Clayton State University
Graduation Application Worksheet
Laker I.D. #: / Catalog Year: 2011-2012
Major: B.S. Legal Studies / Revised Date:
Legislative Requirements: Please indicate the status of each with an “X” :
Requirement / Satisfied / Not SatisfiedU.S. History
Georgia History
U.S. Constitution
Georgia Constitution
Courses / Grade
Earned / Credit
Hours / Comments(i.e., the semester you plan to take a course, or if you have an approved course sub)
Area A- Essential Skills (9 hours) – 3 courses
A1 / ENGL 1101 / 3
A1 / ENGL 1102 / 3
A2 / Select one: MATH 1101, MATH 1111, MATH 1112A, MATH 1113, MATH 1241 or MATH 1501 / 3
Area B- Critical Thinking & Communications (4-5 hours: 5 hours is recommended for most Legal Studies majors) - The sum of hours in Area B and Area D must equal 15
B1 / CRIT 1101 / 3
B2 / Complete 1-3 hrs: COMM 1001 (1), COMM 1002 (1), COMM 1110 (3), FREN 1002 (3), SPAN 1002 (3)
* FREN 1002 and SPAN 1002 require EXEMPTION (2yrs of same language in high school) or completion of Elem. French I (FREN 1001)/ Elem. Spanish I (SPAN 1001). / 2-3
Area C- Humanities (6 hours) – 2 courses
C1 / Select one: ENGL 2111, ENGL 2112, ENGL 2121, ENGL 2122, ENGL 2131, ENGL 2132, FREN 2001, FREN 2002, PHIL 2201, PHIL 2601, SPAN 2001, SPAN 2002 / 3
C2 / Select one: ART 2301, ART 2302, CMS 2100, FREN 2001, FREN 2002, MUSC 2101, MUSC 2301,
PHIL 2401, SPAN 2001, SPAN 2002, THEA 1100 / 3
Area D- Natural Sciences Mathematics and Technology (10-11 hours: 10 hours of science for non-science majors is recommended for most Legal Studies majors) - MustComplete Sequence
D1 / Select one: ASTR 1010, BIOL 1111, BIOL 1107, CHEM 1151, CHEM 1211, PHYS 1111, PHYS 2211, SCI 1111 / 3
D1 / Select one: ASTR 1020L, BIOL 1111L, BIOL 1107L, CHEM 1151L, CHEM 1211L, PHYS 1111L, PHYS 2211L, SCI 1111L / 1
D1 / Select one: ASTR 1020, BIOL 1112, BIOL 1108, CHEM 1152, CHEM 1212, PHYS 1112, PHYS 2212, SCI 1112 / 3
D1 / This space is for math/science majors only / 1
D2 / Select one: MATH 1221, MATH 1231, MATH 1241, MATH 1113, MATH 1501, MATH 2502, [CPTG 1010 & CPTG 1111], CSCI 1301, SCI 1901 / 3
Area E- Social Sciences (12 hours) – 4 courses
E1 / POLS 1101 / 3
E2 / Select one: HIST 1111, HIST 1112, HIST 2750 / 3
E3 / Select one: HIST 2111, HIST 2112 / 3
E4 / Select one:PSYC 1101, SOCI 1101, AFAM 2010, WST 2010 / 3
Area F- Lower Division Major Requirements (18 hours) – Take all 6 courses listed below:
(SEE NOTES at end of worksheet for additional information)
PARA 1101 (Intro to Law & Ethics) / 3
PARA 2203 (Civil Litigation) / 3
PARA 2205 (Legal Research & Writing) / 3
PARA 2209 (Business Orgs) / 3
PARA 2211 (Computers in Law) / 3
PARA 2235 (Law Office Skills) / 3
No more than two grades of D are allowed in any of the courses listed below (this includes all courses listed under Lower Division Major Electives, Upper Division Major Requirements, and Upper Division Related Electives)
Lower Division Major Electives (12 hours) – Select 4 courses from the following choices:Note: Students who plan to take one or more upper-division CRJU classes should take PARA 2207 as a lower division elective
PARA 2207 (Criminal Litigation) / 3
PARA 2213 (Real Estate) / 3
PARA 2221 (Bankruptcy) / 3
PARA 2223 (Wills, Trusts, Probate) / 3
PARA 2225 (Family Law) / 3
PARA 2227 (Healthcare) / 3
PARA 2229 (Intellectual Prop) / 3
PARA 2231 (Administrative Law) / 3
PARA 2233 (Employment Law) / 3
Upper Division Major Requirements (15 hours) – Take all 5 courses listed below:
PARA 4020 (Advanced Civil Litigation) / 3
PARA 4030 (Advanced Legal Research & Writing) / 3
PARA 4098 (Practicum/Internship) / 3
PARA 4850 (Capstone) / 3
POLS 4425 or CRJU 3420 (Constitutional Law) / 3
Upper Division Related Electives (33 hours) – Select 11 courses from the following choices:
Note:Students do not need to take a course in every listed area, so long as students take a total of 11 courses. You don’t need to wait to take these courses, since many of them have simple prerequisites.
Courses do not need to be taken in any particular order, unless prerequisites mandate otherwise. Some courses may be cross-coded and cannot be counted twice. In areas that give students specified options, students should be careful to choose only from those specified options. Students may only take the maximum number of courses that count in any given area. All courses are 3 semester hours.If you are currently enrolled in, or plan future enrollment in, a course, indicate SP (SPRING); FA (FALL); or SU (SUMMER) + YEAR in the Grade column.
COMM(0 - 2 courses from below list) 0-6 hrs / GRADE / MGMT(choose up to 3 courses from below list) 0-9hrs / GRADE
COMM 3100 / MGMT 3101 (can’t take if have TECH 3101)
COMM 3300 / MGMT 3520
CRJU(any 3000-4000 level courses, up to 4) 0-12 hrs / MGMT 4510
PHIL(any 3000-4000 level courses, up to 2) 0-6 hrs
POLS(any 3000-4000 level courses, up to 5) 0-15 hrs
ENGL(any 3000-4000 level courses, up to 5) 0-15 hrs
SOCI(any 3000-4000 level courses, up to 2) 0-6 hrs
HIST(any 3000-4000 level courses, up to 2) 0-6 hrs
TECH (0 - 3 courses from below list) 0-9 hrs
HSEM (0 - 1 course listed below) 0-3 hrs / TECH 3101 (can’t take if have MGMT 3101)
HSEM 4700 / TECH 3111
TECH 4101
A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in order to earn a degree.TOTAL HOURS FOR DEGREE = 120
*Note: For B.S. Legal Studies majors, PARA 1101 is a prerequisite for all other PARA courses. A grade of “C” or higher is required in PARA 1101. If a student does not achieve this grade, s/he is required to re-take PARA 1101 and pass with the minimum grade before taking any other PARA courses.
* Note:PARA 1101, 2203, 2205, and 2209 are prerequisites for PARA 2211, PARA 2235, and the PARA electives (except PARA 2207 and PARA 2213, for which only 1101 is a prerequisite). Refer to the CSU Academic Catalog for a complete list of course prerequisites.