CEE and Turkey Regional REEEP Secretariat
Midterm Narrative and Financial Reports
For the period August 1-October 31, 2004
Status of work
1. Establishment of an information platform for the region
Survey of needs for renewable energy and energy efficiency information was done. 21 filled in questionnaires were collected. 90 percent of respondents state that it is very difficult to obtain information or it is not up-to-date and not comprehensive. Programmes and policies, laws and regulations, and funding opportunities for projects ate the most needed types of information (71, 67 and 67 percent of respondents accordingly indicated that they would like to receive these types of information). The interim results of the survey can be found in the Annex 1.
Draft structure of the information clearing house was developed based on the discussions with Trampoline staff, people from other regional secretariats and Peter Richards. The structure will be refined during the second half of the project implementation.
2. Establishment of a regional website
a) The website of the secretariat in the Trampoline was updated with relevant links and extensive resource bank was created with information about all the events that the REC organised for the REEEP (including the information about the preparatory meeting).
b) A website of the secretariat containing basic information about the REEEP and all the news about the activities of the secretariat was created under the <www.rec.org/reeep>. While this was not required in the Terms of Reference (ToR) we developed this webpage to increase the visibility of the secretariat (the website of the REC receives 3.5mln hits per year) and we found it is easier to modify the contents of our own website that of the website at the www.REEEP.org.
Currently the work of the secretariats is not presented at the <www.reeep.org>. Contents of “Where we work” could be modified to present geographical coverage of the secretariats. Secretariats would have the possibility to announce news about secretariat’s activities directly into these webpages.
3. Design and implementation of a database for the region
A draft structure of the database was developed (please refer to point 1). A number of relevant institutions was collected (approx 50 during the reporting period) and can be fed into the database after the Trampoline’s technical implementation.
4. Design and implementation of a Regional "brain bank database"
A draft structure of the database was developed (please refer to point 1). A number of experts expressed a wish to be included into the expert’s database (question was asked during the information needs survey); they and the experts that participated in the REEEP meeting by far can become members of the "brain bank database" after the Trampoline’s technical implementation.
5. Organize Information Events in the region (at least 2 events per annum)
a) The first REEEP Regional Meeting for Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey titled Building the Partnership for Sustainable Energy took place on September 30, 2004 in Budapest, Hungary. Approximately 30 participants attended. The goal of the meeting was to present and discuss the direction of the activities of the CEE Regional Secretariat and receive contribution and feedback from the participants. For programme and list of participants please refer to Annex 2.
b) REEEP regulatory session was organised during the Green Power CEE Conference on September 28, 2004 in Budapest, Hungary. Approximately 70 people attended the session; presentation about the REEEP was given (presenter: Motoharu Yamazaki) as well as other 4 presentation (presenters from Poland, Hungary, UK and Germany). For programme please refer to Annex 3.
c) In October we started organising the third event that will take place in Budapest on December 10, 2004 and will concentrate discussing the needs and possibilities of establishing SERN in CEE and Turkey. For draft programme please refer to Annex 4.
6. Contribute to the central project "monitoring and evaluation "
No activities by far except participation in the GOF training on Financial Management and Monitoring and Evaluation course (Prague 3-5 August, 2005).
7. Assessment about regional REEEP opportunities
No activities.
8. Development of an regional REEEP action plan
Draft ideas for the plan were presented during the REEEP Regional Meeting for Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey on September 30, 2004 by Zsuzsanna Ivanyi. The presentation is sent together with this report as a separate file.
9. Organize PM (GOF based) training for regional (at least three per annum)
2 people from the REC (Kristina Vilimaite and Edita Nordgaard) participated in Global Opportunities Fund, Financial Management and Monitoring and Evaluation courses which were held in Prague between 3 and 5 August.
10. Development of 3 Case Studies of best practice in the region
The first draft format for the case studies was developed, however it was decided to wait with working further on that until more clear requirements come (e.g. from the Programme Board Meeting).
11. Hotline for regional stakeholders
Very limited number of requests for information came during the reporting period through e-mail/phone, e.g. a request for information form Mr. Ylo Rudi, Director of Estonian Energy Research Institute at Tallinn Technical University – that resulted in discussions about possible cooperation during the regional REEEP meeting.
The REC people provided information about the REEEP in person during a number of events.
12. Perform regional inquiries (only if requested)
No requests.
13. Coordination of regional capacity building initiatives
A draft template for the database of events was developed, events can be announced after the Trampoline technical development. Meanwhile the REC is announcing energy related events on it’s own Calendar of Events (available at www.rec.org/REC/Databases/Events/EventsFind.html).
14. Support of the Bidding and Monitoring of REEEP Projects
The bidding process didn’t start during the reporting period, however the Regional Advisory Board was established. Members:
• Beatriz Yordi, EC DG Energy and Transport, Regulatory policy and promotion of new energies and demand management
• Jaqueline Ligot, EBRD Director of Energy Efficiency
• Vilmos Civin, Hungarian Power Companies Ltd
• Anca Diana Barbu, Carl von Ossietzky University, Germany
• Vladimir Hecl, Energy Center Bratislava
• Gerard Lipinski, Department of Energy Security, Ministry of Economy and Labour, Poland
• Motoharu Yamazaki, Head of the Climate Change Programme, the REC
• Robert Dear, First Secretary, British Embassy in Budapest (final confirmation is pending)
15. Support regional projects
Not relevant to this secretariat as there are no REEEP projects in the CEE region.
16. Represent the region in international events
a) Ankara Climate Change Conference, 1 – 3 September 2004, Ankara, TURKEY. Presenter: Marta Szigeti Bonifert The presentation is sent together with this report as a separate file, please see the slides 15-17 and 23.
b) MEDREC launch, September 27, 2004, Carthage, Tunisia. Presenter: Marta Szigeti Bonifert
c) NATO Parliamentary delegation, September, 2004, Szentendre, Hungary. Presenter: Zsuzsa Ivanyi
d) Presentation for CEE governmental officials during the Sustainability Course. Presenter: Zsuzsa Ivanyi
17. Find new partners and donors
No tangible results. Efforts were concentrated on strengthening the secretariat presence, importance, events and clearing house development; signing official partnership agreements with relevant stakeholders will be the next few months of the project implementation.
18. Attend the REEEP organisation
Kristina Vilimaite attended the REEEP programme board meeting on October 14-16 in UK.
19. End of Period Assessment about achievements and Barriers
No activities as the assessment is expected only at the end of the project
20. Promotion (not in ToR)
1x2m promotional REEEP poster was created that can be used in all events the REEEP CEE/Turkey events.
Ad was published in greenHorizon (the REC quarterly environmental magazine) full page, back cover.
People involved and their responsibilities
Motoharu Yamazaki (Head of the Climate Change Programme) / Project Director; external Secretariat’s relations, events, organisation of events, establishment and coordination of the Regional Advisory Board.Zsuzsa Ivannyi (Project Manager, Climate Change Programme) / Assessment about regional REEEP opportunities, development of a regional REEEP action plan
Judit Balint (Project Assistant, Climate Change Programme) / Organisation of events: logistics
Maria Khovanskaia (Project Officer, Climate Change Programme) / Organisation of events: minutes
Kristina Vilimaite (Project Manager, Information Programme) / Technical project manager; Everything related to Information Clearing House and databases, website, promotion, hotline, collection of applications and support to applicants during the bidding process
Assel Sarsikeyeva (Intern, Information Programme) / Support to ICH development, information collection for databases
Robert Nemeskeri (Head of the Business and Environment Programme) / Expert advise
Peter Bodo (Head of the Business and Environment Programme) / Case studies
The REEEP secretariats works with support of the Executive director of the REC, Mrs. Marta Bonifert, who significantly contributes to the visibility of the secretariats and helps to develop links with other initiatives.
Deliverables: Summary table
No. / Task as in ToR / Deliverable as in ToR / Progress up to date1. / Establishment of an information platform for the region / Functioning data base with project reports, regulatory documents, and regional news / Partial:
Survey of information needs
Draft design
2. / Establishment of a regional website / Functioning regional Website / Yes:
On Trampoline
On REC website
3. / Design and implementation of a database for the region / Functioning Database with at least 100 regional addresses / Partial:
Some addresses collected
IT database does not exist yet
4. / Design and implementation of a Regional "brain bank database " / Functioning database with at least organisations or individuals / Partial:
Some addresses collected
IT database does not exist yet
5. / Organize Information Events in the region (at least 2 events per annum) / 2 Events / Partial:
Two events organised
3rd is being organised
6. / Contribute to the central project "monitoring and evaluation " / regional monitoring concept according the central Project requirements / No:
No guidelines from the central project yet
7. / Assessment about regional REEEP opportunities / 1 Assessment report/to do list / No:
Will be done by the end of the project
8. / Development of an regional REEEP action plan / 1 Action plan/report / Partial:
Draft structure presented to stakeholders
9. / Organize PM (GOF based) training for regional (at least three per annum) / Training for 3 persons / Partial:
2 persons trained
10. / Development of 3 Case Studies of best practice in the region / Report (maximum 3 pages a study) 3 Case Studies / No:
Will be done by the end of the project
11. / Hotline for regional stakeholders / 2 Reports (middle and end of period) / Partial:
First report included into this Narrative Report
12. / Perform regional inquiries (only if requested) / List of inquiries / No requests
13. / Coordination of regional capacity building initiatives / At least 3 activities reported / Partial:
Events announced on the REC’s Calendar of Events
14. / Support of the Bidding and Monitoring of REEEP Projects / Report about bidding procedure / Partial:
Advisory Board established
The bidding didn’t start during the reporting period
15. / Support regional projects / Project monitoring report (max 2 projects) / Not relevant to this secretariat
16. / Represent the region in international events / Presentation slides (max one per period) / Yes:
Attached in the annexes
17. / Find new partners and donors / 10 new partners /region, 1 donor / No:
Can still be accomplished by the end of the project
18. / Attend the REEEP organisation / participation in one IS Workshop/period and 1 Program Board Meeting / Partial:
Participation in the Program Board Meeting
19. / End of Period Assessment about achievements and Barriers / Short report / No:
Expected only at the end of the project
20. / Promotion (not in ToR) / not in ToR / Yes: ad and poster
Financial Status
Below the summary of spending is provided, the detailed expenditures are listed overleaf.
a. Breakdown of Project Costs with Total / Budget in EUR / Actual in EUR / VariancePersonnel Costs / 35,200.00 / 15,383.00 / 19,817.00
Travel Costs / 8,000.00 / 1,489.52 / 6,510.48
Accommodation Costs / 8,000.00 / 916.84 / 7,083.16
Capital Costs
Administration/ Management / 900.00 / 900.00
Other workshop related costs (catering, rent of hall and equipment) / 5,300.00 / 1,258.29 / 4,041.71
Total Cost / 57,400 / 19,048 / 38,352
Detailed list of expenses
Acc.period / EUR / Reference / Descriptions / Curr
ency / Amount
E0700 / 2004008 / 3,954.00 / WDCH/AUG / WDCH AUG/04 / EUR / 3954
E0700 / 2004009 / 5,998.00 / WDCH/SEP / WDCH SEP/04 / EUR / 5998
E0700 / 2004009 / 112.00 / WDCH/SEP / WDCH SEP/04 / EUR / 112
E0700 / 2004010 / 5,319.00 / WDCH/OCT / WDCH OCT/2004 / EUR / 5319
Personnel Costs / 15383
E0207 / 2004008 / 7.26 / REALM/AUG / PHONE CALLS 08/2004 / HUF / 1805
E0207 / 2004010 / 10.31 / REALM/SEP / PHONE CALLS 09/2004 / HUF / 2539
E0208 / 2004009 / 3.14 / A1274 / CSZ POSTAGE / HUF / 780
E0581 / 2004008 / 16.17 / IU0864 / INV#234/2004 / EUR / 16.17
E0581 / 2004010 / 24.30 / KHB0122 / GP CONFERENCES IN#051,052 / EUR / 24.3
E0581 / 2004010 / 24.19 / KHB0151 / A.D.BARBU TRAVEL REIMBURS / EUR / 24.19
E0213 / 2004010 / € 120.00 / C0739 / JBL TR366/04 ITALY / EUR / 120
E0213 / 2004010 / 14.21 / A1496 / KVL TAXI TO AIRPORT / HUF / 3500
E070213 / 2004009 / 20.00 / TRAV#SEP / A.D. BARBU TR#365 / EUR / 20
E070213 / 2004010 / 20.00 / TRAV#OCT / T.S. UYAR TRAV SERV FEE / EUR / 20
E070213 / 2004010 / 20.00 / TRAV#OCT / KVI TR#399 TRAV SERV FEE / EUR / 20
E02134 / 2004010 / 7.41 / INS#OCT / TR#INSURANCE TR#399 KVI / HUF / 1825
E0213 / 2004010 / 279.16 / C0826 / KVL TR399/2004 UK / EUR / 279.16
E0228 / 2004010 / 64.90 / KHB0151 / A.D.BARBU TRAVEL REIMBURS / EUR / 64.9
E02282 / 2004010 / 121.79 / KHA179 / TR366 TANAY SIDKI UYAR / HUF / 29998
E02283 / 2004010 / 264.71 / KHA121 / URAY TR366 IST BUD / HUF / 65200
E02283 / 2004010 / 451.87 / KHA121 / BARBU TR365 HAM BUD / HUF / 111300
E0213 / 2004010 / 20.10 / A1376 / JBL TR366/04 PHOTOCOPY / HUF / 5000
Travel Costs / 1489.52
E0213 / 2004010 / 203.00 / A1432 / ACCOMODATION FOR D.BARBU / HUF / 50000
E0230 / 2004010 / 713.84 / KHA192 / DANUBIUS SZALLODA MEETING / HUF / 175826
Accommodation Costs / 916.84
E0210 / 2004010 / 1,200.00 / KHB0122 / GP CONFERENCES IN#051,052 / EUR / 1200