ReturningG.E.M.S./ G.I.S.E.
Lego Robotics Applications
Students entering 4th – 8th grade will form robotics teams and participate in the Minnesota FIRST LEGO League robotics competition. This will involve a regional tournament Sat.January 14th2017 and the possibility of participating in the State Championship Tournament on February 25th. Both of these are all day events so be prepared; get them on your calendar now.
When does Robotics meet?
For two hours eachMonday and Wednesday after school. We will meet more often, as needed, closer to the tournament dates. Students will need to make arrangements for transportation home until the after school busses start. We will send a note about transportation arrangements when students are accepted.
How do I apply for Robotics?
If you are interested in applying for the 2016/17 Lego Robotics program please fill out the attached application. Applications are due no later than Monday, September 19 at 2:00 pm. Please return the completed application materials to the office.
How do I get chosen for Robotics?
If you participated in the program last year you are automatically in.
When will I know if I have been accepted to Robotics?
Thursday, September 22. You will receive a letter and/or an e-mail.
Instead of asking for the usual $75.00 fee to cover the costs of the program we will instead ask you to help fund specific materials from the following list. You can let us know what you would like your donation to be applied to this year. Extra core kits/EV3’s allow teams to try two different robots out, extra sensors and motors are always needed.
BundleFIRST LEGO League EV3 Robot Set / $439.00 / 5003463 / $499.99 / 731117 / 2497659
EV3 Expansion Set / 45560 / $119.95 / 730638 / 2495570
EV3 Core Set / 5003400 / $414.95 / 730637 / 2496974
Transformer 10V DC / 45517 / $35.95 / 732890 / 2496438
Single Item
EV3 Color Sensor / $39.95 / 45506 / $44.95 / 730645 / 2495646
EV3 Gyro Sensor / $29.95 / 45505 / $35.95 / 730648 / 2495653
EV3 Intelligent Brick / $189.95 / 45500 / $194.95 / 730643 / 2495687
EV3 Large Servo Motor / $24.95 / 45502 / $26.95 / 730644 / 2495695
EV3 Medium Servo Motor / $19.95 / 45503 / $23.95 / 730642 / 2495612
EV3 Rechargeable Battery / $84.95 / 45501 / $99.95 / 730651 / 2495703
EV3 Touch Sensor / $19.95 / 45507 / $23.95 / 730646 / 2495661
EV3 Ultrasonic Sensor / $29.95 / 45504 / $35.95 / 730647 / 2495679
Transformer 10V DC / $29.95 / 45517 / $35.95 / 732890 / 2496438
Team T-shirts approx. 8 dollars eac
Student Name (Full/Legal Name):______
Team name (last years)______
Address: ______
Telephone (home)______Telephone (cell): ______
Date of Birth (e.g., March 15, 1994)______
E-mail______(preferred) or______
School: Seward Montessori Grade: ______
Student ID number: ______Classroom number:______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Address (if different):______
Telephone (home): ______Telephone (cell): ______
Team Members: ______
PARENTS As you know the programs success is highly due to your active participation. Please let us know when you can volunteer to help, we need at least one adult present at each meeting for your child’s team, two adults for larger teams is wonderful.
If students are having difficulty focusing, we will give them two verbal warnings and then contact you. We can not let a students behavior negatively impact the teams work.
I can volunteertohelptheteamby :
Coaching full time______
Beingthereoneday a week______Day______
Facilitating a Field tripevent______
Hosting a Saturdaypractice sesión______
Ifyouhaveanyquestionsyou can contactus at
, and/
TheChallengeispostedon line, checkitout! Returningstudentswillstartonthe 19th of Sept. , wewill use thefirsttwosessionsto buildthechallenge kits, watchthechallenge and organizetheirtreams and coaches.Seeyouthen!