics Lab
- hand it in or finish up for homework
F / 5.4 Safety in Science
- scavenger hunt with bingo card
-complete this Activity fully with worksheets
5.5 Lab: Forensics – on worksheets
-add water to spots first? / -keep powder amount miniscule
-go over what to look for in each case / Pg. 188 – 189
Pg 190
R / 1.Chemical Change
4x4 chart for #1
-physical properties, physical change,
-chemical properties, chemical change
2. Take up questions on the TRY THIS lab sheet from yesterday
3. Tests back / Pg. 183 - 186
# 1-7
W / 1. Test Feedback – not good for many
Practice: Read and do questions at the start of each class
2. Chemical Change
-lab TRY THIS with pairs of milk, vinegar, lemon juice, tea, soda / Pg.
# 1-
Physical Properties
HW – method
- # 1-5 above
T / Chemistry!
-physical properties and physical changes
Lab: describing elements (metals and non-metals)
M Sept. 24 / Assign Ecology Project: Species of Concern (at risk or invasive)
-research by name, biome, specific ecosystem
-library research period when everyone has a topic
-organize order of topics by order in notes
F Sept. 23 / 1. Discuss “lab/activity” progress
2. Worksheets
Biomes: colour code map and make point form notes
Issues with Ecosystems
HW – finish 3 of 4 sided of the sheets / Pg.
Pg. 83 –
94 –
134 –
R Sept. 22 / Test – Ecology (Chapt. 2, up until cycles)
sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, population dynamics
W Sept. 21 / 1.Finish finishing worksheets
-Nature’s Food Chain #11 on
-Oh Deer worksheet
-discuss QUIZ results/answers
2.Human Experiment (CO2 production)
-variables: experimental vs controlled; dependent/independent
3. Finish the Asian Carp Video
-problem, strategies, solutions, your choice of action / -start a study note for the test
Do review questions from
Review pg.
Self Quiz pg.
(just those from the sections we have covered)
T Sept. 20 / 1. Read pg. 21
Write a paragraph to describe your relationship to the ecosystem.
Answer # 2-4 below the reading.
Read expectations on pg. 20
Discuss the inclusion of “humans/human activity” as outside
Natural ecosystems.
Note: Human Actions: how we interfere with ecosystems
-at risk species (low pop./introduced)
-pollution/climate change
-removing ourselves from the web of life
2. Applying knowledge to ecological issues
-species at risk assignment mentioned
-Video: Asian Carp
3. Return QUIZ
4. List of terms, concepts and graphics for test on Thurs. / Test - Thurs.
-select a topic (species at risk) for project and e-mail it to me (get to me from school web site)
M Sept. 19 / 1.Finish quiz – front and back
2.Finish worksheets
-Nature’s Food Chain
-add reasons for 90% loss to pyramids
-Oh Deer worksheet
3.Human Experiment (CO2 production)
4.Lab feedback – equations
- data collection from critters
QUIZ – Thurs.
F / PD
R Sept. 15 / 1.Draw 4 pyramids (one each; energy, biomass numbers and c) which is skewed shape due to low number of trees, lots insects
2. Sampling Benthic Macroinvertebrates
-leave good evidence of lab work
W / Ecological Graphics
-discuss niches from handout last day (definitions based on web)
-draw a web from an ecosystem of choice (on the back)
-note on pyramids
Quiz: begin front side of it (web analysis)
T / Discuss “Plants and Snails”
-note for photosynthesis *& respiration based on findings and text info from section on Energy in the Ecosystem
-energy in the bonds of C, H and O
Read text on
M / Equations for photosynthesis & respiration
Gizmo – library: Plants & Snails
F / Oh Deer – first page information and graphing
Video: Nature’s Food Chain
- with handout – most of it done
Sept. 08 / 1. Review reading topics pg. 22- 27
- “Oh Deer” population simulation – data collection / -check for organization
-get dividers?
W Sept 07 / 1. Row check, seating plan, text book sign out
2. Report on row topics and meanings: read text more to prep.
3. ECOLOGY - read story about Red Crabs & Crazy Ants pg.
- definition
- unit project
4.How do you relate to your environment? pg. 21
5. What do you already know? pg. 23
Title, date, pg.
- chart or lists
- a) describe in sentences/paragraph /5
- describe again! /5 each
- on paper provided; x axis for year, y axis for number
- point form
- put terms on diagram provided; add others
-get 5 dividers
-find topic for biology research
T Sept 06 / 15 min.
Name tag & topic symbol for seating/lab spots
- find desk, lab partner, lab spot, glue name up
Course Outline / -various pg.
-correct outline
-organize binder