Parks and Leisure Department
Date 3 April 2015
Dear Ms Unia
Thank you for your e-mail dated 17 March 2015 requesting, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, information on the cost of cremation since 2010 in each of the financial years to the current year.
I can confirm that the Council does hold the information you have requested and has decided it can be disclosed. Please note that our Scale of Charge run from 1 April to 31 March each year. Accordingly, this information is set out below:
Price list for cremations 2010/2011 / Belfast Residents / Non-Belfast ResidentsStillborn child or child aged one or under / £53 / £105
Child (under 16) / £112 / £225
Adult (aged 16 or above) / £198 / £397
Hospital cremations / £72 / £145
Saturday and public holiday levy / £150 / £150
Price list for cremations 2011/2012 / Belfast Residents / Non-Belfast Residents
Stillborn child or child aged one or under / No charge / No charge
Child (under 16) / £112 / £248
Adult (aged 16 or above) / £198 / £437
Hospital cremations / £72 / £160
Saturday and public holiday levy / £150 / £150
Price list for cremations 2012/2013 / Belfast Residents / Non-Belfast Residents
Stillborn child or child aged one or under / No charge / No charge
Child (under 16) / £140 / £273
Adult (aged 16 or above) / £248 / £480
Hospital cremations / £90 / £176
Saturday and public holiday levy / £165 / £165
Price list for cremations 2013/2014 / Belfast Residents / Non-Belfast Residents
Stillborn child or child aged one or under / No charge / No charge
Child (under 16) / £147 / £286
Adult (aged 16 or above) / £300 / £530
Hospital cremations / £95 / £185
Saturday and public holiday levy / £165 / £165
Price list for cremations 2014/2015 / Belfast Residents / Non-Belfast Residents
Stillborn child or child aged one or under / No charge / No charge
Child (under 16) / £151 / £295
Adult (aged 16 or above) / £350 / £580
Hospital cremations / £98 / £191
Saturday and public holiday levy / £170 / £170
Price list for cremations 2015/2016 / Belfast Residents / Non-Belfast Residents
Stillborn child or child aged one or under / No charge / No charge
Child (under 16) / £155 / £300
Adult (aged 16 or above) / £360 / £595
Hospital cremations / £100 / £195
Saturday and public holiday levy / £170 / £170
Please note that if this information is to be published it should be attributed to being Belfast City Council’s response to a Freedom of Information request. For any media queries, you should contact Corporate Communications, Belfast City Council.
If you are dissatisfied with how the Council handled your request for information, you have the right to request that the Council formally review this decision. If you wish to do so, please write to the Records Manager, Belfast City Council, Chief Executive’s Department, Records Management Unit, Room 218, City Hall, Belfast, BT1 5GS.
Should you remain dissatisfied following the Council’s internal review, you can seek an independent review from the Information Commissioner. Requests for an independent review should be made in writing to: The Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. However I would advise you that the Information Commissioner has indicated that a review will not be undertaken unless the Council has first had an opportunity to re-consider its decision.
If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me at this office.
Yours sincerely
Sharon McCloy
Sharon McCloy (Mrs)
Cemeteries and Crematorium Manager
Tel: 028 9044 9398