Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council
Legislative & Public Policy Committee (L&PP)
Minutes January 5, 2016
Mission: The Legislative & Public Policy Committee guides the Council by actualizing the Council’s vision to establish and implement public policy which will further the independence, productivity and integration of people with developmental disabilities by effecting positive system change.
The Committee is guided by all goals and objectives of the Council’s Five-Year Plan for 2012-2016.
The Committee specifically addresses Goal 5, Objective One of the Plan.
Goal 5: Improve the quality of life, and increase real choices for people with disabilities to live in their communities by providing them the resources they need to live a quality inclusive life.
Objective 2: Engage in public policy and advocacy activities that encourage and result inthe simplification and coordination of systems and resources for the support of people with developmental disabilities.
In attendance: Members: Lisa Franklin (GTM), Ed George Co-Chair, Deon Gillespie (GTM),Sarah Metsch
Guests: Allison George, Chris Roe, Claire Levy, Rep. Max Tyler
34 people from the community, Senate and House of Representatives
Staff: Sue Fager (GTM), Julie Farrar, Lionel Llewellyn, Marcia Tewell
Affordable Housing-A Community Discussion:
Allison George, Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), Director Division of Housing opened the discussion with affordable housing statistics. She mentioned a 70 unit Greenhouse Project in a Loveland Retirement Community. It was clarified that those units are “segregated housing, by age and ability”. Chris Roe, also with the Division of Housing, spoke about ongoing efforts to expandaffordable, accessible community housing, including the Colorado Choice Transitions Program and the Home Modifications Medicaid benefit.
Audience members pointed out barriers to affordable housing, including the ability in Denver, to pay into a fund instead of complying with local affordable housing codes in new construction and development. Jayla Sanchez-Warren from Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG), highlighted barriers for seniors that also keep people from aging in the community and how the acute affordable housing shortage is leading to homelessness for vulnerable populations.
Claire Levy, Executive Director of the Colorado Center on Law and Policy introduced Representative Max Tyler. He echoed concerns that the current housing/construction boom going on right now does not meet the needs of many Coloradans. Too few being built are for low income families and that solutions must be found.
The Colorado unclaimed property fund is currently only used to help pay for the Medicaid adult dental benefit. If only 1/3 of this fund is used, $20-25 million could be used to expand affordable housing options for low and ultra-low income Coloradans. Another option would be to extend the state tax credit for another five years. He urged everyone to watch for the legislation he is introducing and get involved. Talk with your elected officials, testify at the legislature, to bring this epidemic to the forefront.
Claire Levy, Colorado Center on Law and Policy, described the bill she and others are crafting to make access to affordable housing through tax credits and flexible financing. She pointed out that stable health of Coloradoans can be traced back to having a stable housing situation. They are asking for our support to help pass this legislation. We want assurances that the new housing will comply with the Federal Housing standards around accessible, visitable and adaptable housing, similar to the language included in the Flood Plains Tax Credit legislation of a few years ago.
Meeting Adjourned:1:00 pm
Next meeting, Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at the Capitol
I://draft/Committees/L&PP/2016/Minutes/ 1-5-2016