Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
Project Management
Principles and Methods for use in Business
This course is designed to introduce course participants to the nature and purpose of project management in its widest sense. It aims at developing their knowledge of the principles and methods of sound project management. On completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Understand the nature and scope of projects and the need for project management
- List the main objectives of project management and appreciate the information needs of project managers
- Organise and lead an effective team to undertake a project or projects
- Plan and undertake the implementation of a project
- Use some of the basic methods of project management to effectively control all aspects of the project
- Communicate effectively with people with respect to the planning and control of a project
- Perform effectively as project managers
- Improve the management of projects within their organisations
Course Content
- the need for, principles and objectives of project management, strategic project leadership, the project life cycle,
- organising for project management, human resource management and leadership/team motivation,
- competency and accreditation of Project Managers.
- feasibility studies - technical, financial, operational and environmental
- scope and integration management
- planning and initiating a project
- special requirements of IT projects
- managing project time, network programming and scheduling
- multiple time estimates, learning effects, resource allocation, the golden chain, calendar setting, progress reporting
- managing project costs, estimating, budgeting, cost control, cost accounting, time value of money,
network costing, time-cost trade off, earned value, flush curve
- managing project quality - specification and conformance, project commissioning
- risk and hazard analysis
- contract law and contractual arrangements, mandating, forms of contract, tendering
- procurement and expediting
- organisational and interpersonal communications, controlling meetings, conflict management,
- controlling and reporting, information systems
- projects in developing countries
- review
Course Lecturer
Gordon Lister graduated in engineering in Edinburgh, completing a graduate apprenticeship with Rolls-Royce Aero Engines, a Masters degree at ImperialCollege, London and subsequently a BCom in accounting. He has worked as a project engineer in the aero engine and pharmaceutical industries, as a management consultant based in London servicing European companies, as a project manager and contracts manager, and as a factory and manufacturing manager for multi-national companies. He has lectured at NapierUniversity in Edinburgh, and RhodesUniversity, and was formerly director of the industrial administration and industrial engineering programmes, and a senior lecturer in Engineering Management at the University of Cape Town.
Course Information
Who should attend?
This course will be of benefit to all who are concerned with the management of projects. This will include project managers, architects, engineers of all disciplines, managers of technically-oriented businesses of all sizes. Applicants from all disciplines, including information technology, would be welcome as the course is widely applicable.
The course consists of 13 three hour lectures. In addition to these sessions, candidates will be required to undertake assignments and case studies both individually and in groups.
An optional exam will take place at the end of the course.
The fee for the course and exam will be R5600. This fee includes a comprehensive set of course notes and refreshments. Discounts for staff and students of UCT, and students of other tertiary education institutes are available under certain circumstances.
A certificate of attendance will be awarded to all course participants who attend a minimum of ten of the thirteen sessions. Alternatively, a certificate of successful course completion will be issued to those who obtain a minimum of 50% in the final (optional) examination.
CPD Credit Requirements
The course is registered with the Engineering Council of South Africa, and is accredited for the award of CPD points, which are now required for continuing professional registration. The ECSA course code is UCTPM110
Applications and cancellations
In order to ensure a place on the course applicants should complete and return a signed registration form to the course administrators: Heidi Tait or Sandra Jemaar:
Confirmation of acceptance will be sent on receipt of an application form.
Applications open on 19 January 2010
Applications close on 19 February 2010
Cancellations must be received one week before the start of a course, or the full course fee will be charged
Lecture Theatre 10, 3rd FloorMenziesBuilding, Engineering Mall, University of Cape Town.
Date and Time
18h00 to 21h15
Tuesdays 23 February – 25 May 2010
(Please note: The lecture scheduled for the 20 April will take place on the Thursday 22 April due to venue availability. There will be no lectureon 27 April as it is a public holiday)
Exam: 8 June 2010 - 18h00 to 21h15
Glasshouse Cafetaria, 3rdFloorMenziesBuilding, Engineering Mall, University of Cape Town.
17h30, 23 February 2010
CPD Programme, Engineering Faculty, MenziesBuilding, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701
Tel: ++27 (0)21 6505793; Fax: ++27 (0)21 6502669; email: ; web: