Organizations Present: Allen, Beth Canes,Beth Hawks, Beth Pates, Coplay, ESYC, Emmaus, Green Acres, Hokey, Lehigh Township, Lower Macungie, Nazareth, Notre Dame, Northampton, Northwestern, Palisades, PYC, Phillipsburg, Salisbury, Saucon Valley, Schnecksville, South Parkland, Southern Lehigh.


The meeting was called to order by Craig Golden, President.

Secretary’s Report – The minutes from the September 2014 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by PYC to accept the minutes and it was seconded by the Southern Lehigh.

Treasurer’s Report–The treasurer’s report was reviewed and approved. We did change the bank for the league.


A second vote was taken on changing the bylaws to allow for the addition of the new Biddy 3rd/4th grade level to the league after the first vote passed online. The second vote was unanimous with Nazareth being absent.

Second Vote on motion to change in the LVKBL bylaws to create a Biddy Division for the third/fourth grade level.
Voting FOR / Allen, Canes, Hawks, Pates, Coplay, ESYC, Emmaus, Green Acres, Hokey, Lehigh Township, Lincoln Leadership, Little Vikes, Lower Macungie, Northampton, Northwestern, Notre Dame, Palisades, PYC, Phillipsburg, Salisbury, Saucon Valley, Schnecksville, South Parkland, Southern Lehigh.
VotingAGAINST / No One.
Not Present / Nazareth
Result / Second vote passed & third vote will happen online.

Tim Hurd Jack Keiter were introduced as the new assignors of officials for the LVKBL. Tim was present and spoke to the group.

Tim wants to work with the league to try to get the best refs possible – trying to get refs that do want to be there. They will be enforcing dress-code – including an “all black” rule with the refs and will apply at three-strikes model on complains. They will also be trying to vary the geography somewhat to avoid the same associations getting the same refs for every game. Tim and Jack will assist in getting replacement refs in the event of weather or gym-closure cancellation. First call the ref originally schedule. If they are not available, contact Tim or Jack. . IF we detect that the refs are swapping games – i.e. scheduled refs are not showing and they’ve subbed out to someone else, please advise Tim/Jack. There will be a formal complaint system that starts with the league rep (or coach if not available) reaching out to Craig Golden, the league president. It’s best if you wait a day and include as many details as possible. Mike Lahanas of PYC asked about getting the refs to sign the book. It is encouraged that we try to get the refs to sign the book before the game. No questions were asked to Tim and he left the meeting.

Biddy Division Rules– John Snead & Craig Golden rolled out the proposed rules of the new Biddy division – which include requiring man-to-man defense and limiting the press to the last 2 minutes of each game. Also, free throwers can go over the line as they’ve been able to do in the JV League.

A discussion of man-to-man vs trapping began. Dick Wiseman, a Lower Macungie Biddy coach, wanted a clarification of the “help-defense” with a no-trapping rule. Chris Muniz from the Pates explained that he felt that the uncertainty of trapping vs. zone really argued to go back to true basketball rules – with full-court defense and zone being allowed. At this travel level, it doesn’t seem appropriate to use restricted rules. Bill Seng from Allen also commented about help-defense and it was acknowledged that we know zone when we see it. John Snead suggested that the new wording didn’t prevent trapping, but just is trying to eliminate zone.

Any violations of the “man-to-man” or “press” rules will be referred to the league Board of Control and coaches could face suspension for a game for reported abuses.

Number of Teams – a poll was taken of each association. The result was about 99 teams with two-thirds being Horn division and one-third being Lane division. Some expressed that they were unsure of how many teams they would be offering, but would be by the next meeting once registrations became more clear.

Scheduling - Bill Seng asked if we were going to prioritize trying to put all of an association’s teams in one location. Where possible that will be accommodated, but not always possible given the unevenness of the league/division breakdown.

Craig reminded that weeknights are the toughest and – now with 3rd/4th level, it can be put some games very late for these younger players.

Craig indicated that our 14 game schedule can be difficult if the divisions are unbalanced and he’d look at ways to perhaps create divisions within divisions that would balance & make scheduling easier.

Scheduling - By November meeting, we need to form a scheduling committee as we now have to 550 games to schedule – preferably one person to do Horn and one to do Lane. We must have people step forward. We need gym times by the 11/2 meeting or shortly after with a goal of completing the schedule by the 15th to get it to the new Referee Assignors. John Snead stepped forward to work on the Horn Schedule & Craig Golden offered to work on the Lane schedule as long as he could get some help.

The November meeting will be held on Sunday, 11/2/14, at 7PM and all teams should come with a final team count with regard to divisions/levels, their certificate of insurance, their reg fee of $75 payable to the LVKBL, and gym time. Craig will be away for the next meeting & John Snead will preside.

A motion to adjourn was made by Nazareth & seconded by Lehigh Township.

A third vote was taken online to formally approve the addition of the Biddy 3rd/4th Division. Below are the results of that online vote.

Third & Final Vote on motion to change in the LVKBL bylaws to create a Biddy Division for the third/fourth grade level.
Voting FOR / Allen, Canes, Hawks, Pates, Coplay, ESYC, Emmaus, Green Acres, Hokey, Lehigh Township, Lincoln Leadership, Lower Macungie, Nazareth, Northampton, Northwestern, Notre Dame, Palisades, PYC, Phillipsburg, Salisbury, Saucon Valley, Schnecksville, South Parkland, Southern Lehigh.
VotingAGAINST / No One.
Result / The bylaw changes are approved and the addition of the Biddy level is finalized.