April 13, 2012 Legislative Committee Minutes

Approved as Presented – May 9, 2012

Legislative Committee Meeting Minutes

Friday, April 13, 2012

8:00 a.m.

Administration Board Room
320 West Jackson Ave.

  1. Call to Order Commissioner Heide called the meeting to order at approximately 8:05 a.m.
  1. Roll Call Present:Commissioner Gerry Heide, Vice President Kirsten Young, Executive Director Ray McGury, Human Resources Director Katie Sepe, Legal Counsel Derke Price, Community Development Manager Sue Omanson.

III. / Matters from the Public
The Board will now receive public comment for up to three minutes per speaker on non-agenda topics. The Board will allow public comment on agenda topics prior to Board discussion for up to three minutes.
There were no matters from the public.
IV. / Approval of Minutes
Action and Motion Requested: Move to approve the Minutes from the March 2, 2011Legislative Committee Meeting. The Minutes were approved.
V. / Unfinished Business
  1. Update and strategy forbills concerning background checks for minor employees: HB 3129, HB 4643, SB 2286, and SB 3809;
The only active bill at this time is SB 3809, which has passed the Senate and is scheduled for a hearing in the House Counties and Townships Committee on Wed., April 18 at 3:30 p.m. Rep. Senger recommended that the Naperville Park District send a representative to be present at the hearing and if needed, to testify in support of the bill. Attorney Price and Director Sepe are unable to attend. Manager Omanson plans to attend.
B. Update and strategy for bills concerning property tax extension limitation (PTELL): SB 2073 and SB 2862. This bill is unlikely to pass, but we will continue to watch it.
VI. / New Business
  1. Other bills or legislative issues.
The committee briefly discussed the Pittman/Robertson Act, which is a federal law providing funds for shooting ranges and restoration of associated natural areas. We will research the availability of these funds in Illinois to assist with the cleanup and restoration of Sportsman’s Park and may enlist the help of our legislators in the process.
  1. IAPD Parks Day at the Capitol and Legislative Conference, May 1-2
Executive Director McGury and President Mike Reilly plan to attend the IAPD Legislative Conference.
  1. Next legislative committee meeting
The next meeting is set for Wed., May 9 at 8:00 a.m.
XI. / Adjournment
Action and Motion Requested: Move to adjourn the April 13, 2012Legislative Committee Meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:35 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Sue Omanson

Community Development Manager