Lehigh County Conference of Churches

Justice and Advocacy Committee Talking Points on Health Care

March 2, 2009

Did You Know That . . .

·  The LCCC Pharmaceutical Assistance Program provided 387 prescriptions vouchers to residents in Lehigh County who lacked health insurance. 125 were employed without medical benefits and 41 were children.

·  LCCC Daybreak Program provided 510 health services to approximately 315 people living with HIV/AIDS, mental illness, and the indigent elderly.

·  9.8 % of Pennsylvania citizens do not have health insurance. 10% of Lehigh County residents and up to 19% of Northampton County residents lack health insurance or are underinsured.

You Can Advocate For Better Health Care By . . .

·  Joining the Lehigh County Conference of Churches Justice and Advocacy Network and sharing information with your local congregation or organization.

·  Holding government officials accountable by working with them to find a way to provide affordable health insurance and care for all men, women, and children. Attending LCCC Justice and Advocacy Committee educational events focused on health care and the root causes of poverty.

To Learn More On The Subject of Health Care Go To:

·  LCCC Justice Advocacy website at http://ja.ppjr.org/issues/health.htm

·  PA Health Access Network http://www.pahealthaccess.org/

·  Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA http://www.lamp.org/

Are you interested in learning more about

LCCC public policy advocacy?

Ø  Arrange with your local congregation or organization to host a presentation on a LCCC advocacy topic (Hunger, Homelessness, Mental health, and At-risk youth. The Rev. Debra Hepburn or The Rev. Dr. Chris Nelson are available for Sunday morning presentations.

Ø  Ask the J&A committee for advocacy education resources or go to our website for more information.

Ø  Join the J&A Network and receive information on LCCC advocacy initiatives and legislative action alerts. .

Ø  Share your congregation or organization’s J&A and knowledge with other congregations and organizations by connecting with the LCCC Justice and Advocacy Committee and Network.

Ø  For more information and/or to schedule a presentation please email

“Are there no healing ointments in Gilead? Isn't there a doctor in the house?

So why can't something be done to heal and save my dear, dear people?”

Jeremiah 8:22 (The Message)