
Lehigh Valley KneeHi Basketball League

Playing Rules

Junior Cadet/Cadet/KneeHi

  • Official playing rules of PIAA Basketball with the following League rules.
  • Biddy (3rd/4th) & Jr. Cadets (5th/6th grade) use 28.5” Ball, Cadets (7th grade) and Knee-Hi (8th grade) use Regulation Ball. Home team is to supply a high quality Indoor game ball. Referee has final decision on game ball.
  • Games are two (2) - Stopped Clock Halves. 14 minutes halves for JC/C/KH. 1st Overtime period is 3 minutes and any additional Overtime periods are 2 minutes.
  • Mercy Rule: At a 30 point score differential in the 2nd half revert to a running clock for the duration of the game. Clock only stops for Timeouts.
  • Timeouts are two (2) full and two (2) 30 second timeouts per game. One (1) additional Full time out is awarded for each Overtime period. Unused timeouts carry over to the Overtime Periods.
  • 1 and 1 free-throw shot on 7th team foul. Two (2) shots given on the 10th team foul.
  • Halftime of all games is eight (8) minutes.
  • The start time of subsequent games is the scheduled start time or ten (10) minutes after the conclusion of the preceding game, whichever is later. You may start earlier if all parties (both teams & refs) are ready and agree to do so.
  • Sportsmanship Rule: If a team is ahead by more than 20 points at anytime during the game, that team cannot use a full court press or any trapping defenses.
  • Home Team wears white / light colored Jerseys.
  • Home Team is responsible for the scoreboard operator and the Official Scorebook.
  • Both First and Last name of each player need to be recording in the scorebook. Referee names should also be entered in the book.

Biddy-Specific Rules

  • 20 minute halves with running clock. Clock stops during timeouts & during last 2 minutes of each half.
  • OT - 2 minute stopped clock
  • Timeouts are two (2) full and two (2) 30 second timeouts per game.
  • Sportsmanship Rule: If a team is ahead by more than 20 points at anytime during the game, no full court press.
  • 28.5” ball
  • Half court defense except last two minutes of half and game.
  • Man-to-man OR Zone defense allowed at all times.
  • Free Throw- player allowed togo over line on release of shot as long as he is not using this rule to gain an advantage for a quick rebound.